"Along with the Urns were found various other earthen Vessels; as, a Simpulus, a Patera of a very fine red Earth, and a bluish Glass Viol of that Sort that is ommonly called a Lachrymatory. On this there appeared something like Gilding, very fine."

There were likwise found several Beads, one or two Copper Rings, a Fibula of the same Mettal, but much impaired and decayed; as also a Coin of Antoninus Pius, exhibiting on one Side the Head of that Emperor, with a radiated Crown on, and this Inscription, ANTONINUS AUG.....

At about the same Depth with the Things beforementioned, but nearer to the City Wall, and without the Verge of the Pavement, was digged up an human Skull, with several Bones that had not been burnt, as those in the Urns had. But for a larger and more satisfactory Account of these Antiquities, I refer the Reader to the said learned Doctor's Letter, now printed at large by Mr. Hearne, with Leland's Itinery, in Octavo.

Mr Hearne.

An Elephant's Body was found in a Field near to Sir John Oldcastle's not far from Battle Bridge, by Mr. John Coniers, an Apothecary, and a great Searcher after Antiquities, as he was digging there.

An Elephant's Body.


Some Years ago, on the South Side of Ludgate, was taken up out of the Rubbish a Roman Inscription, taken Notice of by learned Men.

Coming in at Ludgate, in the Residentiary's Yard of St. Paul's, was discovered some Years ago an Aqueduct, close adjoining to the Wall of the City. And such another was found after the Fire by Mr. Span in Holiday Yard in Creed Lane, in digging the Foundation for a new Buildin. And this was carried round a Bath, that was built in a Roman Form, with Nieches at an equal Distance for Seats.

An Aqueduct.

Anno 1716, in digging for Foundation of a new Church, to be erected where the Church of St. Mary Woolnoth in Lombard-street stood, at the Depth of about 15 Foot, and so lower to 22 Foot were found Roman Vessels, both for sacred and domestic Uses, of all Sorts, and in great Abundance, but all broken: And with-all were taken up Tusks and Bones of Boars and Goats. As also many Meddals, and Pieces of Metals; some tesselated Works, a Piece of an Aqueduct; and at the very Bottom a Well filled up with Mire and Dirt; which being taken away, there arose a fine Spring of Water. Dr. Harwood, of the Commons, hath been very exact in taking Notice from Time to Time of these Antiquities; and hath sorted and preserved a great many of the most curious and remakable of them; and supposeth, by probable Conjecture, that here was not only a Pottery, but also, that on this Place, or near it, stood the Temple of Concord; which our Roman Historians speak of to have been in this City, when called Trinobantum. These Sheards were in such vast Quantities, that many Cart Loads were carried away with the Rubbish, and the Roads about St. George's Fields in Southwark mended with them.

Antiquities in St. Mary Woolnoth Church.

Dr. Harwood, an exact Collector of them.

Anno 1718, in the Month of May, the Workmen pulling down a Wall at Bridewel Hospital, found a Gold Ring an Inch and Quarter broad, enamelled: Having the Resemblance of Christ on the Cross engraved on it, with a mourning Heart, and a Pillar with a Cock on the Top. The Inscription was in Arabic; and some Antiquaries who saw it, reckoned it to be 1500 Years since it was made. This is related in the Weekly Journal, No. 1047.

A Gold Ring enamelled, an Inch and a Quarter broad; found in an old Wall.

This is what I could, by diligent Enquiry of my Friends, collect, concerning Antiquities found in London.

J. S.

The following Tract, being somewhat curious, concerning the ancient Prison of Ludgate, with the State, Customs, Uses, and Abuses thereof; I have thought worthy the Preserving, and to be subjoin'd to the rest. Written in the Year 1659.



LUDGATE, What it is; not what it was. Or, a full and clear Discovery and Description of the Nature and Quality, Orders and Government, Duties of Officers, Benefits and Privileges, Fees and Charges, of that Prison. Also an exact Catalogue of the Legacies now belonging to the said Prison; the Names of the several Donors, and the Persons appointed to pay them. Very useful and profitable to all Sorts of Persons, especially in London, whether Creditors or Debtors. Also, an Epistle Dedicatory, and a Preface, wrote by the Author, then a Prisoner there.

To the Right Honourable THOMAS ALLEN, Lord Maior of this Honourable City of LONDON.


May it please your Lordship,
KING David (that Holy Man, Great Prophet, and Good Magistrate) longed for, and accepted of, a Bottle of Water, from his three Worthies, drawn out of the Well at the Gate of Bethlehem, which was then the Quarters of the Philistines, his Enemies; though he drank it not, but poured it forth before the Lord, as an Offering, to quench the Thirst of his droughty Army: I hope, my Lord, his Example may, in some Part, be an Incentive to your Lordship to accept of this small Tract presented unto you by one unworthy, though you read it not, which
