VII. Of the Office of the Scavenger.

IT is the Duty of the Scavenger to keep the House cleansed in all the several Places and Parts thereof. To him it belongeth properly to put the Bolts or Shakles upon any Prisoner, punished for the Breach of Orders in the House, and to have of the Offender one Penny; the like of them that suffer the Stocks, at their Release. He hath for his standing Salary five Shillings eight Pence per Month, two Pence of every Prisoner at his coming in first, out of the sixteen Pence Table Money by him paid; which, as is all the rest, is paid by the Master of the Box at the Account Day.


VIII. The Office of the Chamberlain.

THE Chamberlain is by single Nomination of the Master Keeper only, and neither by the Table of Assistants, nor by common Vote; the Reason is, because to him is committed the keeping and looking to of all the Bedding and Linnen, which is the Master Keepers; to him it belongs to place Men in Beds at their coming in, to furnish them with Sheets, for which he receives one Shilling six Pence, and pays to the Keeper at the Rate of six Pence for all Sheets used in the House: But then note, that Sheets afterwards are only eight Pence or twelve Pence a Pair, if you lie single, or with another; the Chamberlain is at the Charge of the washing them into the Bargain. He should, by Order of the House, make the Beds for all the Charity Men, for which he should (by an Order made for his Advantage) have two Pence a Month for his Pains; which for a long Time he hath received, though he never touches their Beds; but in the Beginning it was not so. He warns all Strangers to depart the House at Ten of the Clock at Night: Which formerly was done by ringing of a Bell. He hath no House Salary, but as aforesaid, yet lives well thereupon, having most of his Subsistence at the Master Keeper's, and is as his Houshold Servant.


IX. The Duty of the Running Post.

HE that is Post is chosen by the Table or Court, consisting of the Master Keeper, Stewards, and Assistants. And his Duty is to fetch in the Basket of broken Meat from the Right Honourable the Lord Maiors; to wait upon the Clerk of the Market for such kind of Provision as he gets for Prisoners of the Market People, which, when brought Home, is exposed to Sale among the Charity, as in a Market, and he that bids most carries it: The Resaon is, because every one cannot partake of that little that is so sent, therefore, he that hath the Market, hath the less Money, to prevent Difference amongst the Necessitous. The Clerk of the Market takes a Receipt for what he sends in, and so do all that send in any Provision. His Business lies most abroad, and therefore called the Running Post: He hath four Shillings per Month Salary, one Penny per Month out of every Charity Man's Dividend, and the like out of the sixteen Pence Table Money before spoken of, and no other Allowance whatsoever.

Running Post.

X. The Office of the Cryers.

THere be six Cryers at the Grates, which divide the Week amongst them, and by their Days and their Hours, as they have so ordered the Business, that they have mutual Time of begging allowed them: As for Example, A Box is let down in the Hole at the Gate at five in the Afternoon, the Man begs 'till about Nine, and then it is taken up and opened, and the Master of the Box takes an Account thereof. In the Morning the same Box is let down again, and the same Man begs 'till Twelve a Clock; then another Box is let down, and another Man begs 'till Two, then the same goes in again 'till five, at which Time the Box is open'd again, and the Cryer receives the fourth Part of what is begged. The like Decorum is held at the Window toward Black-Fryars; only, because of the Little that is there, the Crier hath half what he gets. Thus go they by Turns; and what they so crave, and how it is bestowed, I shall hereafter make appear in the Chapter of Privileges.


IV. Having given an Account of the several Officers of the House, and their respective Duties; it follows in order, to treat of the Privileges and Benefits vulgarly known and enjoyed by the Prisoners. And they properly consist in the Gifts and Legacies given by many worthy Men, and good Benefactors; the Arms of some of them, with their Names, hang up in the Chapel at this Day, and are most of them comprised in one entire Table, which is likewise there; in the Top of which (in good old Characters) is thus written:

The Privileges and Benefits of the Prisoners.

The Arms of our good Benefactors, which giveth to the Relief of us poor Men, in this Goal of Ludgate, Prisoners.

The Catalogue of whose Names I had thought to have exposed to view as they are there set down; but having (by a very strange Providence) the Sight of a Book wherein was set down the Names of all the Benefactors, whose Donations are now paid unto the House, the several Sums they gave, and the Persons or Companies which do pay the same, I chose rather to take a Breviate thereof, and publish it for general Satisfaction, and afterwards to give you an Account how they now differ in the present disposing thereof from the original Intendment of the Donors, as by that Table beforementioned will appear. It is thus entitled:

Legacies and Ample-Money.


These Legacies, bequeathed by good Benefactors deceased, for the most part yearly, and for ever, be as followeth.


SIR Thomas Gresham gave yearly to this House for ever, to be paid by the Chamberlain10l.
Sir Roger Martin, by the Mercers 2l.
Sir John Peache, by the Grocers5s.
Sir John Kneesworth, by the Fishmongers1l.
Sir James Smith, by the Fishmongers3s. 4d.
Mr. John Draper, by the Skinners13s. 4d.
Sir Will. Horn, by the Salters 5s.
Mr. Robert Ferrebras, by the Leathersellers6s. 8d.
The Lady Elizabeth Morris, by the Armorers1l.
Sir William Peacock, by the Haberdashers1l. 10s.
Mr. Tho. Cottels, Tallowchandler, gave to this House yearly for ever, a hind Quarter of Beef, and a Peck of Oatmeal, by the Churchwardens of St. Dunstans in the East, rated at1l.
The Lady Margaret North gave yearly for ever in Bread 13 Pence every Sunday, out of the King's Head Tavern by Newgate2l. 12s.
Mr. Warner King, by the Fishmongers1l.
Mr. Will. Roper, by the Parish Clarks 1l.
Mr. Tho. Dawson, White Baker, by the Churchwardens of St. Ethelburgh's9s.

A Table of Benefactors.
