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Map of the Parish of S   Map of the Parish of ST Mary Rotherhith ]

and in their Death not long divided. He departed this Life the 24th of Novemb. 1694, in the 70th Year of his Age. She on the 9th of August 1697, in the 62 of her Age. To whose Memory and perpetual Care their Son Edmund hath erected this Monument.

Middle Ile.

The Body of Richard Atkinson, late of this Parish; who departed the 3d of Septemb. 1677, aged 37. Also the Bodies of three Children, Katharine, James, and James.
Also his Mother, Mrs. Katharine Stallings, Widow, who departed the 12th of Novemb. 1688. Aged 68.
Also Thomas Son of Richard Atkinson, who departed the 11th of July 1700. Aged 30.
Also Lot, eldest son of Richard Atkinson: Who departed 15 Aug. 1700. Aged 34.

The Body of Joan Blisse, Wife of William Blisse, Esq; formerly the Wife of Henry Partridge, Esq; and one of the Daughters of Robert Jaques, Esq; by Joan his Wife, who was Daughter and Heir of William Fox, Esq; and lyeth also interred here. She departed the 2. of October, 1673. Ætat. suæ 27.

George Powel, of this Parish, who departed 28. Decembr. 1705, in the 47th of his Age.

A Table of Benefactors is set up in this Church, which was repaired and beautified, and the Altar-Piece erected, and the Chancel railed, at the Charge of the Parishioners, Anno Dom. 1704.

Upon a Sunday in the Month of July, 1o Reg. Georgii, in the Time of Divine Service, there happened a sudden Rupture in the Wall of this Church: Which put the Congregation then assembled into such general Consternation, that they all ran out; and many, in making their Escape, were bruised, and trodden under Foot, and received great Hurt. And upon a careful Review of the Church by experienced Workmen, (the Structure being very ancient) it was found so much decayed in the Pillars, Walls, and Beams, and in the Roof and Foundation: That notwithstanding the Sum of 850l. laid out in Repairs by the Parish, the same could not any longer be supported: And so of late was taken all down, and rebuilt from the Foundation. For which the Parish got a Brief, wherein the Charge was said to amount to 926l. and upwards.

A sudden Rupture in this Church.

In this Parish, fronting the Road, is a fine Hospital, very handsomely and largely built, like the House of some Gentleman of Rank, for 22 Persons; who have Eight Shillings a Month each, besides Coals and Cloth. To it belongeth a Chapel, where Prayers are said every Day by a Chaplain. The worshipful Company of Fishmongers of London have the Care of it.

And now we proceed in our Walk to the Parishes on the South East and Eastern Parts bordering upon LONDON: Some in Kent, and some in Essex; whose Banks are mostly washed by the River Thames.



The Circuit-Walk on the South East and East Parts: viz. Rotherhith. Deptford. Greenwich: The College there: The Hospital there. Stepney: The Parsonage: Divers Remarks of that Parish. Poplar. Blackwall. With Cognizance of the Monuments of the Dead in those Parishes.



THE next Town onward to the South East of the City, and lying upon the Bank of the River, is Rotherhith, commonly called Redriff.

J. S.

It hath a small old Church, going down into it by some Steps. It is not sufficient to contain the numerous Inhabitants; and requires new building and enlarging. It was repaired and new pewed at the Parish Charge, 1687. At five a Clock in the Afternoon, every third Sunday in the Month, is a Sermon here preached, maintained by Batchelors: Which Sermon is accompanied with a Collection at the Church Door. The Maintainers of this Lecture put out and keep about 20 Boys to School. Sacrament Sermons are also preached here every Thursday in the Month.

The Church repaired.


In this Parish is a Free School, for teaching eight Children of Seamen to read and write. For which is allowed 8l.per Ann.


This Parish Church hath of late Years cost the Inhabitants several hundred Pounds in Repairs: But yet, by standing low and near the Banks of the River Thames, is overflowed: Whereby the Foundation of the Church is rotted; and was in such great Danger of falling down, that the Inhabitants could not without Danger of their Lives, assemble to hear Divine Service therein. Which occasioned them to obtain a Brief Anno 1710, to enable them to take it down, and rebuild it. The Charge whereof they computed at 4361l. and upwards. And that it might be built again of larger Capacity, the Chuch not being able to contain half the Parishioners, which good Work is now effected.

The Decay of Rotherith Church.
