The Circuit Walk. Greenwich.92

The Circuit Walk. Greenwich.

Enterred here doth ly a worthy Wyght
Who for long Tyme in Musick bore the Bell:
His Name to shew, was Thomas Gallys hyght,
In honest vertuous Lyff he dyd excell.
He serv'd long Tyme in Chapp with grete prayse,
Fower Sovereygnes Reygnes (a Thing not often seen)
I mean Kyng Henry and Prynce Edward's Dayes,
Quene Mary, and Elizabeth our Quene.
He maryed was, though Children he had none,
And lyv'd in Love full thre and thirty Yeres,
Wyth loyal Spowse, whos Name yclyipt was Jone,
Who here entomb'd, him Company now bears.
As he did lyve, so also did he dy,
In myld and quyet Sort (O! happy Man)
To God ful oft for Mercy did he cry,
Wherefore he lyves, let Death do what he can.

A fair black Marble Stone, inscribed,

Heic sita est Dorothea Littleton, uxor Edvardi Littleton de Comitatu Salop. Armigeri, ex Boothiorum orta familia, antiqua Probitate, & illustri prudentia, pudore, pietate, & omnimoda virtute conspicua, &c. 1686.

Against the South Wall of the Chancel, an old Brass Plate, with a Man and Woman kneeling one behind another, thus inscribed:

Hard to this Wal lyeth buryed the Body of Antonie Lyle, Esquier, and his Wife. Which Antonie was one of the fower Gentlemen-Ushers, daily Waiters unto our most Gracious Sovereigne Lady Quene Elizabeth: And dyed in the Lord the xviii. Day of Janaury 1579. Unto whom God grant a joyful Resurrection.

Against the East Wall, a Monument for

Anne Newton, Daughter of Sir Henry Newton, Kt. and Dame Katharine his Wife. Who dying of the Age of 17 Years, in the Year of our Lord God 1600, in the Prime of her Years, and in the perfect Fear of God, and Love of Vertue, expecteth with holy Virgins a joyful Resurrection.

Colonel Richard Oxenden, 1697. Aged 84. And Sarah his Wife, 1700. Aged 78.

Within the Rails are three flat Stones, with Brass Plates:

One for Rychard Bower, late Gentleman of the Chapel, and Master of the Children to K. Hnery the Eighth, K. Edward the Sixth, Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth. He deceased 26. July, 1561.

Another hath the Picture of a Man in the Dress of those Times, with Trunk Breeches, Doublet embroidered, and Garters with Knots; a Chain of Gold over his right Shoulder, coming down under his left Side, and a Rose and Crown with the Queen's Supporters on his Breast; and slit Sleeves, short Hair, and a trimmed Beard: With this Inscription:

Here under this Stone lyeth buried the Body of John Whytte, Gent. who was born in Cornwal; and was one of the Quene's Majesty's Ordinary Footmen: Who ended his Life the 6. Day of Octob. in the 21st Yere of the Raygn of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, An. Dom. 1579. being of the Age of 42. Whose Sowl resteth with God.

The third Plate is for Henry Traifford, Esq; sometime Clerk of the Green Cloth to the vertuous Q. Elizabeth, deceased, 1585. With the Trafford's Coat and Crest: The Motto, NOW. THUS.

Edward Berti, Son of Francis and Katharine Berti, 1588. Aged 27.

A Table with Coats of Arms, and this Inscription:

Juxta heic positæ sunt Sepulchrales Johannis Sanct-Amandi ex Agro Nottinghamiensi, Armigeri, Exuviæ. Qui ob. An. Ætat. 70. Salutis humanæ 1664. Una cum Johanne Filio suo primogenito duobusque liberis.

South Ile.

On the East Wall, a rich Monument of white Marble, with the Figure of a Man half Way, in his Alderman's Gown:

Sacred to the Memory of Sir William Hooker, Kt. of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, and Lætitia his first Lady, Daughter of Francis Coppinger, of Middlesex, Esq; &c. He was Sheriff of London and Middlesex in the great Plague and dreadful Fire of London, in the Year 1665 and 1666. He was Lord Maior of London in the Year 1674. In which Place he acquitted himself with great Loyalty, Honour, and Honesty. He had by his first Lady three Sons and four Daughters. His second Wife was Susanna, Daughter of Sir Tho. Bendish of Bumsted in the County of Essex, Bart. He finished his well-spent Pilgrimage 10 July, 1697, in the 85 Year of his Age.

Favete Linguis. Sub hoc marmore requiescunt sacri Cineres Johannis Wardal, inclyti olim Londinensis Mercatoris, &c. Of the ancient Stock of the Wardals of Calais in Normandy, 1658. Aged 80.

The learned Antiquarian's Monument against the South Wall, viz.

William Lambard of Lincoln's Inn: Sometime Master in Chancery: Keeper of the Rolls and Records within the Tower. Of the Office of Alienations to Queen Elizabeth. Founded the College of the Poor of Greenwich, and endowed it. Ob. 1601, Aug. 19, at Westcomb in East Greenwich.

Sir Moulton Lambard of Westcomb in East Greenwich, Kt. Son and Heir of the foresaid William Lambard, 1634.

Thomas Lambard, Esq; his only Son and Heir, erected this Monument to Sir Moulton Lambard his aged and dear Father.

Major John Mawgridge, who served three Kings, K. Charles I. K. Charles II. and dyed in the Reign and Service of K. James II, 1688. And Elizabeth Mawgridge his Wife, 1692.

Flat Stones laid over,

Richard the Son of Benjamin Glanvil, Merchant of London, 1656.

Eldest Daughter of William Lord Sherrard, Baron of Letrim: Interred near her Grandfather and Great Grandfather of her Mother's Side, 1648.
