The Circuit Walk. Stepney.96

The Circuit Walk. Stepney.

said Cure, during the Space of one Month; and the other Portionist the succeeding Month; and so on in continual Succession. And they, from Time to Time, to hold, take, receive, and enjoy, the same Rectory, and the Messuages, Glebe, Lands, Rents, Reversions, Services, to the same Rectory and Vicarage appertaining; and all manner of Tithes as well great as small; and all Fruits, Oblations, Obventions, Perquisites, &c. equally to be divided and enjoyed between them, Part and Part alike.

The Portionists likewise to pay to the Principal and Scholars of the said College for ever, at the four most usual Feasts, and Days of Payment, the yearly Pension of 106l. free of and from all Charges, Payments, Taxes, &c. each Portionist to pay 53l. [being his Share] to be made at or in the common Dining-Hall of the said College, and without any Demand to be made for the same. Twenty Pounds thereof, Part of the said yearly Pension, to be paid and applied towards the Maintenance of two Scholars in the said College, and other Uses; for which the Principal and Scholars purchased and applied certain Wood-Grounds, called Ashenshaw, &c. Which they sold for the Purchase of this Rectory.

John Wright, during the Time he should continue Rector, to hold and enjoy the Vicarage House: And afterward, the first Portionist, of Ratcliff Stepney Portion, and his Successors, may enjoy the Rectory, or Parsonage House, with the Orchard and Gardens thereunto belonging, after the Determination of a Lease of the same, now in being, made by Edward Northey, Esq; now Sir Edward Northey, &c. and others, for the Term of 99 Years, if Charles Earl of Peterburgh, and Thoms White the then Rector of Stepney should so long live, and until the Determination thereof; shall and may receive, enjoy, and take the Annual Rent of 26l. reserved by the said Lease.

The first Portionist of Ratcliff Stepney, to be liable to pay to the Queen's Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, the first Fruits and Tenths, as the said Rectory of Stepney now standeth charged with in her Majesty's Books in the First Fruits Office: And also all Procurations, Synodals, &c. And the first Portionist of Spittle-fields Stepney Portion, and his Successors, to enjoy the Vicarage House, with the Orchards, Gardens, &c. from and after the Death of John Wright, until a more convenient House shall be provided for him, by and at the Charge of the Parishioners of the said Parish of Stepney; to be approved of and by the Lord Bishop of London, and the Principal of the abovesaid College. And after such Provision of an House, the said Vicarage shall be and remain to such Persons as shall be the Churchwardens of the said Parish for the Time being; for the Uses and Purposes, as the Vestry shall from Time to Time order, direct, and appoint. And this said first Portionist of Spittle-fields Stepney Portion, and his Successors, shall be liable to and pay to the Queen, her Heirs and Successors, all such and the same first Fruits and Tenths, as the said Vicarage of Stepney now standeth charged with, in her Majesty's Books in the First Fruits Office, and also all Procurations, Synodals, &c.

It shall be lawful for the Principal and Scholars of the said College, and their Successors, upon any Vacancy, from Time to Time, to nominate fit Clarks to officiate in the Chapel at Stratford Bow; and in all other Churches and Chapels, that now are, or shall be built within the said Parish of Stepney; and to receive the Profits belonging to the same.

This Act to be taken and allowed in all Courts of Justice, as a publick Act. And all Judges and Justices, hereby required as such, to take Notice thereof, without special Pleading the same.

Mr. Wright, the abovesaid Vicar, died July 1718. So that the said Rectory being actually void; and the Act for dividing and disposing it two Portions commenced from hence. And accordingly the College have presented their Clarks.]

In the Church of St. Dunstan's Stepney are these ensuing Monuments.


In the Chancel.

One ancient Monument of Sir Henry Collet, Kt. third Son of Robert Collet, Esq; twice Lord Maior of London, and free of the Mercers, and Father to Dr. John Collet, sometime Dean of St. Paul's. It was refreshed by the Company of Mercers in the Year 1605, on the North Side.


The said Sir Henry deceased 1510.

This Tomb was repaired the second Time, at the Charge of the Company of Mercers, London, the 28th of July, 1697.

J. S.

Sir John Wolfe, Kt. Master, and Sheriff of London.
Laurence Moyer, Surveyor-Warden,
William Willis, House-Warden,
William Trigg, Renter-Warden.]

On the North Side of the Chancel, is the following Inscription.

Here resteth the Body of Robert Clarke, Esquire, Sonne of Roger Clarke, Esquire, late Alderman of the City of London: A Man humble in Prosperity, and a liberal Distributer to the Poore, courteous and affable to all; an upright and just Dealer in this World, and a most religious Seeker of the World to come. He had to Wife Margaretta, Daughter to John Langton, Esquire, sometime Governour of the English Company in Sprucia, under the King of Polonia. Who lived together in great Love and Integrity almost sixe Yeeres. He had by her one only Daughter, named Frances, who lived one Yeere three Quarters; and here lies interred with her most deare and loving Father.
In whose Memory the said Margaretta, to expresse her true Love and Affection, hath caused this Monument to be erected. He died the xxx. Day of May, Anno Dom. 1610, having lived xxxvi Yeeres.

A little Monument on the South Side of the Chancel, hath this Inscription.

Genero suo Guilielmo Dawtrey, quondam Lincolniensis Hospitii socio, Willielmi Dawtrey, Sussexiæ, Armigeri, Filio & Hæredi; viro ingenii accumine, mentis acie, & non vulgari Municipalium Angliæ legum scientia præcellenti, Richardus Stonley, Armiger, hic Amoris, & pietatis symbolum posuit. Obiit 16 Octobris, 1589.

A Monument at the upper End of the Chancel hath this Inscription.

Sacræ Memoriæ
Janæ Nevillæ Dominæ Dethicke Matronæ Religiosissimæ, Modestissimæ, omnibus qua corporis, qua Animi (dum vixit) dotibus ornatissimæ: Jesu Christi servæ devotissimæ; conjugi suæ fidelissimæ, amantissimæ. Quæ cum viginti fere duos Annos felicissime transegerat, Alexander Nevillus, Ar-
