

miger, hoc nunquam intermorituri amoris sui Monumentum fieri, Testamento curavit. Postquam Annos ferè sexaginta novem vixerat, vicessimo nono Novembris 1606, placidissimè in Domino obdormivit.
Tobiah Worthington, Alexandro Nevillo, ex Testamento solus, ipsius mandato, hoc Monumentum posuit.

On a little Brass Monument in the South Side of the Chancel is thus written:

Hereunder lieth buried Nicholas Gibson, Citizen and Grocer of London, and Avis his Wife: Who were Founders of the Free Schoole at Ratcliffe. And after she married with Sir Anthony Knevit, Knight, which lieth here buried also. Which Nicholas died the xxiij. of September, Anno 1510: And the said Lady Avis died the third Day of Ocotber, 1554. Whose Souls Jesu pardon.

The Writer of this Epitaph was guilty of Carelessness, both in the Date of Nicholas Gibson's Death, For he was Sheriff in the Year 1538, (that is, long after the Year here set down, in which he is said to die.) And also in the Name of Avis her second Husband, who was William Knevit, Esquire. As appears by the Verses graven upon Nicholas's Marble Monument, yet preserved in our Books, (though not in the Church) which ran thus:

J. S.

Wev. p. 541.

The fyve and twentyth Day of thys Monyth of Septembyr,
And of owre Lord God the fifteenth hundryd and fourty Yeere,
Master Nicholas Gybson dyde, as thys Tombe doth remembyr.
Whose Wyff aftyr marryed the worschypful Esquier,
Master William Knevet, one of the Kynges privy Chambre, &c.]

But here the Monument itself is wrong: For his Name was indeed Anthony. As appears in Porter's Case, in the second Book of Cook's Reports.

Here were two other (and they spiritual) Persons of great Note in their Time, buried anciently in this Church, with Monuments and Inscriptions, which are long since gone; but preserved in Wever's Monuments.

J. S.

The one was John Kitte, or Kite, a Londoner born, first a Titular Archbishop in Greece, afterwards made Bishop of Carlisle. He flourished under three Kings, as the old Verses on his Stone shewed; namely, K. Edward IV, K. Henry VII, and K. Henry VIII. By which last he was sent Ambassador to the King of Spain. Dyed Jun. 19, 1537. The Epitaph began,

Undyr thys Stone closyd & marmorate Lyeth JOHN KITTE Londoner natiff, &c.

The other was Richard Pace, Dean of St. Paul's, a very learned, affable, and good Man; whom K. Henry VIII. employed Ambassador to Maximilian the Emperor, and at Rome. He was bred up under Cardinal Wolsey. He dyed young, at the Age of 40, Anno 1532. His Epitaph was in tolerable good Latin Verse; beginning,

Ricardus jacet hic venerabilis ille Decanus,     
Qui fuit ætatis doctus Apollo suæ, &c.]

In the Chancel likwise was the Monument of one deservedly to be remembred to Posterity, having been the first Founder of Trinity House.

Hereunder was laid up the Body of Sir Thomas Spert, Knight, sometime Comptrowller of the Navy to K. Henry VIII, and both the first Founder and Master of the Society or Corporation of the TRINITY House. He lived innobled by his own Worth; and dyed the 8th of September, in the Year 1541. To whose pious Memory the said Corporation hath gratefully erected this Memorial.

Not that he needed Monument of Stone,
For his well-gotten Fame to rest upon:
But this was rear'd to testify that he
Lives in their Loves, that yet surviving be.
For unto Vertue, which first rais'd his Name,
He left the Preservation of the same.
And to Posterity remain it shall,
When Brass and Marble Monuments do fall.
Learn for to die while thou hast Breath,
So shalt thou live after thy Death.

Anno Domini, 1622, by the Company of the Trinity House, this Monument was erected 81 Years after the Decease of their Founder.

Here lyeth also in the same Chancel, under the Communion Table, the Body of HENRY STEWARD, Lord DARLEY, of the Age of three Quarters of a Year; Son and Heir of MATTHEW STEWARD Earl of Lenox, and Lady MARGARET his Wife. Which Henry deceased the 28th Day of Novemb. in the Year 1545. Whose Soul Jesu pardon.

The Noble Father of this Henry had another Son of the same Name: Who afterwards had the Honour to marry MARY Queen of Scots; by whom he had JAMES the First, King of England.

Add. The Wife of John Brewster, Esq; ob. An. 1596. On a Brass Plate these Verses:

Here lyes the Wife of JOHN BREWSTER, Esquire,
Whose heavenly Death declares her happy Life;
Fame, say thy worst of her, I thee desire,
And thou must blaze her for a godly Wife.
Of Rich and Poor thou know'st belov'd was she:
Speak thou, therefore, the rest of her for me.
I say no more, her Name was Thomasine.
Now blessed is Almighty God therefore,
And praised be his Name for evermore.

Against the East Wall, somewhat out of Sight; South of the Communion Table:

In Memory of Elizabeth, the Widow of Richard Startute Citizen and Fishmonger of London. Who had Issue by him 3 Sons and 4 Daughters. After 16 Years spent with him, remaining 34 Years his Widow: In Life and Death a constant Example of true Vertue; and sweetly slept in the Lord Decemb. 5, 1620. Ætat. suæ 74.

Under this Monument:

Michael Merrial and Clare his Wife, eldest Daughter of Eliz. Startute A Monument of her Vertue and their Love

Later Monuments of Persons here interred.

In the Chancel.

Sir John Berry, born in Devonshire; a brave and successful Sea Captain, 1689.

J. S.

William Bushel, Esq;

William Hunt, late of Poplar, 1648.

Sir Humphrey Nicolson, Kt. 1682.
