

The Circuit Walk on the East and North East Parts bordering upon LONDON, viz. Shadwell St. Paul. Bromley St. Leonard. Stratford le Bow. West Ham. Low Leyton. Walthamstow. Wansted. With an Account of the Antiquities; Monuments of the Dead; and benevolent Charities in those Parishes.



WE proceed to the Town of Shadwell, lying within the Bosom of the Parish of Stepney; but of later Times made a Parish distinct from it, and called St. Paul Shadwell: So called, as belonging to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, who are Patrons thereof.

St. Paul's Shadwell.

J. S.

This is a fair Church, built with Brick, and so is the Steeple: With Galleries round. That on the North was built chiefly by Capt. Thomas Brian of Wappin Wall. That on the South was erected and built at the Charge of the Inhabitants Anno Dom. 1683. Upon the West Gallery is writ, This Church was repaired at the Parish Charge 1691. The same Date is upon the fair Portal West. There is the Date of An. 1656, on the North Door; when, I suppose, the Church was built.



In the Chancel of this Church, North of the Communion Table;

James Cook, 1699. Aged 16 Years.

View, Traveller, as you pass by,
COOK's Relicks of Mortality:
Whose Angel's Face, Seraphic Skin,
Proclaim'd some noble Soul within, &c.

James the second Son of Capt. James Cook, and Alice his Wife, 1678. And James their third Son, who dyed 1680. And Nicholas their fourth Son, 1687.

James Mott of this Parish, Vintner, 1703.

Widow of Capt. John Matthews, 1700.

Other Stones before the Table, the Inscriptions whereof are worn out.

Anne late Wife of Edmund Hulme, 1677. Also Edmund Hulme of lower Shadwell, Distiller, 1685.

Tho. Grimble, Shipwright, 1696. And his Son Green Grimble, 1698.

Elizabeth England, 1696, and Margaret, 1697, Children of James England.

John Crab, Son of John Crab, 1658.

North Ile.

Mark Chichely, Son in Law to Richard Thorneton, 1682. And his Mother, 1690.

Margaret, Wife of John Legre, 1669.

Barbara Short, late Wife of Ralph Short, 1699.

Frances Nayler, late Wife of Richard Nayler, 1695. Also Richard Nayler, Apothecary, 1695.

Jasper Sketcher, 1679.

Tho. Brian, late of Wappin Wall, 1681. He was a worthy Benefactor to this Parish; and by his Will gave 100l. to the Poor, and for the building the Gallery on the North Side of this Church (whereof he was a constant and devout Frequenter) 60l. And the Residue thereof to the Poor of this Parish.

Capt. Isaac Woodgreen of Wappin Wall, 1689. And Jone his Wife, 1693/4.

Susan, the Daughter of John Dalby, Esq; late Wife of Capt. William Thomas of this Parish, 1662.

Edith Williams, late Wife of Thomas Williams, Mariner.

At the lower End of the North Ile there is this Inscription:

Apr. 12, 1684.
This Vault was then built and erected by and for the Use of Mr. Henry Dennis, Senior, and his Family only.

And herein he and his Wife ly. He buried 1689/90. And she 1703. With some of their Children.

On the South Side of the Church, these Interrments:

Adam Skinner, Brewer, 1698. And seven Children.

Eleanor Wale, late Wife of Thomas Wale, Citizen and Apothecary of London, 1689. Also Tho. Wale, 1694/5.

Sarah late Wife of Edward Williams, 1680.

Ancilla, Susanna, Richard, and Mary, Children of Richard Worcester of Wappin Wall, Apothecary.

Thomas Batson, Distiller, 1669. And Anne Batson, his Wife, 1686.

Alice Smith of Wappin Wall.

Capt. Anthony Archer of Shadwell, 1680. And Hanna his Wife, 1673.

John Bunch, 1658.

Hancock, Daughter of William and Ursula Bunch, 1658.

Ralph Son of Will. Hancock, 1668.

Tho. Bowser, Chirurgeon, 1698.

Mary King, late Wife of George King, 1686. Also the said George King, 1695.

In the Church Yard are divers Tombs:

At the West End:

Anne Hooker, late Wife of Robert Hooker, Ropemaker, 1689.
