The Circuit Walk. Shadwell.106

The Circuit Walk. Shadwell.

Walter Jones, 1691, Governor of his Majesty's Second Rate Ship, The French RUS....

John Spilman Vintner, 1696.

Capt. Richard Young, Mariner, 1699. And Mary his Wife, 1699. Also Hanna their Daughter, 1699.

Isabella Berry, Wife of Tho. Berry, 1696.

Rest thou, whose Rest gives me a restless Life;
Since I have lost a kind and vertuous Wife, &c.
Therefore the Poor do much her Loss deplore:
For few did give such Alms, but none did more.

Still in the Churchyard.

Phebe Robinson, 1686.

Three Sons and two Daughters of Richard and Anne Merry. And one Son of Richard Merry, Junior. And other Children of Andrew Herring, Grandson to Richard and Anne.

Let Friends forbear to mourn and weep,
While sweetly in the Dust they sleep.
This toilsome World they left behind,
A Crown of Glory for to find.
Their Days were short, like Winter's Sun:
From Earth they came, to Heaven they run.
God bless the rest with Length of Days,
On Earth to live, his Name to praise.

Elizabeth late Wife of Capt. Richard Merry, 1703/4.

Martha Collins, Wife of Henry Coliins, Shipwright, 1699. And Henry Collins, 1701.

John, and other Children of Charles and Mary Cope.

Frances Claro, Wife of Thomas Claro, 1694.

Five Children of John Cosin of Wappin Wall. And Elizabeth his Wife, 1691.

Elizabeth Cole, late Wife of John Cole of Stepney Parish, Master Cooper of her Majesty's Victualing Office, 1703.

On the South Side of the Churchyard.

Elizabeth Terry, late Wife of Capt. Abraham Terry, 1696.

Several Children of Joanna the Wife of Rob. Kirby, Shipwright: Who dyed 1687.

Mary late Daughter of John Ackerley, 1696.

John King, Cheesmonger, 1695. And eight Children.

Thomas Grassington, Mariner, 1683/4. And Elizabeth his Daughter, and Anne his Wife.

Capt. Roger Grassington, Mariner, 1701.

A fair Tomb near the South Door, for Capt. Junifer Plovier, 1682/3.

West Part of the Churchyard.

Gabriel Kerby, 1666. Also William and Mary, their Children, 1665.

Alice Carnabie, 1695.

Margaret Barret, Wife of Abraham Barret, 1686.

John Beveridge, and Margaret his Wife, and two Children.

North Part.

Thomas Webber, 1692.

Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Mary his Wife. And their Children, Elizabeth 1693/4, and Samuel, 1694/5.

Our Time was short, the longer is our Rest:

God took us hence, because he thought it best.

And Mary Vincent, 1697.



A large Table of Benefactors on the South Wall of the Communion Table; and another opposite on the North Side.

1667.Edward Arlibear, late of Wappin Wall, Mast Maker, by his Will, gave to the Poor, before this was made a Parish25l.
1669.Capt. William Curtis, late of Mile-end deceased, by Will, gave to the Poor of Shadwell, and some other Hamlets of Stepney, and for other charitable Uses, a perpetual Annuity of 60l. a Year. Of which this Parish received 6l. one Year, and 3l. another: And so alternately6l.
1677.Judith Darling, late of Limehouse, deceased, by her Will gave to the Poor of this Parish, for the Term of 15 Years, an Annuity of10l.
1681.Mrs. Marjery Trumbal of this Parish, Widow, gave by her Will Part of the Rent of four small Houses, during the respective Leases, for the Use of the Poor. 
1686.Mr. Will. Oxenbridge, late of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor20l.
1684.George Wilkinson of this Parish, gave and paid down 30l. for 30s. to be given yearly on Shrove Sunday to the poor in Bread for ever30s.
 The said Wilkinson by his Will gave to the Poor the farther Sum of10l.
 Robert Hooker of this Parish, Ropemaker, by his Will gave to the Poor20l.
1689.Robert Marriot, late Rector of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor20l.
1689. Henry Dennis, late of this Parish, by his Will gave to the Poor24l.
1690.Capt. James Cook, sometime of this Parish, deceased in the East Indies, gave to the Poor of this Parish 50l. Which, by Consent of Sir Tho. Row, Kt. and his Lady, Relict and Executrix of Capt. Cook, is to be employ'd in putting out poor Seamens Children Apprentices50l.
1691.Ann Shot, late of this Parish, Widow, by her last Will10l.
1692.Henry Mudd, late of Ratcliff, Esq; by his Will25l.
1696.Tho. Berry, at the Request of Isabella his Wife, deceased, hath given to the Poor10l.
1697.Elizabeth Bell, late Widow of Humphrey Bell, by her Will10l.

Anno 1693.
Dr Nathaniel Resbury, Rector.Churchwardens.
Jacob Pachet }
Abraham Barret }

On the other Table.

1699.Capt. Posthumus Salwey, late of this Parish, Mariner, deceased, by his Will gave unto this Parish30l.
1698.Capt. Robert Blake, late of this Parish, Mariner, deceased, by his Will gave to the Parish10l.

On another Table in the North Ile, against the East Wall, with Cook's Arms, and the Date of 1700.

1690.Capt. James Cook, sometime of this Parish, deceased, &c. as before. 
1699.Mr. James Cook, Son of the abovesaid Capt. James Cook, hath given to the Poor of this Parish 50l. for a Provision of 60 Dozen of Bread, to be distributed every first Sunday in January for ever50l.
Also the Lady Row, Relict of the said Capt. Cook, being since deceased, hath likewise been a good Benefactor.

In this Parish are two Charity Schools, by voluntary Contribution erected; one for teaching 50 Boys, and the other for as many Girls.

From hence we pass to