The Circuit Walk. Stratford le Bow.110

The Circuit Walk. Stratford le Bow.

The Coat of Arms on this Monument is, A Cheveron charged with three Martlets, between as many Bugles braced.

This elegant and passionate Epitaph in Latin, framed by a Lover, incited a Gentleman, named Josh. Squier, to put it in this Enlgish Dress.

Rob. Ainsworth.

Know, Stranger, underneath this pious Stone,
ALICIA COBURNE's into Ashes gone.
Who half an Orphan at her Birth became,
And in ten Months she lost the filial Name.
Yet thriving in a better Stepdame's Care,
(Who less the Nature than the Name did bear:)
Ere fifteen flow'ry Springs her Age had past,
She was with all the Virgin-Glories grac'd.
Within, her Mind with Heavenly Gifts adorn'd,
Her Life to all the Rules of Vertue form'd.
Without, unblemish'd Rays of Beauty shone,
So powerful, that where she came she won.
And where she won, so gentle and so mild,
She triumph'd, and her Captives lov'd to yield.
Her easy Soul, which Men Good Nature call,
To all was grateful, and belov'd of all.
The Joy and Darling of the Family,
The promis'd Glory, and their Hope was she.
Such was her Vertue, and her beauteous Form,
(And who would wonder these prevail'd to charm?)
When she her faithful did gain.
Who coming saw, and having seen was slain.
His Liberty was slain, and with it dy'd }
All Hopes of Joy but in this beauteous Bride; }
Associate of his Life, and of his Bed. }
Now all Things happily did seem to move, }
And equal were their mutual Flames of Love: }
The Flames which inward burn'd, and fiercely strove. }
A Covenant eternal was begun;
The Nuptial Day did less'ning backward run:
On which their whole Delight and Hope were plac'd,
Both eager of the Joys which seem'd to haste.
When the fair longing Maid a black Disease, *
Less kindly than th'expected Arms, did seize.
With hateful Stains her beauteous Face o'erspread;
What lovely found her living, left her dead.
She dy'd; and all with sypathizing Grief, }
Deplor'd her Fate, and wish'd, too late, Relief: }
And oh! in these her mourning Friend was chief. }
And here, upon the promis'd nuptial Day,
Her lifeless, yet still lovely, Body lay:
Preferring thus, before the kindest Breast,
Good Abraham's Bosom and eternal Rest.
Where now entranc'd in endless Joy she lies,
'Till all the Just from Sleeps of Death arise.
Then only shall more beauteous Bodies shine,
More perfect Vertue thou shalt see than thine:
And Love more pure, and violent, and free,
Than thine to me, or mine has been to thee.
'Till then this Monument shall here remain,
Imperfect Shadow of the Giver's Pain.     
Thy Memory, blest Virgin, here shall live;     
And here his Love, who does but half survive.

*The Small Pox.

There is one Monument more in this Church; and that is of Mrs. Coburne, late Brewer in Bow, the Mother in Law of the beforementioned Alice. Who lately died, and, being the Daughter of a Cergyman, and sometime Minister of Bow, was a most noble Benefactor, leaving the Main of her Estate, which was large, to charitable religious Uses. Whose Gifts by her last Will, were to be set down particularly in the Inscription on her Monument, instead of a flattering Epitaph. Which Inscription is in these Words, as Mr. Hardisty, her worthy Executor, caused it to be transmitted to me.

IN Memory of PRISCA COBURNE, Widow: Who lieth buried in the Ile near this Pillar, and dyed the 13th November MDCCI. And by her Will dated the 6th of May, 1701, gave the Charities following:

To the poor Inhabitants of this Hamlet, who have no Pensions, to be paid as the Will mentions per Ann. 20l.
To the Minister of Bow for the Time beingper Ann. 20l.
To the Clark of this Chapel for the Time beingper Ann. 4l.
To a creditable Man and his Wife, to instruct the Children of the poor Inhabitants of this Hamblet, not exceeding Fifty in Number at one Time, in the Principles of the Church of England per Ann. 50l.

All which Charities are charged on all her Messuages and Lands within this Hamlet: (Except the Messuage, Coach-house, and Stable, given to Mr. Hardisty, her Executor) And also on all her Messuages and Lands in Stratford Langthorne; and her Farm in Bocking in Essex, in the Possession of Joseph Eades: The Surplus of the Rents and Profits whereof (if any be) are to be applyed for the placing out of the said Children to honest Trades or Employments.

The Manour of Bocking Hall, and all her Estates in Bocking aforesaid; (except the said Farm in the Possession of Joseph Eades) which were at her Death in the several Possessions of John Maryon, Tho. Ruggles, Smyth, Tho. Clayton, Samual Carter, Henry Whitehead, and Joseph Harridance, at several yearly Rents, amounting to 341l. per Ann. are for the Relief of poor Widows and Children of Clergymen of the Church of England; and for placing out such Children to honest Trades and Employments.

One Messuage, and all her Lands in Layer Marley [Marney] and Wigborough in Essex, in the several Possessions of Mary Odye, Widow, and Benjamin Handler, at several yearly Rents, amounting to about 105l. and her Wood Land, called Longwood; for the Relief of such poor Persons of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, who shall be judged incurable.

And her Manour of Covil Hall, with the Manour House and Lands in White Roothing in Essex, in the Possession of Richard Bankes, at the yearly Rent of 110l. for the Relief of poor Seamens Widows, inhabiting within the Parish of Stepney.

And directed two Thirds of the Surplus of her Personal Estate, after Payment of Debts and Legacies, to be disposed of by her said Executor in such Charities as he shall think fit.

Mrs. Coburne's Charities to Bow, &c.

So that this Town of Bow hath received considerable Benefit of late, by the good Providence of God, as also have the other neighbouring Parishes, from this charitably disposed Gentlewoman, Prisca Coburne, Widow, a Brewer, and Inhabitant of the same Town. She was the Daughter of one Foster, sometime Minister of Bow: Who by her last Will and Testament, dated May the 6th 1701, 13 W. 3. gave these Legacies following, (as they were extracted out of her said Will,) viz.

She willed thirty Ministers of the Church of England of good Reputation to be invited to her Burial; and to each of them a mourning Hatband, Scarf, and Gloves, and a good Ring of 20s. Value.

Sixty poor Women of the Hamlet of Bow, and twenty poor Women of the Parish of St. Leonard Bromley, to attend her Funeral in Mourning Gowns; and ten Shillings apiece in Money: And her Executor to pay for the Use of their Gowns, during their Attendance.

All her Tenants to be invited to her Funeral: And to each of them Gloves, and a Gold Ring of 20s. value.
