Low Leyton.115

Low Leyton.

or Chantery, (having a Place for a Bell upon the Roof, in my Remembrance) for the same Sir Rafe. He was Merchant of the Staple, and Merchant Adventurer, and twice L. Maior; and was buried (whether here or elsewhere) in great Splendor, July, 16, 1553, with a Standard, and five Penons of Arms, a Coat Armour, a Target, a Helmet, &c. 12 Dozen of Escutcheons: Three Heralds of Arms attending, the L. Maior, and Swordbearer, and four Esquires, Mourners, and many Aldermen. And 50 Gowns given unto 50 poor Men, of Ruts Colour, of Cloth of a Noble a Yard. And a great Dinner, where the L. Maior and divers Aldermen dined.

Annal. præcipue rerum Londinens. Cott. Libr. Vitellius F. 5.

Sir Thomas White and Joanna his Wife, presented to the Vicarage An. 1564. Quære, if Sir Thomas had not this Church and Lordship in Right of his Wife, and she Sir Rafe Fitz Warren's Daughter.

Repertor. Ecclesiast.

In the old Chancel, on a Brass Plate against the South Wall, is this Inscription for the Lady Kingston.

If you wil the Truythe have,
Here lyeth in this Grave,
Directly under this Stone,
Good Lady Mary Kyngestone:
Who departed this Lyff, the Truythe to say,
In the Moneth of August, the twenty fift Day:
And as I do well remember,
Was buried honourably the fourth Day of September.
The Yere of our Lord, reckynyd truely,
MVc fourty and eight varily.
Whose yerly obyte and Anniversary,
Is determynyd to be kept surely,
At the Cost of her Son Sir Henry Jerningham truely:
Who was at this makyng,
Of the Queens Guard cheff Capteyn.

Upon a Brass Plate on the Floor hard by:

Here lyes interred the Body of Andrew Redich, who deceased the 14th of March, 1603.

And against the Wall, a small Monument, with these Words:

Near to this Monument lyeth the Body of Andrew Redich, the second Son of Raphe Redich of Mottran in Long Deudal in the County of Chester, Gentleman. Who had to Wife Margaret Fletcher, Daughter to Raphe Fletcher of Prescot, within the County of Lancaster, Gent. Which Andrew deceased the xiiii of March, 1603, being of the Age of 45 Years. The Coat here is a Field Argent, a Lyon rampant Gules.

Just by, is a plain Stone, and engraven thereon HENRY PARVYSH, of August 1593. He was an eminent Merchant of London, Owner of the Manour of Ruckholts in the said Parish: Whose Widow matched to Michael Hicks, Esq; afterwards Kt. The Posterity of whom remain there to this Day.

Upon another Stone is a Brass Plate fastened, with this Inscription:

Here under this Stone lyeth buried the Body of Henry Archer, late of Layghton, Esquire. Who deceased the 4th Day of October, in the Year of our Lord God 1585, being of the Age of 59.

This Gentleman gave to this Parish, wherein he lived, twenty Shillings a Year to be disposed to such poor People as should be at Church on Whitsunday.

I meet with one Henry Archer, (whether this or some other of this Name, I know not) who was one of the Guards to the Earl of Leicester, when Lord Lieutenant in the Low Countries; He wrote of the Exploits of the English in those Countries, against the Spaniard, Anno 1585. Which J. Stow made Use of in his Annals. In one Page whereof, he thus acknowledgeth: "Thus far I have received Advertisement from my good Friend and dear Kinsman Henry Archer, one of his Excellency's Guard." And in several other Places his Name is set in the Margin of that History.

Henr. Archer, a Writer.

Annal. Qto. Pa. 1239.

Next by the Side of this, a fair Stone, with a Coat of Arms bearing Baron and Femme. The Baron, two Cheverons. The Femme, within a Border with Roundlets, the Field Checky. The Colours appear not. Inscribed thus:

Here lyeth the Body of Lawrence Moyer, Esquire. Who dyed the 27th of August, in the Year of our Lord MDCLXXXV. Aged 77.
Also Frances his late Wife, Daughter of Nicolas Alvey, Citizen and Grocer of London. She dyed Jan. 26, 1586. Aged 53.

On the North Side of this Stone, another Stone with a Brass Plate, containing the Figures of a Man with many Sons behind him; and of a Woman with many Daughters behind her, and underneath, this written:

Piæ Memoriæ
Elizæ Wood dilectissimæ Conjugis Tobiæ Wood, Armigeri. Quæ duodena prole suscepta, septima superstite, decimaq; tertia in utero matris intumulata, quotquot illam nôsse contigit triste sui desiderium reliquit;

Then she is brought in speaking to her Husband in these English Verses:

Wail not, my WOOD, thy Tree's untimely Fall:
They were but Leaves that Autumn's Blast could spoil:
The Bark bound up, and some fair Fruit withal,
Transplanted only she exchang'd her Soyl
She is not dead, she did but fall to rise,
And leave the WOODS to live in Paradise.

Insuper & Caro mea requiescit in pace, Psal. 16.

Lower in this Chancel Ile is a plain small Stone with a Plate of Brass, representing a female Child, with Hair dishevelled, standing, and holding her Hands in a praying Posture; and these Verses underneath:

URSULA sum LUCE sum GASPARIS unica gnata.
URSULA, virgineis me pia junge choris.

An. Dom. MCCCCLXXXXIIIo, xiii die Junii.

Somewhat higher in the same Ile, is a large black Marble Stone, containing this Inscription on a Brass Plate:

Here lyeth buried the Body of Sir Edward Holmeden, Kt. Sometime Citizen and Alderman of London. Who took to Wife Dame Elizabeth, and had by her five Sons, viz. Thomas, Thomas, Edward, George, and John: and four
