The Circuit Walk. Low Leyton.116

The Circuit Walk. Low Leyton.

Daughters, Mary, Susan, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth. Which Sir Edward dyed the 4th of July, 1616. Ætat. suæ 72.

This Holmeden was Sheriff of London in the Year 1598.

On a Brass Plate over the Epigraph, is the Coat of Arms. Baron and Femme, A Fesse Ermin, between two Cheveronels of the same.

A Lion passant. The Coat of the Taylors. An Annulet, for Distinction. The Crest, A Tyger's Head erazed.

Charles Marescoe, Merchant, lies under a small Stone, buried in this Chancel An. 1672, with several of his Children, as namely, Charles, James, Mary, and Elizabeth.

His better and more lasting Monument is a very stately House near Capworth Street, in the Parish, lately built by Mr. David Gansel, who married Anne, one of his Daughters and Heirs, deceased.

In the new Chancel are two very fair Monuments erected against the South and North Walls.

That against the South Wall, is with two Arches; where are the Effigies of Sir Michael Hicks, Kt. and his Lady, both lying at Length: He in the Habit of a Knight; she with a mourning Veil, leaning their Head on their Hands. Over the Man is this Epitaph:

In obitum Clariss. viri D. Michaelis Hickes, Equitis aurati, &c.

Quæ volui vita vidi, dulcissima nuper
Pignora, Consortem charam, sortemq; beatæ
Prolis; Erant nati gemini, nata una parenti.
Optabam Christum: hinc morti succumbo, Lubensq;
Consortem, Sortem, Natos, natamq; relinquo.

Over her, these Verses:

Me tua mors viduam fecit: tu jam viduatus     
Connubium Christi, non viduandus habes.
At junctam hoc tumulo me sponsam rursus habebis.     
Sic tua semper ero, quæ tua nuper eram.

This fair Monument originally stood against the East Wall in the old Chancel. Which Wall being to be taken down for the building of a new Chancel, (that Part of the Church being found necessary to be enlarged) the said Monument was carefully taken down, and the new Building being finished, it was set up again in the Place where now it stands.

Opposite against this Monument on the North Side, Sir William Hicks, Kt. and Bart. in his Life Time erected that magnificent Monument that appears there for Sir William Hicks, Bart. his Father, for himself and his Lady, in three stately Marble Statues; he and his Lady standing, and in the Middle between them his Father, with a Truncheon in his Hand, as Lieutenant of Waltham Forest, and one of the Deputy Lieutenants of the County, lying on one Side. The Monument hath this Inscription:

H.M. uti par est, Memoriis dicator,
I. D.GUILIELMI HICKES, Barti. filii unici ex Elizabetha COLSTONORUM stemmate prognata, MICHAELIS HICKES Equitis Aurati, viri probi ac prudentis, D. GULIELMO Baroni BURGHLÆO summo Angliæ Quæstori, quondam a Secretis. Qui vii Idib. Octobr. An. Dom. MDCLXXX, obiit, cum octogessimum quartum complêsset annum.

II. D. GUILIELMI HICKES, Equitis aurati & Barti. præfati D. GUILIELMI filii natu maximi & Hæredis. Qui postquam Vicecomitis ESSEXIENS. munus splendidè ac fideliter obiisset, Ecclesiæ, Principi, suis constanter studuisset, Annos LXXIII, plus minus honorabiliter vixisset, April. die 22, Anno Domini MDCCII, fato cessit.

III. D. deniq; MARTHAGNETIS D. GUILIELMI HICKES Conjugis lectissimæ juxta ac piissimæ D. HARREII CONYSBY de North MIMMS in Comitat. HERTFORDIEN. Equitis aurati ex antiqua CONYSBÆORUM in Com. HEREFORDIEN. prosapiæ oriundi filiæ, natu maximæ. A qua numerosam suscepit prolem, Octo Scil. natos, natásq; quinque. E quibus HARREIUS, & CAROLUS, MARIA ac MARGARETA adhuc supersunt Illa degens annum suæ ætatis An. Dom. ad superos evasit.

Underneath Sir William Hickes the Elder, is this Inscription:

Sir WILLIAM HICKES, Bart. Lieutenant of the Forest of WALTHAM, one of Deputy Lieutenants of this County of Essex, and an ancient Justice of Peace for the said County; and who, for his Loyalty to King CHARLES I. in the great Rebellion, underwent much Trouble and Danger, married MARGARET eldest Daughter of WILLIAM L. PAGET of BEAUDESERT. By whom he had Issue (besides others that dyed young) Sir WILLIAM HICKES, Kt. and Bart. Sir MICHAEL HICKES, Kt. and Dame LÆTITIA matched to ARTHUR Earl of DONEGAL in Ireland. The said WILLIAM dying full of Days and Honour, was buried with a Decency due to his Quality, and lyeth in the old Chancel: Having lived 28 Years after the Decease of his Lady: Who dying at Westminster, was interred in the Abby Church there.

In the North Ile, against the Wall, a handsome Monument of White Marble:

Nor far from this Place, in Hope of a blessed Resurrection lyeth interred the Body of Anne the sole surviving Daughter and Heir of William Fisher, Esq; late of London Alderman; and the late dear Wife of Nathaniel Tench of London, Esq; With whom she lived in holy Wedlock most piously and chastly 29 Years and 9 Months: And had Issue by him eleven Children, viz. 8 Sons and 3 Daughters. Three only of which survived her, viz. One Son, Fisher, and two Daughters, Anne and Elizabeth. She departed this Life the 25th of April, 1696, and in the fifty first Year of her Age.
To whose dear Memory, her sorrowful Husband erected this Monument.

And upon the same Monument, Alderman Tench being deceased, was inscribed these Words.

And in the same Grave, by his particular Direction, lyeth interred the Body of the said Nathaniel Tench. That, as in Life, so in Death, they might be united in the two States of Life and Death. He departed this Life the 2d Day of April 1710, and in the 79th Year of his Age.

In the