

de Chesham Boys in Comit. Buckingham Armigeri filiam. Beneficus erat pauperes, & in omnes pro facultatibus suis hospitalis: Pacem & coluit ipse, & aliis, ut eam mutuis officiis confirmarent, author fuit. Cum pecunia ad usus publicos exigeretur, ne major quam pro rata portione vicinis suis imperaretur, diligenter curavit. Et imperatæ ne tenuiores exhauriri sequeretur, bonam partem ipse dissolvit. Deniq; & suis & alienis veræ pietatis & virtutis exemplar proposuit. Demum vitæ honestè & piè transactæ, parem sortitus exitum, ipsi jucundum, amicis & vicinis luctuosum, Junii 29o die obiit, 1596.

THOMA patre satus, Gulielmus Rous, eodem     
Qui Londinensi Prætor in urbe fuit.
Notus homo patriis, externis notus in oris,     
Tanta doctrinæ cognitione fuit.
Pacis amans, Pietatis amans, populóq; benignus,     
Cui loculus nullo tempore clausus erat.
Natis quinq; pater, natabus quatuor: isto     
Commisit moriens ossa regenda solo.

Against the East Wall is erected a fair white Marble Monument. The Arms, A Cross charged with five Cross Croslets, between four of the same.

The Inscription is,

Here lyeth interred the Body of MARY the Wife of Captain JOHN BONNELL of London, Mariner, and Daughter of John Morrice of London, Esq; and Gramd Daughter to Sir William Morris, Kt. late Secretary of State to K. Charles II. She dyed the 16. of Sept. 1691, in the 27. Year of her Age.

Gratior è pulchro non vixit corpore Virtus,
Purior ad superas mens non ascenderat oras,
Fœmina chara suis, vixit, chara omnibus, almo
Charior at sponso, cœlo charissima obivit.

Here also ly interred two Sons of Captain John Bonnel, and Mary his Wife, viz. Nicolas Bonnel, who was born the 19th of March, and dyed the 17th of June 1688, and John Bonnel, born the 22d of May 1687, and dyed the 30th of Jan. 1688/9.

Here lyeth interred also the Body of Margaret Daughter of John Bonnel and Margaret his Wife. Who departed the 12th of Sept. 1694. Aged 14 Months, wanting two Days.

Here also, under a flat Stone, near the Monument of his Wife, deceased, lyes the Body of Captain John Bonnel. Who departed this Life the 7th of Jan. 1702/3: Ætat. 44. Also the Body of Eliz. Atkins, Grand Daughter to the said Captain and Mary his Wife. Who departed this Life the 25th of July, 1711. Aged 5 Years and two Months.

Under this Marble lyeth the Body of Mr. Paul Darby, Citizen and Clothworker of London. Dyed May 1, 1699. Aged 54.

Also Archer Martin, late of the Island of Jamaica, Merchant. Ob. 14. June 1707.

Anne Darel, Wife of Edw. Darel of London, and Daughter of John Pyot, Esq; and Anne his Wife. Dyed 30. Oct. 1684. Aged 37.

In the same North Ile toward the West:

Underneath this Stone was interred, on the16th of Febr. 1711, the Body of Eliz. Samms. The 17th of Oct. at the Age of 85, was deposited in the same Grave, the Body of her Mother, Mrs. Susan Samms, sometime Wife of Fra. Samms of London, Grocer, and Daughter of Edw. Palmer of Lamborn in Essex, Esq; They were both Persons of an exemplary Piety: And the latter, by her last Will bequeathed a considerable Legacy to this Church.

When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in Glory.

In this North Chancel is a Marble Stone also, thus inscribed:

Mr. Benjamin Batten, near his Father Sir Will. Batten, Kt. Surveyor of the Navy in the Reign of King Charles I. and King Charles II. Died An. 1684. Aged 40. Leaving a good Name behind him.

Lower, against the North Wall, this Inscription:

Prope ab his mœnibus jacet Sepultus HENRICUS BIRCHENHEAD de Walthamstow. Qui obiit 11. Cal. Jan. Ætat. 63, 1636.

Sobrius, justus, pius, hoc peracto
Circulo, summâ fruitur quiete.
Vita cui Christus fuit, hinc secuta est
Mors pretiosa.

Alta mens valdè sitiens superna,
Infimis nolens nimis immorari,
Corpus oppressum rigido dolore
Læta reliquit.

Umbra jam mortis retinet, quod olim
Solis æterni radiis refulgens,
Ad novum vitæ genus (applicatâ
Mente) resurget.

In the Chancel of the South Ile are these Monuments:

On a black Marble Stone, this Inscription:

Margaret Trafford of Low Leyton, Wife of John Trafford, Esq; she dyed the 23d of May, 1665. Aged 52. And Edmund Trafford, the younger Son.

Anne Darel, the Wife of John Pyot, Esq; Dyed An. 1684.

Under a black Marble Stone ly ELIZABETH ALWYN, and her two Daughters.

ANNE Wife of Tho. Westley, Canon Residentiary of Wells: And MARY, Widow of the Reverend William Peirs, D.D. late Lord Bp. of Bath and Wells. Elizabeth buried the 23d of Jan. 1653. Anne, Apr. the 12th, 1659. And Mary the 27th of Jan. 1679.

In the said Ile, against the East Wall, is a fair Monument, with the Coat of the Family of the Conyers: And this Inscription:

GULIELMUS CONYERS, Serviens ad Leg. Stirpe clarâ & perantiquâ ex agro Eboracensi oriundus. Inhæreditate successit Avunculo suo TRISTRAMO CONYERS, Armigo. olim hujus Paroechiæ incolæ. TRISTRAMUS sine prole decessit, Anno Christi 1620. Et juxta sepultus jacet. GULIELMUS è duplici Conjugio numerosam suscepit prolem. E priore Conjuge, MARIA filia Francisci HERVEY Militis,
