The Circuit Walk. Walthamstow.120

The Circuit Walk. Walthamstow.

Northamptoniensis, Unius Justitiariorum de Banco, Elizabetham, Tristramum, Mariam, & Gulielmum, inter vivos reliquit. Ex altera DOROTHEA, filia Gulielmi Beecher, Mil. Bedfordiensis, è quinq; filiis & totidem filiabus, Oliverus, Dorothea, Juditha, & Margareta, Patrem supervixerunt, Fatis cessit An. 1659. Ætat. suæ 73. Et hic juxta cum Uxore Dorothea reconditur.

On the other Side of the Window of this East Wall is a very graceful Monument of white Marble, with an Urn of Alabaster on the Top, and the Coat Armour of the Family, in Memory of Sergeant Conyers, the Father of John Conyers, Esq; the present worthy Possessor of the Inheritance. The Inscription is as followeth:

Hic è propinquo depositum jacet, quicquid fuit mortale TRISTRAMI CONYERS, Servientis ad Legem, Filii & Hæredis GULIELMI CONYERS Servientis ad Legem, è MARIA filia FRANCISCI HERVEY, Militis, Justiciarii de Banco: Unà cum lectissima Conjuge WINEFRIDA, filia GLIBERTI GERARD de Harrow super Montem, in agro Middlesexiæ, Baronetti.
TRISTRAMUS inter primos sæculi sui Jurisconsultos claruit.
WINEFRIDA naturæ dotibus, Pietate, Munificentia erga pauperes, nulli cessit. Numerosam habuere Prolem, Filios quinq; Filiasq; sex. Ex his vero tres solum superstites, JOHANNES, GERARDUS, & MARIA, Parentes desideratissimos seriùs, ocyùs sequuturi.

TRISTRAMUS }{ 6o Augusti 1684}{ 64
 } obiit{} Ætat.{
WINEFRIDA}{ 5o Aprilis 1694}{ 69

Upon a black Marble Stone in this Ile,

Peter Lennard, Gent. departed this Life the 26th of Novemb. 1647.

Upon a white Stone:

William James of Walthamstow, Gent. dyed the 15th of Aug. 1634. Aged 63. And Etheldred his first Wife. Had Issue one Son and two Daughters.

Against the West Wall of the South Ile is a very fair Monument, consisting of three Statues of white Marble, one of Sigismond Trafford, Esq; in a Roman Habit, holding up his left Hand; and his Wife; both standing up: Between them a little Girl, kneeling on a Cushion, the Hands held up. The Inscription under the Lady, (the Man still living.)

Neer this Place, in a Vault, ly buried Susanna the Wife of Sigismond Trafford of Dunton Hall in Tidd St. Maries in the County of Lincoln, Esq; and one Daughter of their Bodies. Whose Family lived formerly in this Parish. And his Mother, with several of his Relations ly buried in this Church. He in his Life Time ordered the making of this Vault, and the erecting this Monument to the Memory of his Wife. Who departed this Life in the 47th Year of her Age, on the 30th Day of March, An. Dom. 1689.

Under a fair black Marble Stone ly the Body of Margaret Trafford of Low Leyton, the Wife of John Trafford, Esq; Who departed May 27, 1665. Aged 52. And others of the Family.

Near this is a Stone under which is interred the Body of Will. Bonner, Esq; Son of the Honourable Dr. John Bonner. Born in Jamaica Aug. 1684. Arrived in England the 9th of Sept. 1714. And dyed the 7th of Dec. following at London.

In the South Ile are buried Elizab. Stokes, Wife of Jeremiah Stokes. Who departed Nov. 16, 1707. And Jer. Stokes, and others of that Name, their Children, under the same Stone.

In the Middle Ile (besides those before mentioned) are Grave Stones over Theodore Longford, born the 29th of May, 1687: Dyed the 29th of Aug. 1692. Certainly happy and blessed, being the best of Children.

Over John Johnson, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London: One of the Governours of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Departed Octo. 20, 1650. Aged 64.

William Man, Grocer: Departed Sept. 1676. Aged 70.

Capt. Rob. Copley, of this Parish, dyed Apr. 14, 1694.

John Whitchurch dyed 1699, Anno 1703. Children of James Whitchurch, Merchant.

In the Churchyard are several fair Table Monuments, viz.

On the West, for Capt. William Moulton. Who departed Sept. 9. 1695, Aged 63.

Adieu, great Soul, whose living Glories stand,
And proudly their own Monument command:
Who never struggled to resign his Breath,
Tho' he, like Fate, could once distribute Death.
The Fierceness of his untam'd youthful Age,
Vertue and manly Reason did asswage.
Dangers to him such pleasing Forms did bear, }
His Looks in Fight so unconcerned were, }
That he possest a Peace, tho' deep engag'd in War: }
And when his frozen Limbs had lost their Fire, }
Spurr'd with a noble and a brave Desire, }
Like Cæsar, with his Eyes could Victory inspire. }

Another for Sarah Reeve, Daughter of John Reeve, Grocer of London: Departed 18. Sept. 1704.

In Hopes of a glorious Resurrection. Another for Dinah Beal, Widow. Who departed 10. Sept. 1703. Unto whose Memory, her affectionate Brother, Mr. Anth. Compton, caused this Tomb to be erected, in Hope as above.

The said Anth. Compton, Citizen and Distiller of London, departed Oct. 10, 1705.

Here are interred also Gregory Compton, and others of that Name.

West of the South Door, a large Table Monument for Ralph Hawkins, Citizen and Brewer of London. Departed the 14th of Oct. 1696, in the 66th Year of his Age.

Another for Thomas Wise, Citizen and Draper of London. Departed 18. Jun. 1710. Aged 31.

On the East of the Churchyard, a handsome raised Monument railed in for Tho. Turner, Gent. Departed the 11th of March, 1714, in the 80th Year of his Age.

Another small one on that Side, for Anne Gurnet, Daughter of Rob. Gurnet, and Wife of John Williamson, Henry Gries, and Richard Collord, and lived a Widow 35 Years. Dyed the 30th of July, 1663.

The Family of the Collards have been ancient here; as appears from the Register of Wills.

John Colard de Hale in Walcumstow, by Will dated July 17, 1487, gives to John his younger Son unam Placeam cum 14 acr. terræ & di. &c.