



THIS Parish Church is lately new built, chiefly by the Liberality of Sir Richard Child, Bart. L. Vicount Castlemain: Who built the Chancel at his own Charge. There is also a new Steeple; before but a wooden Spire, as most of the Churches in this Part of Essex were, 'till of later Years, as that of Low Leyton and Woodford.

These Arms are remaining upon Brass Plates, the Inscriptions gone.

Quarterly: A Fesse, charged with a Lion passant Guardant, between 3 Cinquefoils, &c.

A Brass Plate, representing a Woman. The Bearing Quarterly. First Quarter, a Fesse between 3 Doves volant. The Second, A Bend between 3 Griffins Heads erased. The Third as the Second, the Fourth as the First.

Another Brass Plate, with a Man and a Woman kneeling, and this Inscription:

The Body of Peter Laurence. Who was sometime Preacher of God's Word, and Parson of this Church of Wansted. Who deceased the 29th of Novemb. 1615. And also the Body of Bridget his first Wife. Who deceased the 28th of Decemb. 1613.

Upon another Plate:

Sir Johan. Hurgetrombe, Chevaler gist ici. Dieu de Salme eyt Mercy. Amen. No Date.

Against the South Wall in the Chancel, the Figure of a comely Man drest; made for Cappain John Morice, Son and Heir of Francis Morice of this Parish, Esq; Dyed the 20th of Sept. 1638.

On a flat Marble Stone, Francis Morice, Esq; Clark of the King's Ordnance. Departed the 30th of Septemb. 1636. Ætat. 74.

A Son of Sir Robert Brooks, Kt. and Margaret his Wife. Buried the 17th of Aug. 1662. It is a very small Stone laid over: And the Child, as it seems, not baptized, dying the Day before its Interrment.

Upon a Brass:

Hic jacet Nichus. Carols, filius Willmi. Carols, Mil. Qui quidem Nichus. obit x die Decemb. Ao MVoIX. Cujus aie. propitietur Deus.

Against the North Wall, a Monument for Mary eldest Daughter of Robert Williamson, Esq; and Rebecca his Wife. She dyed Jan. 30, 1682/3: Underwritten,

God's Will be done.

Against the South Wall in the Chancel, is erected a most splendid Monument for Sir Josiah Child, Bar. Where his Effigies, cut out in white Marble at Length, stands: Pointing with one of his Fingers downward, directing to the Inscription underneath, to shew who he was: His 3 Wives: Whose Daughters they were, and to whom married, namely, their former Husbands: What Children by each. The Monument mentioned to be set up by Sir Richard Child, Bar. his Son surviving, now L. Vicount Castlemain.

Sir Josiah Child, Bar.

Underneath lyeth along on his Side his second Son, Bernard: Who was elder Brother to Richard.

The Inscription is as follows:

Hic jacet JOSIAS CHILD, Baronettus, RICHARDI CHILD de Civitate London. Mercatoris, filius, trium Conjugum, ANNÆ, MARIÆ, & EMMÆ, maritus.
ANNA Edvardi Boat de Portsmouth, Generosi, filia, tres ei peperit filios, JOSIAM & RICARDUM, primâ mortuos Infantiâ; necnon ELIZABETHAM, Joanni Howland de Stretham in Agro Surriensi Armigeri, nuptam.
MARIA, Gulielmo Atwood de Hackney in Agro Middlesexiensi filia, priore marito Thoma Stone, de Civitate London. Mercatore, viduata, Prolem quoque triplicem ei enixa est, JOSIAM, Militem & Baronettum, Patri aliquandiu superstitem. Qui ductâ in matrimonio ELIZABETHA (Thomæ Cook de London. Militis filiâ primogenitâ) sine Sobole extinctus 20. die Januarii, Anno Dom. 1704. Hackneyano Templo sepultus est. REBECCAM, primò nuptam CAROLO Baroni HERBERT, (HENRICI tunc Marchionis de Vigornia, postea Ducis de BEAUFORT, primogenito.) Deinde JOANNI Baroni de GRANVILLE nuptiis secundis, junctam: MARIAM deniq; Edvardi Bullock de Faulkborn Hall in Agro Essexiensi Armigeri, uxorem.
EMMA, Conjux erat Francisci Willoughby de Wollaton in Agro Nottinghamiensi, Henrici Bernard de Stoke in Agro Salopiensi Militis filia, & duarum Hæredum altera. BERNADUS & RICARDUS, ex hoc ultimo Conjugio filii exititêre. Bernardus annos 21 natus, cælebs obiit 5. die Junii, Anno 1698. Et hic inferius sepultus jacet. RICARDUS vero Baronettus, Hæres superstes, DOROTHEAM (Johannis GLYNNE [de] Henly Park in Agro Surriensi, Armigeri, Filiam & Hæredem unicam) in matromoniam duxit; & Monumentum hoc Patri optimè merito, die 22 Junii, Anno Dom. 1699. Ætatisq; suæ 69 defuncto, mœrens Posuit.

There be divers curiously engraven Marble Figures on each Side of the Monument, besides that of his Son Bernard underneath, viz. Two Women sitting on either Side, in very melancholic, lamenting Postures: One leaning her Head upon her Hand, the other Hand stretching downward; the other Woman closing her Hands together, and wringing them: Both with Veils over their Heads. And there be likewise, by Way of Ornament, Boys in mourning Postures; and one of them blowing up a Bubble.

Over the Monument is the Coat of Arms: Gules, a Cheveron Ermin, charged with a bloody Hand, between 3 Doves, Argent.

In this Chancel, a fair flat Marble Stone with this Inscription:

Here lyes the Body of Edward Farmar, Esq; sometime an Inhabitant of this Parish. Late of Canons in this County. He dyed Jan. 2, 1708/9. Aged 39.

Hatchments in this Church for Goff, Cook, Brocas and Farmer.

Wansted House, the chief House in this Parish, is the Seat of Sir Richard Child, Bart. L. Vicount Castlemain, Son and Heir of Sir Josias Child, Bar. sometime Governour of the East India

Wansted House.
