above three Meals within one Moneth. For which Time it may be lawful for any of them to bring his Friend to their common Table, upon his proper Charge, or other Condition, as among themselves it shall be agreed.

IIII. Their publique Readings are to be pefourmed at five Termes throughout every Year. Whereof the first is to begin the Moondaie before Trinitie Term of the Common Lawe; and to contynue for one whole Moneth, viz. the Space of thirtie Daies next ensuing. After which Term, a greater Vacancie and Intermission is granted to them for their private Studie, or other Business, and for the avoyding Concurse of People in the Heat of Soomer. The second Term is to begin the first Moondaie in September, and to contynue for a fortnight next following. The third Term of their publique Reading is to begin the Moondaie before Michaelmas Term of the Common Lawe, and to end with the same Term. Their fourth Term beginneth the Moondaie next after the Epiphanie or Twelfth Day; and is to contynue for two Moneths, viz. the Space of sixtie Daies. The Fifth is to begin the Moondaie Sevennight after Easter Day, and to end with Easter Term of the Common Lawe.

Five Terms of their publick Reading in the Year.

V. And forasmuch as the publique Reading of the sayed Lectures is to be performed in that Manner, as may most tende to the Glorie of God, and the common Benefit of the People of this Citie (which wee doubt not to be the principal Ends of the Founder in the ordeyning of the sayed Lectures) And for that the greatest Part of the Inhabitants within this City understand not the Latin Tongue; whearby the sayed Lectures in short Time may becoom solitarie, if they shall be read in the Latin Tongue onlie; and yet withal, it is very likelie, that divers Strangers of foreign Countries, who resort thither, and understand not the English, will greatlie affect to hear the reading of the said Lectures; whearby the Memorie of the sayed Founder, and of the sayed Woork, for increase of Learning, may be divulged, to the good Example of foreign Nations, and the Honour and Credit of this honourable Citie: It is thought meet, that the sayed Lectures be applyed to the best Benefit and Contentation of the Auditors of both Sorts. For which Cause it is ordeyned, that the Divinitie Lecture (whearof ought to be most special Care that the same bee doon as may best tende to the Profit and Edifying of Christian People within this Cytie, and of such other as shall resort to the sayed Lecture) shall be publiquely read in the Place appointed of the sayed College, thrice every Week, one whole Houre. Whearof the two former Lectures to be in the Latin, and the third in the English Tongues. Which third Lecture, to avoyd Confusion and Interruption in the Course of Reading may be the Effect of the two former Lectures, which were read next before in the Latin Tongue.

The Divinity Lecture to be read thrice every Week; twice in Latin, and once in English, betwixt the Hours of 8 and 9 in the Forenoon.

The Divinitie Lecture in the Latin Tongue, is to be read every Mondaie and Wensdaie, betwixt the Houres of Eight and Nine in the Forenoon.

The English Lectures to be read every Friday, at the same Hour.

The Divinity Professour to read the Controversies with the common Adversaries, and not to meddle with domestick Differences, touching Rites and Ceremonies of the Church.

VI. And forasmuch as great and special Care ought to be had touching the Matter and Points of Doctrine, that ar to bee handled in the sayed Lecture (which is not to be enlarged or intermingled with Exhortation, being Improper for a publique Lecture) And for that great Need is at this present Tyme, that the common People be well grounded in the chief Points of ChristianReligion; And that the common Adversarie of the Popish Church, and other Authors of new Sects and strange Opinions (who endeavour to pervert the Myndes of many ignorant People) may be refuted and mett withal: It is thought meet, that the Divinitie Reader employe his Time in the sound handling of such Controversies as concern the chief Points of our Christian Faith; specially those with the common Adversarie of the Church of Rome: Whearin he shall endeavour to confirme the Truth of Doctrine now established in the Church of England, and to confute the adverse Part; and with great Conscience and Circumspection to boulte out the true State of each Controversie; speciallie drawn from the Council of Trent, and the late Writers of refined Poperie, and to overthrow their false Opinions; first, by Scripture; then, by Consent of Antiquitie; and lastly, by Schoolmen, and chief Writers of their own Side: Not intermeddling with domestique Questions, or intestine Differences, that are controverted, touching the Rites and Manner of Government of the Church.

VII. The Lawe Lecture is to be read thrice every Week in the Term Tyme, for one whole Hower: Whearof the two former Lectures ar to be read in the Latin Tongue; the third Lecture in the English Tongue; as a brief Collection, or Recapitulation of the two former Lectures, that were read next before, in the Latine Tongue. The Days appointed for the Lawe Lecture ar Tuesdaie, Thursdaie, and Saturdaie, betwixt the Howers of Eight and Nine in the Forenoon.

The Lawe Reader to read thrice a Week, whearof the two former Lectures to be in Latin, the third in English.

VIII. Touching the Course to be observed by the Lawe Reader, it is thought meet in respect of the ordeyning this Lecture, and for the Qualitie of the Hearers, who, for the most Part, ar like to be Merchants, and other Citizens; that the sayed Lawe Lecture be not read after the Manner of the Universtie, upon any Text of the Civill Course; but that the Reader cull out such Titles and Heads of Lawe, as best may serve to the good Liking and Capacitie of the sayed Auditorie; and ar more usual in common Practice. Which may be handled after the Method of Wasenbekius, and certein other, by Definition, Devision, Causes material, formal, efficient, final, Effects, Contraries, &c. For that this Method, being first layed out, and judicially handled, will be most perspicuous, and will leave nothing that is material in the whole Lawe, touching that Matter, obscure or untouched.

The Law Reader to read such Titles, and observe such Method, as is fittest for the Auditory of this Cytie.

The Heads and Titles of such Matters as seem fittest for this Place and Auditorie ar theise, which follow, viz.

De Justitia & Jure.
De Jurisprudentia.
De Jure personarum.
De Legibus & Consuetudine.
De acquirendo rerum dominio.
De acquirenda, amittenda, recuperanda possessione.
De Usurpationibus, & Usucapionibus.
De Servitutibus urbanorum, & rusticorum prædiorum.
De Usufructu.
De Usu & Habitatione.
De rei vendicatione: Jure sistendi vel arrestandi bona, vel personas.
De Ratihabitione.
De Testamentis.
De Hæredibus sive Executoribus.
De Legatis.
