A Brief of the yerely Vallew of all the Mannors, Lands, Tenementes, and Heredytamentes, hereafter following: Whereof Dame Anne Gresham, Wydow, hath an Estate in Fee Symple, by the Gyft of her late Husband Sir Thomas Gresham, Knight, deceased.


Norfolk.THE Mannors of Myleham and Beeston, over all Reprises, per Ann.8848}  
 The Mannors of Heringhall and Dickwood, over all Charges, per Ann.160 0}  
 The Mannor of Hardingham, over all Reprises, per Ann.66134}  
 The Mannor of Lakenham, over all Reprises, per Ann.40168}  
 The Mannors of Castleaker Pryory, and Arrundell, with the Shepes Pastures, over all Charges and Reprises, per Ann.193161/4}  
 The Mannors of Massinghams, with the Shepes Pastures, over all Reprises, per Ann.9467}  
 The Mannor of Eastwalton, with the Shepes Pasture, per Ann.2574}  
 The Mannor of Nerford600}  
 The Mannor of Westaker, and the Shepes Pastures, per Ann.15000}  
 The Mannor of Egmer, and the Shepes Pasture, per Ann.10700}  
 The Mannor of Holkham and the Shepes Pasture, per Ann.3100}  
 The Mannor of Tasbrughe, over all Charges, per Ann. 28139 1/4}  
 The Mannors of Walsingham Magna, Walsingham Parva, Bottes, Fennes, Welles, &c. per Ann.7000}  
  917310 1/2}  
Suffolk.The Mannor of Erlestoneham, over all Charges and Reprises, per Ann.4000}  
Kent.The Marishes or Meadow Grounde nere Leasinge, per Ann.1500}  
Yorke.The Moyetie of the Mannor of Nunkeling, with the Members, per Ann.59116}  
 The Rectory of Swyne, with the Tithes thereof, per Ann.10768}  
 The Mannor or Graunge of Sutton, per Ann.4000}  
  206182} l.
} 1797
2 1/2
Durham.The Mannor of Stranton Newborne Rowe, and the Moyetie of the Mannor of Seaton Carew, per Ann.1781210}  
Derby.The Mannor of Greatover, Littleover, and Fynderne, per Ann. 6000}  
Cambridge.The Mannor of Thurling in Upwell, per Ann.9 0 0}  
Somerset.The Mannor of Wedmore, per Ann.2900}  
Wales.The Mannor of Cantercelly in the Comtre of Brucknock in Wales, per Ann.3700}  
London.One Tenement in London, in the Parish of St. Peter the Poor, wherein th'Erle of Oxford did lately inhabit, per Ann. ________}  
Middlesex.The Capital Mansion Howse of Osterley, with other Howses, Buildinges, Mylles, and other Commodities and Profts within the Parke there, per Ann.18700}  
 The Mannor of Heaston, Sutton, Lampthorp, and Cratched, per Ann.22175}  
 The Ferme of Wyke613 4}  
 The Mannor of Burston, per Ann.900}  
 Landes in Istellworth, and other Places thereabouts, called Foxes, and also Tottersalles, per Ann.26134}  
 Pound Mead, Hogg Mead, and Unber Mead, in Heaston, Hownslow, and Istellworth, per Ann.136 8}  
 Two Tenements in Hownslow, in the Tenure of Edmond Ager, per Ann.413 4}  
 Lyon Mead, alias Borne Mead, in Heaston, per Ann.200}  
 Tallford Close in Istellworth, per Ann. 068}  
 The Mannor of Grovebarne in Staynes, with th'Appurtenences3267}  

Manours, Lands, &c. of Sir Tho. Gresham, left to his Lady.
