A Second APPENDIX.13


"liam Page, That where the Marsh or Meadow Ground, called Wappinge Marshes, were heretofore wonne to the Commoditie of the Countrie, and were defended from the Thames with a Wall, which Wall continuallie ws very chargeable, in maynteyning and defending the same: And the same Marshe, or the most part thereof, belonging now to her Majesty in Extent, 'till a great Sum of Money shall be payd: And her Majesty hath rented out the same: So as if it should be drowned, her Majesties Rent were gone. And of late Years the Force of the Water was such, as it brake the Wall in sondrie Places, and overflowed the whole Marshes, and drowned much Cattel: And the Breaches being stopped, the Water broke in again. For Redress whereof, about twelve Years past a View was made by the Commissioners for Sewers: Who thought it very necessary that the Wall should be builded upon by any who would. Whereupon your Suppliant, as others did in like Maner, took a Lease of one hundred and ten Foot of the same Wall, and laid his Foundation of his Building before her Majesty's Proclamation against new Buildings; and bestowed a great Sum of Money in making the Wall very strong, and in Building: To the stronge Defence of the said Mershes, and Commoditie and Ease of the Repairers and Maynteyners of the said Wall."

"In tender Consideration whereof, and the rather, for that it is a Benefit to her Majesty in Contynuance of her Rent, and for that also your Suppliant's Buildings are not hurtful to any, and were begun before the said Proclamation: MAY it please your Honour to be a Meane in your poor Suppliant's Behalf, that he may finish his said Buildings, not exceeding the said Length of one hundred and ten Foot: And he, as most bounden, shall daiely pray to God for your Honour."

BOOK V. Ch 8 p.161. When the Report from Court was, that the Queen intended to take Crooke, the Recorder, into her Majesty's Service, and to advance him: And the L. Keeper had informed one of the Aldermen therewith: And had likewise told him, that the Queen desired the L. Maior (not with any Intention to make Infringement upon the Citie's Liberties) to send her the Names of such fit Persons as they intended to put up for Election, to succede in the said Recorder's Place; this created a Jealousy among the Citizens: And the Maior (who was Sir John Spencer) that Year, viz. 1595, communicated the same at large by his Letter to the L. High Treasurer: Which falling into my Hands, I thought it worthy the entering, to shew how jealous the Citizens were of their Privileges, and careful for maintaining thereof. Wherein, instead of naming several by them to be elected, the Maior giveth the Name of one only, whom they approved of, and desired their Recorder; and why.

Right Honourable and my very good Lord, Albeit I presume, &c. I have thought good also to let your Lordship know, that upon Saturday Morning last, I was informed by Sir John Harte, that he understood from the Right Honourable my L. Keeper, that her most excellent Majesty had taken our Recorder * from us into her Highness's Service; and that her Majesty's Pleasure was, that we should deliver to my L. Keeper the Names of such as we would put in Election anew: To the End, that her Majesty might please to consider of their Aptness for the Place. But notwithstanding that, her Highness would please to leave us to our own free Election therein. Howbeit I have spared hitherto to make any Proceeding accordingly, partly, in Respect that I understand not by the Recorder himself of his Remove; and chiefly, for that the last Term there was the like Rumour, and yet sodenly it dyed again. In which Respect, I thought it Discretion to have some sufficient Warrant, or Note, eyther from my L. Keeper himself, or some other of your Honours, or from the Recorder, before I procede to any new Election. Least otherwise I should do the Gentleman wrong, who holdeth the Place, and seem myself more hasty than there may be Cause.

The L. Maior's Letter to the L. Treasurer, about a new Recorder.

*Sir John Crooke.

But, my good Lord, while I have Pause herein, until I had more certain Advertisement, the grave Commoners of the City of London, hearing a common Bruite, that a new Recorder was speedily to be chosen, as a Common Council held at Guild Hall on Tuesday last for other Causes, one of them in the Behalf made very earnest Suite; because in all our Counsels and Consultations, (which are almost daily for one Cause or other) the Recorder hath of auncient Tyme bene present, as a principal Man, both for Advice in Law, and other Direction. And now of late, those which we have had, have been for the most part absent: That therefore myself, and the Aldermen would take care, that hereafter we choose no Sergeant, nor other Stranger, but only some one that is resident and dwelling among us, and acquainted with our Customes; and to make Choice of ourselves, as we have bene wont, without sending any Names, as hath bene motioned. And thereof very urgent Suite was made in Common Council on the Behalf of the Commoners. Whereof I thought it my Duty to advertise your Lordship; most humblie desiring you to be a Means, that wee may herein have our own free Elecion, according to our auncient Custome. For that, albeit we have lately had most worthy Men, yet we have found their long and much Absence a great Maihem unto us.

And for mine own Opinion, my good Lord, as also of many others, we have one born and dwelling among us, whom we have great Experience of, and think very able to do us Service in that Behalf, his Name is Mr. James Altham, Son of Mr. Altham, late of Essex, Esq; He is a Bencher of Graies Inn, and one of our ordinary sworn Counsellours of the City, well acquainted with our Customes, and very well thought of for his Honestie and Skill in Law, both throughout the whole City and elsewhere; and being in Election last Time, did very narrowly miss it. In which Respects, and for the good Hope we have of him, myself and many others do, onley for the Good of the City, earnestly wish him the Place, if her Majesty shall please to remove the other: Nothing doubting, but that her most excellent Majesty, and your good Lordship, and my other Lords, will take very good Liking of him. And therefore, as a Welwiller to the City, and one that desireth that the continual Business thereof may be attended as it ought, I am, as far as I may, a most earnest and humble Petitioner to your good Lordship, to further us and him therein by your honourable Letters, or such other Means as to your Honour shall seem good.

I am also to advertise your Lordship, that having appointed to hold a Quarter Sessions in the Borough of Southwark, according to the Charter of London, this present Day, * it so happened, by Reason of Mr. Recorder's Absence, and other Letts, which the rest of the Knights of the City, which should associate me, had, as themselves say; that there was not one Justice to attend that Service, but myself; albeit there

*July 23.
