A Second APPENDIX.14


was eight Days Warning given with their own Consents, and that they were often in mind of it. Whereupon, finding that neither by Charter, nor otherwise, I might hold the Sessions alone, I was inforced to forbear, and to put the same off to some other Tyme, even when I was ready to go. Whereof I thought good to let your Lordship understand, both to the End your Honour may perceive how necessary our Recorder's daily Presence is, as also, lest your Honour, and others, might conceive any Negligence in me, from attending the Service which appertaineth to my Place: Whereof I would be sorry to omit the least Part.

BOOK V. [p.153.] l. 8. The six Bends in the Coat of Sir Rob. Beachcroft is amiss, and must be dexter, not sinister.

Ibid. p.155.b. l.39. To the Counters, among other Officers of the Sheriffs, belonged Officers for Arrests, &c. being Sergeants and their Yeomen. And among the Privileges of the City, this was one, that none are to arrest in the City beside the Officers of the City. Concerning which, there once happened a Contest between the City and the L. High Admiral. They had often contended about their Privileges. But the Citizens would not suffer him to exercise an Arrest in London, which he had attempted to do by his Officer: Saying, he would not lose any Part of that which his Predecesssors had enjoyed.

No Arrest but by City Officers.

Anno 1587, this Contest grew high, and several Warrants were issued out of the Court of Admiralty, and served by one Swifte, Sergeant of the Court of Admiralty, upon Persons in the City of London. Which were always disobeyed by the Persons arrested; and the L. Maior or Sheriffs stood by them therein. Among the rest, there was a Warrant directed out of the Court of Admiralty, for the arresting one James Burton, upon Debt of 40l. at the Suit of a Merchant Stranger; and accordingly he was arrested by an Officer of the Admiralty in the Month of October 1587. One Hamer, a Silkman, advised Burton not to obey; and they misused the Officer, both with Words and Blows; for that they said, my L. Admiral had no Authority with his Warrant to arrest any Man within the City of London. And afterward the said Officer was misused by one Thomas Ketcher; and he rescued Burton from the Officer.

The Case of an Arrest in the City, by a Sergeant of the Admiralty.

Upon these contentious Dealings of Hamer and Ketcher, there came out a Warrant of Contempt from the Court of Admiralty, sent to the Sergeant of the Admiralty or his Deputy, for the arresting of them both, bearing Date Oct. 17, the same Year. And Hamer was arrested at his House in Lombard-street: But he would notof a long Time obey, affirming often, that the L. Admiral had no Authority to arrest within London. But in the End he was content to go with the Officer unto the Judge of the Admiralty: And coming to the Exchange, he would go no farther; but forcibly went from him to Barnes, L. Maior. And as the Officer followed him, the Apprentices fell upon him, and beat him down. And at the Officer's coming to the L. Maior for his Prisoner, he required Sight of his Warrant, which he read: And the said Officer required his Prisoner; but he could not have him, my L. Maior saying, that the Citizens should not be so used, and willed him to depart, &c.

After this, the Sergeant of the Admiralty arrested Ketcher in Lothbury with the same Warrant, upon the said Contempt, Octob. 23.

And besides these Arrests, in the Year 1567, when Sir Christopher Draper was Maior, the Sergeant of the Admiralty did arrest by Warrant out of the said Court of Admiralty, 38 Chests of Sugar appertaining to one Mr. Fenner, at the Suit of one John Baptist: And put the said Sugar into a Cellar upon Greenberries Key, and set an Anchor with Chalk upon the said Cellar Door. After, one Williams, one of the Sergeants of the City, brake open the said Door, and took out the 38 Chests of Sugar, and carried them away. And Complaint being hereof made unto the Lords of the Queen's Privy Council, thereupon Mr. Wilborne, Recorder of the City of London, Mr. Coisse, and others of the chief Officers, and the said Williams were sent for, to come before Council at Windsor. Dr. Dale, the Judges Deputy of the Admiralty, Roger Parker, Register of the same, and the aforesaid Sergeant, were likewise sent for thither: They all being before the Lords of the Council, and the Matter truly debated, it was ordered by the Council, that the 38 Chests should be brought unto the said Cellar, by the aforesaid Officer of the City, and deliver'd by Inventory into the Possession of Swift, the Officer of the Admiralty, and the Keys of the said Cellar Doors withal. Which was so done accordingly: And a Letter sent from the Lords of the Council to the L. Maior, of their great Misliking thereof. My Relation goes no farther.

And an Arrest of a Freeman's Goods from the said Court.

BOOK V, p.176, b. l.5. The Master and Wardens of the MERCERS Company, there omitted, were,

1718/9.Mr George Banister,Master.
  Mr. Isaac Grevill,}
  Mr. Edward Leeds,} Wardens.
 Mr. George Pemberton,}

1719/20.Mr. Isaac Grevill,Master.
 Mr. Nicholas Hillyard,}
 Peter Godfrey, Esq; } Wardens.
 Philip Papillon, Esq;}

BOOK V, p. 183. The late Master and Wardens of the DRAPERS Company, whose respective Offices expired the 3d of August 1719, were,

Sir William Hamond, Kt.Master.
Mr. Thomas Hollis,}
Mr. Thomas Uvedale,} Wardens.
Mr. John Blandford,}
Mr. John Oakes,}

The present Master and Wardens of the said Company, who were chosen the 3d of August 1719, into the said Offices for one Year, are as follow, viz.

Edward Becher, Esq; Alderman, Master.
Mr. John Hogg,}
Mr. Nathaniel Gwillym,} Wardens.
Mr. Thomas Partington,}
Thomas Gibson, Esq;}

Given me by Mr. Unwin, Clerk
of the Company.

BOOK V, p.184, b. l.12. But in Vindication of the Goldsmiths, against an Accusation of them for Deceits in making their Plate, and wronging the Buyers, the Company justified themselves, Ann. 1577, by an Address to the L. Treasurer, signed by Langley, Maior, and other Wardens of the said Company, to this Purport; "That whereas one William Sutton, of the said"

The Goldsmiths Vindication of themselves.
