College of Heralds. 135

College of Heralds.

freed from all Tolls, Subsidies, and Offices of Trouble in the Kingdom.

Their Society consists of Three Kings at Arms, Six Heralds, and Four Pursuivants at Arms; which are as followeth.

First, GARTER King at Arms, instituted by K. Henry the Fifth. Whose Office is to attend at the Solemnities of the Knights of the Garter, and to cause their Arms to be hung up upon their Seats or Stalls after their Instalment: To carry, or cause to be carried, the Garter to Kings and Princes beyond Sea, that are elected of this Order: To take Cognizance of the Arms of the Nobility; To make Supporters to those new created to any Degree of Peerage; and to marshal the Solemnities at the Funerals of the Nobility.

Garter King at Arms.

Anciently this, as also the other Two Kings at Arms, were created and crowned by the Kings themselves; and the Heralds and Pursuivants had their Creation from the King's Hand: But of late days, the Earl Marshal (who, as I have elsewhere taken notice of, is the Head of this College) hath a Special Commission for every particular Creation, and to perform the same as the Kings formerly did.

His Creation, and Crowning.

The Ceremony used at his Creation and Crowning, is this: There is a Sword and a Book provided; whereon he takes an Oath to obey, first, the Supreme Head of the Order of the Garter, which is the King; and then the Knights of the said Order, in such Things that belong to his Office. To give notice to the King, upon the Death of any of the said Order; and to instruct the Heralds and Pursuivants in Doubts relating to the Office. Which said Oath is thus administred: He kneels down before the Earl Marshal; and laying his Hand on the Book and Sword, he takes the aforesaid Oath, which is read to him by one of the other Kings at Arms. Then the Letters Patents are read; during which Time, the Earl Marshal pours Wine out of a Bowl on his Head, and gives him the Name of Garter; and then he is invested with his Coat, which is of Velvet, richly embroidered with the Arms of England, &c. Also with a Collar of SS, and a gilt Crown on his Head.

The Manner thereof.

His Salary is double to what the other two Kings have: And he hath Fees at the Instalments; with a yearly Allowance, given by the Knights of the Garter: And hath their uppermost Garment at the Instalment.

CLARENCIEUX is the next of the Three Kings; so called from the Duke of Clarence, to whom he first belonged. For Lionel, Third Son to King Edward III. married the Daughter and Heir of the Earl of Ulster in Ireland, and had with her the Honour of Clare, in the County of Thomond. Whereupon he was afterwards Duke of Clarence; which Dukedom escheating to K. Edward IV. he made this Herald a King at Arms, and stiled him Clarencieux. His Office is to marshal and dispose of the Funerals of the Gentry under the Degree of a Baron, on the South side of the River Trent, that shall have any publick Ceremony made at their Interments. He is also to keep his Visitations within his Limits, for the Registring of Families, taking Account of Coat Armour, &c.

Clarencieux King at Arms.

NORROY is the other King. His Office is the same as that of Clarencieux, for the Gentry on the North side of the said River of Trent: And these Two are called Provincial Heralds; the whole Kingdom being divided into Two Provinces betwixt them.

Norroy King at Arms.

The Six HERALDS are, 1. Windsor. 2. Richmond. 3. Chester. 4. Somerset. 5. York. And, 6. Lancaster. And the Office of these Heralds, is, To wait at Court; to proclaim Peace and War: On the Death of the King or Queen, to proclaim the next to the Crown; and to attend at Publick Solemnities, &c.

The Six Heralds, and their Office.

The Four PURSUIVANTS are, Rouge Cross, Rouge Dragon, Portcullis, and Blue Mantle. These give their Attendance likewise in the Office for the Affairs aforesaid.

The Pursuivants.

A Herald at Arms is created with the like Ceremonies as the Kings, except a Coronet; and his Coat must be of Sattin, embroidered with the King's Arms, as aforesaid. He is brought before the Earl Marshal, betwixt two other Heralds: Their Oath is, To be true to the King; serviceable to Gentlemen: To keep Secrets; to assist the distressed Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, Widows and Virgins; to avoid Taverns, Bawdy-Houses, and Dice.

Duty of the Heralds.

The Pursuivants are also created by Letters Patents: Their Coat is to be of Damask, with the King's Arms embroidered. He is to be introduced by two other Pursuivants. Their Oath is to be true to the King; serviceable to all Christians: To keep Secrets; to be sober, lowly and humble.]

Duty of the Pursuivants.

The Persons officiating in this Office, Anno 1707, were,

The Kings and Heralds.

J. S.

The Earl of Carlisle, Earl Marshal, during the Minority of the Duke of Norfolk.

Sir Henry St. George, Knight, Garter King at Arms.

John Vanbrugh, Esq; Clarencieux King at Arms.

Robert Devenish, Esq; Norroy King at Arms; late York Herald: Advanced hither by the late Duke of Norfolk, in the Room of Sir John Dugdale, deceased.

This Gentleman being lately deceased, Peter Le Neve, Esq; is now Norroy. A very learned studious Antiquarian; to whom I am much obliged.



Henry Dethick, Esq; Richmond.
Gregory King, Esq; Lancaster.
Charles Mawson, Esq; Chester.
Peirse Mauduit, Esq; Windsor.
Samuel Stebbing, Esq; Somerset.
Laurence Crump, Esq; York.
Rowland Fryth, Esq; Mowbray.



John Gybbon, Gent. Blue Mantle.
John Hare, Esq; Rouge Dragon.
John Hesket, Gent. Portcullis.
Robert Dale, Gent. Blanch Lion.
Thomas Coot, Esq; Rouge Rose.

But some of these deceased.

These being all the King's Servants in Ordinary, have yearly Salaries. To the Heralds, 26l. 13s. 4d. each; And to the Pursuivants, each 20l. if the Author of the Notitia Angliæ sets it right. That of the Kings at Arms he hath omitted; only Garter's Salary is double to that of the Two other Kings. But by King Edward IV. his Patent to John Wrythe, Garter, it appears, that he had assigned the Sum of 40l. to be paid him yearly, according as other Garter Kings had usually received.

Their Fees.

Wever's Monum. p. 662:

I find these Kings and Heralds in King Richard the Third's Reign; and their Fees granted them by that King in the first Year of his Reign. Beginning with John More, King of Arms in the North Parts, xxl. for Term of Life. To John Water, alias York Herald, the Lordship

Heralds, and their Fees, in K. Richard the IIId's Time.

Ledg. Book of K. Rich. III.
