Schools. St. Paul's School. The Masters. 168

Schools. St. Paul's School. The Masters.

seems to have got a Prebend of Lincoln, and became afterwards Master of Eaton School.

John Harrison, M.A. He was also of Kings College in Cambridge. A great Antiquary for Coins, and English History. He had some Contest with the Company of Mercers for the Augmentation of his Salary. And by an Order agreed and established, it was considerably increased to him and his Successors. He continued Master of St. Pauls School Fifteen Years.


Richard Mulcaster, M.A. of a good Family in Carlisle in Cumberland. He was also bred in Eaton School, and chosen thence to Kings College in Cambridge; thence Elected Student of Christs Church, Oxon, Anno 1555. He seems to have been the first Master of Merchant Taylors School, in the Parish of St. Laurence Pountney, London. For he was chosen thither, Anno 1561, where after he had spent Five and Thirty Years he became Master of St. Pauls School. For the use of this School he wrote a Catechism in Latin in Hexameter and Pentameter Verses. He also published two Books in English, while he was Master of Merchant Taylors School, about the Instruction of Children, in 4to. The former he presumed to dedicate to the Queen, because it pretended a common Good: For in it he laid down Positions for the training up of Children in Learning and Health. The latter which he called, The Elementarie, teaching the right Writing of English, he dedicated to the Earl of Leicester.


He was a Man of great Account for his Learning in those Times: And for his Knowledge in the Oriental Languages, was valued by that great English Rabbi, Hugh Broughton. He had the Honour to be Master to Bishop Andrews, while he governed Merchant Taylors School. He dyed Parson of Stanford Rivers in Essex, whither he retired two or three Years before his Death. Next him came

Alexander Gill born in Lincolnshire, M.A. of Corpus Christi College Oxon. He wrote a Book intitled Logonomia, for amending and rectifying the Writing of the English Language. And being a Divine as well as a Critic, he wrote a Tract concerning the Trinity in Unity, against a certain Anabaptist. And another Book entitled, Sacred Philosophy of holy Scripture. He was buried in Mercers Chapel.


Alexander Gill, D.D. Son of the said Alexander. He had been second Master before under his Father, He was esteemed one of the best Latin Poets in his Time. Many Pieces of his Poetry are extant. He remained Master of this School the shortest time of any Master before or since, being removed in the Year 1640, perhaps for his Severity, yet he had an Annuity allowed him of 25l.


John Langley, born near Banbury in Oxfordshire, of Magdalen Hall, Oxon, first Master of the College School in Glocester, from thence chosen to St. Pauls. A general Scholar, and especially a great Antiquary in Matters of our own Country. Of the Stories and Curiosities whereof, he made a considerable Collection in his Travels. He was known and beloved by the learned Selden. He composed a short Rhetorick, and a compendious Prosodia for the use of his School, besides divers Amendments, Additions, and Explanations of the Latin and Greek Grammars, used by his Scholars. He had a very awful Presence and Speech, that struck a mighty Respect and Fear in his Scholars, which however wore off after they were a little used to him. And his Management of himself towards them was such that they both loved and feared him. He was a single Man, and dyed in the Year 1657, and was buried in Mercers Chapel, all the Scholars attending his Funeral, walking before the Corps (hung with Verses instead of Eschotcheons) from the School through Cheapside, with White Gloves on: and I then was one of the Number. His Funeral Sermon was preached by one of his learned Friends, Dr. Edward Reynolds, (afterwards Bishop of Norwich) upon the Text Acts vii. And Moses was learned in all the Learning of the Egyptians; wherein both Learning, and the Learned Man deceased, were much commended: And the Sermon was Printed.


Samuel Cromleholme, or Crumlum of Corpus Christi College, Oxon, who was also removed from the Government of Gloucester School hither, where he had once been second Master. And such an Opinion had Mr. Langley of him, that on his Death Bed he recommended him to the Mercers, as the fittest Man to succced him. He was xxx, one that understood a great many Languages, and exceeded his Predecessor in that sort of Learnings. In his Time Pauls School was burnt in the great Fire; and he lost an incomparable Library; for he was very curious in Books. But he lived to teach School there again, after the beautiful rebuilding of it. He dyed a Married Man, but without Children. From whose Care of my Education, (which I think my self bound publickly to acknowledge) I removed to the University of Cambridge, Anno 1661.


Thomas Gale, D.D. A Yorkshire Man, bred at Westminster School, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; an excellent Grecian and Antiquarian, especially for the History of this Kingdom. A Married Man, and had Children. He resigned, being made Dean of York, lately deceased. His Son is Roger Gale, Esq; a Person of great Learning, and Merit.


John Postlethwait, born in Cumberland, bred in Merton College, Oxon, chosen from a School in St. Martins in the Fields, of the Foundation of Dr. Thomas Tenison, while he was Rector of the said Parish, since the most Reverend Father Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Who upon the Experience and thorough Knowledge of him, recommended him with a most ample Commendation to the Mercers Company, whose Testimonial was as followeth:


"I have known Mr. Postlethwait nigh Twenty Years. He hath been long the upper Schoolmaster at St. Martins. I have never known him wilfully absent for two Hours on any Day in School time. He is a Man of great Abilities in Learning, and particularly in that which relates to Grammar, in the Knowledge of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Tongues. He is of a very even Temper, and one who studieth the Temper and Genius of Youth. His Scholars are in awe of him by reason of his grave Deportment and good Discipline, but he doth not terrify them with Severity. He hath sent forth divers eminent Scholars. And I do believe for Instance sake, that there are few in the Nation equal (for their Time) to Wallis of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Mr. Fawcet of Benet College in Cambridge, late his Scholars. He is very careful of the Religion and Manners of those under his Care, and taketh pains with divers of them every Lord's Day before Church time. His Conversation is serious and discreet, and hath nothing of Pedantry in it. I have said very much of him, and yet I cannot do him Justice in saying less. "

The Archbishop's Recommendation of him.


Upon his Death, Philip Ayscough, M.A. who had been Surmaster succeeded; now living.

Isaac Steel, M.A. present Surmaster.

Hugh Wyat, A.B. Chaplain, or third Master.

Out of this School, by the care of these diligent and learned Men, have gone forth from time
