Christ's Church Mathematick School. 179

Christ's Church Mathematick School.

with Books) of the French King's Government; and particularly, how he had appointed, that Children in all his Martime Towns should be taught the Art of Navigation gratis; and had Erected Schools for that Purpose, for the greater Increase of Seamen, and Benefit of Trade, and Service of his Fleets. Which good Policy raised some Thoughts in the said Alderman's Mind; concluding, how such Education, at least of some Part of that great Number of Boys, would tend more to the Publick Good, if it were set up in Christs Hospital, than the ordinary Course of Learning then taken with them. This grew warm upon him; and he began to frame a Project for the setting up such a School. Which he communicated first to Sir Patience Ward another Alderman; and they resolved to take in a Third Person; and with one Thousand Pounds a Piece Charge to make a Provision and Encoaragement for a Mathematick Master, and to build him a Dwelling House near the Hospital, and to set up a School Room there, for the teaching of a competent Number of the Children.

Sir Patience Ward.

While this was in Consultation, a favourable Opportunity offered it self, which was this. The said Sir Robert Clayton, calling once accidentally at the Treasury, (his Business requiring him often to have recourse thither) to speak with Sir Robert Howard then Secretary to the Treasury; at his coming out Mr. Parry, then Clerk of Christs Hospital, met him, intreating him to speak to Sir Robert Howard in behalf of the said Hospital, shewing him a Petition drawn up to the Lord Treasurer Clifford, and desiring him to procure the said Howard to deliver it. The Occasion of which Petition was this:

An Accident forwardeth it.

Before the Revolution in the Year 1660, a private Citizen, who had a Debt of 7000l. charged upon Weavers Hall, (which according to some Methods in those Times was secured to be paid out of a Fund of the King's Lands) gave by Will this 7000l. to Christs Hospital, for the maintaining Forty Children, who were to wear a particular Badge, or be cloathed as he particularly directed. These Children were by this Request maintained till the Restoration. At which time the Crown Lands reverting to the King, the Hospital did petition his Majesty, that he would please to pay them this 7000l. to continue the Maintenance of these Forty Children, according to the Request of the Donor; whereupon the King granted them the said Sum, to be paid out of the Arrears of the Excise due at his Restoration. But there being many great Sums of Money charged to the Queen Mother, and other Persons of Quality, out of the said Arrears, Prior to this 7000l. it was not hitherto paid.

But after many Years, the said Clerk of the Hospital thought fit, by a new Petition, to put the Lord Treasurer in mind of the said Grant of the King. This Petition, brought as before was said, Sir Robert Clayton took, and went in with it to the Secretary of the Treasury, who presently in Company with Sir Robert carried it to the Lord Treasurer, to whom it was read: But after the reading, my Lord acquainted Sir Robert Clayton what great Sums of Money were charged upon the said Fund prior to this, and that it was impossible for him to help the Hospital. Sir Robert, (like a good Advocate for the City's Poor) told him, that the Citizens of London, he hoped, were as careful in managing of their publick Charities as of their private Concerns; and that if his Lordship would place 7000l. upon a certain Fund to be paid by 500l. a Year, they would endeavour to maintain the Children with it, which the Lord Treasurer evaded also. But the diligent Alderman finding him in a good Humour, pro- ceded further with him, telling him, that a poor Friend of his was upon such an important Project in that Hospital, that would deserve a better Founder; and so discoursed to him the Design he and Sir Patience Ward were contriving. It took with the Treasurer; and it pleased him so well, that he charged Sir Robert to go and frame him a Petition upon that Subject he had discoursed to him of, and added, that he would deliver it that very Night to the King before he slept.

Sir Robert Clayton moves it to the Lord Treasurer.

Sir Robert departed, and took the Clerk of the Hospital along with him in his Coach; and setting him down at the Hospital, ordered him immediately to bring him a List of the Governors of that House to Sir John Frederick's, then President; which List being brought and perused, they pitched upon Six to assist in this Matter, whereof Sir P. Ward, and Sir Richard Ford, Aldermen were two. While these were summoning, Sir Robert prepared a Petition. These Governors now being assembled, he signified to them the present Advantage for the Hospital, and shewing them the Petition, required them to go up with him to deliver it; but they declined it, and left it upon Sir Robert, telling him, that he having begun it was the fittest to carry it on.

He was not discouraged in so good a Work, but that Night carried up the Petition himself, and delivered it into the Hands of the Lord Treasurer, who appointed him to come to him the next Day; which he accordingly did, and found that the Treasurer had shewn the King the Petition, and had a Reference made back to himself for the Payment of 1000l. a Year to the House, until the 7000l. were paid; and the Hospital was to covenant to maintain so many Boys, and to teach them the Mathematicks.

A Petition to the King in that Behalf, and the Success.

The Treasurer then also gave an Order to Sir Heneage Finch, Attorney General, (afterwards Earl of Nottingham) to prepare a Patent will advantageous Clauses accordingly, and commanded Sir Robert Clayton to attend Mr. Attorney with it. He was well known to him; and having acquainted him with this Affair, the Attorney was extreamly well pleased with it, and desired Sir Robert himself to give such advantageous Clauses as he could think of, to be inserted in the Patent. He thereupon called together the Committee to have their Assistance; and so they prepared the Heads of such Clauses as they could think of: which he gave to Mr. Attorney, who appointed Sir Robert to call upon him again at a set time, and he would draw the Patent with his own Hand. He came according to the time, and had a rough Draught given him to take what further Advice he should think fit. Which he shewed to the Committee or the Governors, and then returned it to the Attorney, by whom it was soon finished, and had the Great Seal affixed to it. And Sir Robert paid the first 500l. (it being to be paid half Yearly) to the Hospital, on account of Rent, which was due from him to the Crown.

Thus was this publick good Work, tending so much to the Honour both of the King and City of London, brought to pass from the Beginning to the End, by the prudent Contrivance and persevering Industry of this Alderman, which therefore I have related so largely. Sir Robert was then made a Governor of the said House, and Sir Jonas Moor, Samuel Pepys, Esq; and several other Persons, known to be Friends and Favourers of the Mathematicks, were called into the Govetnment, for the better managing and settling this new Royal School.

King Charles II. the Royal Founder was pleased farther to make a Grant of the Sum of for to place out Ten of the Mathematick Boys Apprentices to Masters of Ships, wherein he reserved

The King's other Bounty to this School.
