Charter House. 208

Charter House.

And as any of these 40 Boys are disposed of as aforesaid, or die; (as likewise when any of the old Men die) others are placed in their Rooms by the Governors, each taking his Turn. And in Truth, happy are they that are so taken from the Cares and Sorrows of the World, and fixed for their Lives in so good a Place as these old Men are: having nothing to take care for, but the good of their Souls, to serve God, and to live in Brotherly Love together; that when they shall leave this their Terrestrial Habitation of Content, they may be made Fellow Citizens in the heavenly Jerusalem. Which God in his great Mercy grant to us all.]

Scholars and old Men, how taken in.

In short, we are told, that besides the first Cost, viz. 13000l. the Charges afterwards laid out upon it, to fit it for its designed Purpose, amounted to 7000l. more. That the Founder endowed it with 4000l. per Ann. which is since improved to 6000l. And to this Day it is a most flourishing and useful Foundation.

The Endowment.

J. S.

For a further Benefit of the Scholars bred up in Charterhouse School, to the Revenue of this Foundation are many Ecclesiastical Preferements appertaining; which are in the Disposal of the Governors. As I. The Mastership of the House. II. These Rectories. I. Balsham. II. Castle Camps. III. Horsehead. IV. Hallingbury. V. Dunsby. VI. Southminster. VII. Cold Norton. VIII. Little Wigborow. All good Livings. In the Promotion to which, such as are bred in the House, have the Preference before any other.

Benefices belonging to the Charterhouse.

Account of the Charter House by Sam. Hern.

But when Sutton was dead, this his most splendid Foundation received a dangerous Shock by the Means of a private Person, who endeavoured to swallow it up. For his only Sister's Son, name Simon Baxter, attempted, as next Heir, to take possession of it, and the whole Estate annexed to it. This Man entered an Action of Trespass against the Executors of Mr. Sutton, and the Governors, the last Day of Trinity Term, 10. Jac. in the Kings Bench, for a violent Entry made by the said Executors and Governors, May the 30. the same Year. The Cause had in it divers Points of Law started to overthrow the Settlement, viz. Ten Points. On the Plaintiff's side, was Sir Francis Bacon, Solicitor General, Mr. Gualter of the Temple, and Mr. Yelverton of Grays Inn. On the Defendants, Hubbart, Attorney General, Hutton Sergeant at Law, and Coventry of the Inner Temple. An Adjournment was made of the Cause, from the Kings Bench to the Exchequer Chamber, and there solemnly argued by the Judges of the Land. And at length it was here adjudged, with great Applause of all that heard it, for the Defendants, the Governors of the Hospital. The Plaintiff being but a Man of Ordinary Quality, was judged to have Reason to be contented with a tolerable Provision that had been made for him, and suitable to his degree: For he had allotted to him by Will, the Manor of Turback in Lancashire, consisting of a fair antient House, two Parks, and large Demesnes, plentifully stored with Timber, valued at 350l. per Ann.

One endeavours by Law to recover the Charterhouse.

There was an Establishment of this Foundation, with excellent Orders, Jun. 21. 1627. and signed with King Charles's Hand, viz.

Orders established for it.

The Hospital of King James, founded in the Charterhouse, in the County of Middlesex, at the humble Petition and only Cost of Thomas Sutton Esq; This Stile to be inviolably observed and exprest upon all Evidences, Conveyances, Leases, &c.

An Aniversary Commemoration of the Founder to be kept every 12th. Day of December, with solemn Service and a Sermon, and Increase of Commons, as on other Festival Days.

The Governors jointly taken, to make the Head of this Body corporate; the poor Brothers and Scholars and Officers, as are mentioned in the Letters Patents, to be stiled the Members. They to be chosen within two Months after the Vacancy.

All other Officers of the Revenue or Houshold, not mentioned particularly in the Letters Patents, to be reputed and taken as Members of Arbitrary Election: and in the Governor's Power to make them more or less, and to chuse them sooner or later.

No Member of the Foundation or of arbitrary Election that is lodged in the House, to be a married Man, either at the Time of his Admission, or after. And if he be, to be deprived.

The common Seal to be kept in the Evidence House, and under Four Keys; to be kept as should be directed. The Master of the Hospital to have the keeping of one.

The Statutes and Ordinances for the Government of the Hospital concluded upon by the Governors, and ratified by the common Seal, to be fairly, and twice engrossed in Parchment: whereof the Original with the common Seal annexed, to be kept in the Evidence House; and the other to be bound up in a Book, to remain in the Master's Custody; and to be brought to the Table at every Assembly.

These with many other Ordinances too large to be here set down, may be read in the Book of the Foundation of this House written by Herne, printed Anno 1677. which are also transcribed (but imperfectly) in the New View of London, printed 1708. In these Ordinances are mentioned, the Qualifications of the Master, the Preacher, the Physician, the Register, the Brethren, the Scholars, &c.

The Way of getting Children into this School, is, that the Governors at an Assembly make a List, and nominate their Lad, each of them, who being approved of, is certain to come into the Place, though it should fall after the Governor's Death. And till the former Nomination and Warrant be served, no other can have any Claim or Virtue; and therefore the best Way to get a Place for a young Lad is, to be early in making Application.

How Scholars are got in here.

The Number maintained in the House, when Mr. Herne wrote his Book, (which was An. 1676.) was 188 Persons, besides 29 Scholars at the Universities, and the standing Council to the House; who then were, Sir William Jones the King's Attorney General, and Mr. Dolben of the Temple; who had retaining Fees from the House.

The Number maintained.

At the Admission of every Member, it is required, that he be Sober in Mind, and healthful in Body; of which latter, Information is to be given by the Surgeon, with the Approbation of the Physician, by an Order made, Dec. 10. 1613.

Members how qualified.

Of later Time, there hath been an Alteration of the Salaries, according to the Increase of the Revenues, by the great Wisdom and Care of the Governors. At first 24 Boys were allowed at the University 20l. per Ann. Five Scholars are added since, by the good Care and Providence of Mr. Cresset the Master. At the first, Forty Boys were to be taken into the School: now Four more are added. The Master's Salary hath been raised from 50l. per Ann. to 100l. and lately to 200l. per Ann. The Preacher's Salary from 40l. per Ann. to an 100l. The Schoolmaster's from 30l. to 100l. per Ann. The Reader's from 20l. to 30l. per Ann. The Apprentices have their 20l. doubled.


The antient Revenue came to,44931910 ob.
New purchased Lands.89713 09 ob.
Together the Revenues amount to,53911308.
