Orders about Rebuilding the City. 229

Orders about Rebuilding the City.

26. The Old Change is to be abated at Fishstreet 1 foot 4 inches, and so gradually upwards.

27. St. Paul's Chain, or St. Bennet's Hill, is to be raised in Thamesstreet 8f. at 100f. 3f. And to be abated, at 190f. 2f. 5 inches; at 340f. 3f. at 490f. 1f. In St. Paul's Churchyard, as it was.

28. Thamesstreet, at the Foot of Addle Hill, is to be raised 6f. and so gradually up the Hill.

29. Puddle Dock is to be raised at Thamesstreet End 8f.; at 56f. 6f. 2 inches; at 196f. 3f. 3 inches; at 286f. 3f. 3 inches; at 386f. 9 inches. And to be abated at Carter Lane, 1 foot 7 inches.

30. Creed Lane, at Carter Lane End, is to be abated 2f. and so gradually to Ludgate Hill.

31. Ludgate Hill is to be raised at Fleetbridge 6f.; at 200f. upwards, 8f. 7 inches; at 300f. 5f. 2 ½; at 400f. 11 inches. And to be abated at Ludgate 10 inches, at Ave Mary Lane End, 1f. 8 inches; at St. Paul's Churchyard, 0. 0.

32. Mark Lane is to be abated at the Ending in Towerstreet, 2f.; and so gradually to about 100f. up the Lane.

33. Rood Lane is to be abated all the Length of it. In East Cheap, 1f. 6 inches. In Fenchurchstreet, 0. 0.

34. Grace Church Street is to be sunk at East Cheap 3f.; at the Conduit, 1f.; at Lombardstreet End, 0f.

35. Cannon Street is to be abated in East Cheap; at Grace Church Street, 3f. The highest Ground, at 200f. within the Street, near St. Michael's Lane End. The other Parts of it are to be sunk, according to the Endings of the Streets before mentioned.

36. Breadstreet is to be abated at Trinity Lane End 2f.; at Watlingstreet, 0. 0.

37. Friday-street is to be abated at Old Fish-street 2f.; at Watlingstreet, 0f.

38. Cheapside, about Woodstreet End, is to be raised 2f.; and so gradually Eastward and Westward; and that raising to end at the Old Change Westward, and Soper Lane Eastward.

39. The Stocks to be abated 2 foot; and that Abatement to be gradually extended into Cornhill, Lombard-street, Threadneedle-street, and the Poultry, and a little way into Walbrook; which about the South End of the Churchyard of St. Mary Woolchurch is to be raised about 2 foot, that the Current of the Water that way may be stopped, and turned back towards the Stocks; whence it is to be conveyed by a grated Sewer into the main Sewer, not far distant.

40. Basinghall-street is to be raised at Masons Alley 2 foot; and so gradually, Northward and Southward.

41. The Street of Aldermanbury, from the North Side of Aldermanbury Church, to the North Side of Addle Street, is to be gradually sunk.

42. Colemanstreet is to be raised, at the Church, 3 foot; and that Raising to be gradually extended to London Wall on the North, and to Lothbury on the South.

43. Queenstreet is to be raised, at Three Crane Stairs, 3 foot; and so gradually to Soper Lane End, the Descent of the Current is 1 upon 34.

II. For the Opening and Enlarging of several Streets and Publick Passages.


WHereas many Ancient Streets and Passages within the City of London and Liberty thereof, were narrow and incommodious for Carriages and Passengers, and prejudicial to the Trade and Health of the Inhabitants; and are necessary to be enlarged, as well for the Convenience as Ornament of the City: It is there- fore enacted by this present Parliament, (Caroli II. Decimo Nono) that these Streets and Places following shall be enlarged; Viz.

1. The Street called Fleetstreet, from the Place where the Greyhound Tavern stood, to Ludgate; and from thence to Paul's Churchyard.

2. The Street leading from the East End of St. Paul's Church, into Cheapside.

3. The Street and Passage at the East End of Cheapside, leading into the Poultrey.

4. The Street and Passage out of the Poultrey, leading into the West End of Cornhill; at or near the Place late called The Stocks.

5. The Street called Blow-bladder Street, leading from the West End of Cheapside towards Newgate Market. And to enlarge the Street and Passage from thence towards Newgate Market, by laying the Ground where the Middle Row in the Shambles there lately stood, into the said Street; and in like manner, to enlarge the Passage from Newgate Market towards Newgate, by laying the Ground of the Four late Houses, between Warwick Lane End and Newgate Market, and the late Bell Inn there, into the Street.

6. The Lane, called Ave Mary Lane, leading from Pater-Noster-Row to Ludgate Street.

7. And the Street or Passage at the End of St. Martins Le Grand, towards Blow- bladder Street, aforesaid.

8. And also the Passage from St. Magnus Church, to the Conduit in Grace Church Street; and the North End of Grace Church Street also.

9. Thames-street, from the West Corner of St. Magnus Church, to the Tower Dock.

10. To enlarge Old Fishstreet, by laying the Middle Row there into the Street.

11. And whereas the Way or Passage of Holborn Bridge is now too strait and incommodious for the many Carriages and Passengers daily using and frequenting the same; and is therefore necessary to be enlarged: Be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Commoners of the City of London, so to enlarge and make wider the same, as that the said Way and Passage may run in a Level Line, from a certain Timber House on the North Side thereof, commonly called or known by the Name or Sign of the Cock; unto the Front of the Buildings of a certain Inn, called the Swan Inn, situate on the North Side of Holborn Hill, as aforesaid.

12. That the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London may and shall open and enlarge a Street or Passage, called Water Lane, leading from Fleet-street to White Fryars Dock, by the River of Thames:

13. And open and enlarge one other Street or Passage through Mincing Lane, by St. Dunstan's in the East, to Thamesstreet near the Customhouse. And to make the said Streets or Passages Twenty four Foot in Breadth; for the Conveniency of Trade, and better Passage of Carts, and other Carriages, to and from the River of Thames.

14. That