Honourable Citizens. Their Loyalty. 299

Honourable Citizens. Their Loyalty.

Whitmore, Alderman Cordal, Alderman Soame, Alderman Gayer, Alderman Garrard, Alderman Wollaston, and the Two Sheriffs, (being Aldermen likewise) with Eight of the Commoners of the said Committee, went by his Lordship's Appointment to Hampton Court. Where they were received by the Right Honourable the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain to her Majesty, Sir Peter Wiche, Comptroller of his Majesties Houshold, and other Officers and Gentlemen of Quality, till they should be admitted into his Majesty's Presence. And after some small Stay, his Majesty, with his Royal Consort, the Queen, (attended by the Duke of Richmond, Marquis Hamilton, and the Earl of Dorset,) came into her Majesties Presence Chamber. And soon after Mr. Recorder, the Aldermen and Commoners were called in. Where, after their humble Duties tendred, Mr. Recorder, in an elegant Speech, presented the Loyal Affections, and humble Thanks of the City to their Majesties, together with Two humble Petitions, formerly agreed on, to be preferred to his Majesty, in Words to this Effect.

Some Aldermen, and Commoners, by Order of Common Council, wait upon the King.

"That according to his Majesties Commandment, given to the Lord Maior, and himself, they had published that, which his Majesty had graciously express'd, at his Entry into the City, not only to particular Men thereof, but at a Common Council: Which is the Representative Body of the City: And there made known the most gracious Acceptance, by both their Majesties, of the Endeavours of the Citizens, for their Welcome and Entertainment that Day."

The City's Petitions to the King, delivered by the Recorder.

" That after the publishing of it, they all forthwith, with one Heart, and one Voice, earnestly entreated, and press'd the Lord Maior; that by his Means, and in such way as he should think fit, their most humble and hearty Thanks might be tendred, and presented to both their Majesties, for that singular Honour they had done the City, in vouchsafing their Presence among them, and for those real Testimonies his Majesty had given of his Princely Favour and Affection towards them; tending so much to their Profit and Advantage: And especially for both their Majesty's gracious Acceptance of their poor (though hearty) Endeavours: With these and the like Expressions, which came from among them, That if they had done a Thousand Times more, it had been but their Duty. That the Memory of this Honour, and these Favours, should ever live among them: That it should be preserved to Posterity: That their Desires and Studies should be, as much as in them lay, that they might be thought worthy of these Honours and Favours, and of so Good and Gracious a King and Queen. "

" Thus the Lord Maior had required us that were present, to attend their Majesties with this Message from the City; and to make this thankful Acknowledgment to them. Beseeching their Majesties (as an Addition to their former Favours) to take it in good Part from them. And this was the first Part of our Errand. "

" That we had Two humble Petitions to prefer to both their Majesties. And we had the Rise and Encouragement to both from that which his Majesty was pleased to deliver to us. "

" Our First Petition was, that their Majesties would vouchsafe this Honour to the City, (if it might stand with their good Pleasures) to make their Residence at this Season of the Year, at the Palace at Whitehall. Their Presence was very joyful to us. And his Majesty was pleased to tell us, that he would study our Prosperity, and restore the Trade of the City: Which of late had been in some Disorder. Their Residence there would give a good Quickning to the Retailing Trade; and by Consequence to the Merchant. "

" Our Second was, Whereas since his happy Return hither, there had been some late Disorders about Westminster, among some People that met there, that their Majesties would not impute this to the Body of the City, or to the better Sort of Citizens. We held it a Misfortune, and a Scandal upon us, that when those Disorders were mentioned, the City was named with it. And that our Desire was to vindicate and redeem it, by some publick Disavowing it. And we could not begin better, than in the Presence of their Majesties, and besought their Majesties to take it into their Considerations, that the Skirts of the City, where the Lord Maior and Magistrates of London, have neither Power, nor Liberty, are more Populous, than the City it self, fuller of the meaner Sort of People. And if any Dwellers in the City should be Actors in it; (as who can deny, but among Millions of People, some there may be?) yet their Purpose was unknown to us. And to give their Majesties some Assurance herein, there were some present there among us; Men that had lived in the City above Forty Years together, that knew the City, and the better Sort of Citizens, and were at Westminster attending other Occasions, when those People met there, and took a heedful View of them: And they have affirmed, that they knew not the Face of one Man among them."

Mr. Recorder having ended, his Majesty presently, and graciously gave Answer, thus in Effect.

"That he was very well pleased with the Hearty and Loyal Affections of the Citizens. For which he gave them great Thanks. And for the first Petition, though he and her Majesty had before purposed to Winter at Hampton-Court, yet being now fully persuaded, that the Lord Maior, and Aldermen, and the most considerable Part of the Citizens of London, had not any Hand in the Disorder mention'd by Mr. Recorder, in his Second Petition, he intended, (and so he knew her Majesty would) to alter his Resolution; and with all convenient Speed repair to Whitehall; there to keep their Christmas; and be ready to do any Thing else, that might promote the Trade of the City. Desiring Mr. Recorder to join with him, in taking some Course, for Prevention of the like Disorders for the future."

The King' Answer to the Recorder.

After his Majesty had ended his Answer, and that Mr. Recorder and Sir George Whitmore had kissed his Royal Hand; the next Alderman in Seniority kneeled down, to receive the like Princely Favour: When suddenly, and unexpectedly his Majesty drew a Sword, and instead of giving him his Hand to Kiss, he laid his Sword upon his Shoulder, and Knighted him: The like he did to the other Aldermen, and the Two Sheriffs; being all in Number Seven.

Knights the Aldermen and Sheriffs.

This done, their Majesties gave them their Hands to Kiss. The like Princely Favour vouchsafed they to the Commoners of the Committee. And after many gracious Demonstrations of Love to them, and the whole City, his
