Portsoken Ward. Aldgate. 22

Portsoken Ward. Aldgate.

First, for a publick School in the University of Oxenford, the Sum of 200l.
To the Use of the Poor of the four Precincts of the Ward of
Portsoken, being in the Parish of St. Botolph's without Aldgate, the Sum of 293l. 6s. 8d.
To the Parish of Whitechapel, for the Relief of the Poor there, the
Sum of 230l.
To the Parish of St. Leonard in Shoreditch, to the Use of the Poor there, the Sum of 106l. 15s 4d.
To the Company of the Vintners he gave the Sum of 10l.
And to the Poor of Christ's Hospital he gave the Sum of 5l.
He deceased the 19th Day of April An. Dom. 1606. And was here
buried the 24th Day of the same next following. ætatis suæ 63.

Coppedhall in parochia Sancti Bothi extra Aldgate. An. 1413.]

Coppedhall, a Place in this Parish. Regist. Lond.

East from this Parish Church, there were certain fair Inns for Receipt of Travellers repairing to the City, up towards Hog Lane End, somewhat within the Bars, and a Mark there, shewing how far the Liberties of the City do extend.

This Hog Lane, [so called perhaps from the Hogs that ran in the Fields there, now called Petticoat Lane and Artillery Lane] stretcheth North to St. Mary Spittle, without Bishopsgate, and within these 44 * Years last, had (on both sides) fair Hedge-rows of Elm Trees, with Bridges and easy Stiles to pass over into the pleasant Fields, very commodious for Citizens therein to walk, shoot, and otherwise to recreate and refresh their dulled Spirits in the sweet and wholesome Air, which is now (within few Years) made a continual Building throughout of Garden Houses and small Cottages; and the Fields on either side be turned into Garden Plots, Tenter Yards, Bowling Alleys, and such like; from Hounds Ditch in the West so far as Whitechapel, and farther in the East.

Hog Lane.

* Reckoning from the Year 1554 to 1598. when Stow first set forth his Survey.

In a fine old Map of London (sometime in the Possession of Mr. Pepys of Clapham) I observed only a few scattering Houses through this Lane; but the East Side of it wholly unbuilt, and consisting only of Fields, where Cows and other Cattle were feeding.

J. S.

Among the Laws of the Bakers, in the Book Horn, the Bakers of London were allowed to keep Hogs, and nourish them for themselves in their own Houses, or elsewhere, without the Streets and Lanes of the City; but not within the City. And hence this Hog Lane, situate in the Suburbian Fields, might well have its Denomination.]

Hogs allowed to be kept by the Bakers. Lib. Horn.

The South Side of the High Way from Ealdgate had some few Tenements thinly scattered here and there, with much void Space between them up to the Bars. But now that Street is not only fully replenished with Buldings outward, and also pestred with divers Alleys on either Side to the Bars; but also even to Whitechapel and beyond.

The South Side of Aldgate.

Amongst the which late Buildings, one memorable for the Commodity of that East Part of this City, is a fair Water Conduit, hard without the Gate; for the building whereof, in the Year 1535. Sir John Allen being Maior, two Fifteens were granted by the Citizens for the making and laying of Pipes to convey Water from Hackney to that Place; and so that Work was finished.

Water Conduit at Aldgate.

It was repaired, and much ornamental and useful Stone Work added, in the Year 1546. as appears by the Date in old Figures set upon the Wall.]

J. S.

Here I may not omit to tell you, that although this Water Conduit was very beneficial to the People inhabiting there round about, yet in regard of the Situation, being upon the Street's South Side, and immediately descending down many Steps or Stairs of Stone, it was troublesome to the poor People fetching Water there, in coming up laden with their Tubs, Pails and Tankards. Besides, until the Turn of each Party came by Order and due Course, their Tankards, Tubs, and Pails, did greatly pester the Passage about, and thorow the Gate, endangering divers personal Harms, and other great Incoveniences. Which since then, at the taking down of the old Gate, that a new might be builded in the same Place, is exceeding commendably amended, to the City's Honour, their Credit that had Care for the disposing of the Work, and great Ease of the poor Water Bearers, and all Passengers. For now there is a fair spacious Court, wherein all the Tankards, and other Vessels, orderly stand; (without any Annoyance to the Street) and the Descent to the Conduit is made very convenient, free from offending one another in their Labour, the Passage to and fro is so aptly ordered, and the Room so large for their Attendance.

The Inconveniences of this Conduit.

A. M.


The old ruinous Gate being taken down, and Order provided for a new Foundation, divers very ancient Pieces of Roman Coin were found among the Stones and Rubbish; which as Mr. Martin Bond (a worshipful Citizen, and one of the Surveyors of the Work) told me, two of them (according to their true Form and Figure) he caused to be carved in Stone, and fixed in either Side of the Gate's Arch without, Eastward. [which are there still.]

Old Aldgate new built.

In the Rubbish were found two Pieces of Coin. of Trajanus and Dioclesianus, Emperors.

The rest of these stamped Roman Pieces were sent for by the Lord Maior and his Brethren to the Guild Hall, where as yet they remain to be seen. Moreover, under his own Hand Writing, he delivered me this brief Note, which (for mine own Discharge) I have here set down.

The 10th Day of March, Anno 1607. I Martin Bond laid the first
Foundation Stone of Aldgate Northward: The Bottom of which Foundation was sixteen Foot deep, and eight Foot broad.

But it was not finished till the End of the next Year. The other Roman Coins found in the old Walls were of Clodius Albinus, Vespasian, Domitian, Carausius, Valentinianus: The Forms and Superscriptions thereof, the said Mr. Bond caused to be carved in Free Stone, and set over the Conduit Door just without the Gate.]

The other ancient Coins found in the Walls. Edm. How's Chron. p. 892.

J. S.

Now concerning the building of the Gate, what time it was in hand, and the Care and Pains taken about it, it would require a larger Explanation than here I am limited unto; but the Gate being very worthily and famously finished it may be thus described to Posterity.

Begun to be taken down in An. 1606. and finished An. 1609.

Eastward, upon the Height of the Gate, standeth a fair golden Sphere, with a goodly Vane on it. On the upper Battlements (as vigilant Sentinels, and kept waking by Fame's golden Trumpet) are placed the Shapes of two armed ancient Soldiers, each holding a great Stone in his Hand, as denying the Entrance of any bold Enemy, or such as are not Friends to the City.

The Gate Eastward.


Beneath, in a fair large Square, standeth the imaginary Figure of our Royal Soverign King James, in bright gilt Armour, at whose Feet (on either Side) lye the Lion and golden chained Unicorn, mildly couching, as expressing Awe and Humility in so great a Presence. [But both K. James, and his Lion and Unicorn are all taken away lately, to give place to a large Window, now placed there. Which is Pity.]
