Portsoken Ward. St. Botolph Aldgate. 25

Portsoken Ward. St. Botolph Aldgate.

Gerrard Ward gave 16 Dozen of Bread to the Poor yearly for ever, 16s.

Anne Turner, to be given every Christmas Day for ever to Sixty poor People, 1l. 10s.

Mary Bristow, for a Sermon the next Sunday after Valentine's Day yearly -

To the two upper Church Wardens 2s. 6d. a piece. The rest to the Use of the Poor. In all 3l. 6s. 8d.

Rob. Hill, to be given every Ashwednesday for ever to the Poor, either in Bread or Money, at the Discretion of the Church Wardens, 1l. 12s.

More Gifts and Bequests to the Poor of that part of the Parish that lieth in Middlesex.


Sir John Fenner0500 00
Mr. Fairfax080000
Mr. Rumbald021000
Mr. Startup Jackson and his Widow060000
Sir Samuel Starling0500 00

Other gifts and Bequests to that part of the Parish that lieth in the Liberty of London, called the Ward of Portsoken.


George Clarke Vintner0200 00
Richard Say010000
Will. Kermet, alias Holland030000
Anne Newport010400
Joan Clark020000
William Cooch0510 00
Colshel Clark0200 00
Robert Cox030000
Lewis Powel000600
Willam Taylor0110 00
Annabel Cox010000

Besides, all these following gave Annual Sums, viz.

Margery Stone, John Rouse, John Webster, John Waddis, Mary Paradine, William Price, William Allen, Richard Garford Esq; Samuel Owen, Mary Clark, Sir John Fenner Knt. Fran. Norfolk, Simon Warren, Robert Cox, Thomas Coxon.

The Sum total of all the yearly Gifts belonging to this Parish amounted to 151l. 15s. 8d.

All these Gifts were partly for Sermons, partly for Coals and Firing, partly for Bread, and partly in Money, to be distributed.

The Charities of Robert Dow and George Clark are mentioned before.

This Clark gave also for a Sermon 6s. 8d.

Lectures given to this Parish, besides what is mentioned already, with the Sum allowed for preaching them, viz.


16th of July1000
1st of September0608
Sunday next before Christmas Day0600
19th of December1000
12th of January0700
Good Friday1000
11th of April0608
Trinity Sunday0608
7th of June0700
17th of June0608
3d of October0608
19th of October0608
17th of November0500
30th of December0500
Again the 30th of Dec.0608
1st of April0608
3d of April0608

Thus the Charities and Gifts of this Parish stand in the Presentment made in the Year 1693. Where it was noted, that in the Visitation Anno 1636, when the Visitation Books shewed 30l. for Sermons yearly, in this Presentment (besides Mr. Bristow's Sermon, for which there is no Sum mentioned) was returned for Sermons only 11l. 16s. 8d.

To this Parish belong neither Parsonage House, Vicarage House, nor Glebe.

Eight Pounds per Annum only, payable to the Minister from the Impropriator, being a Stipend reserved in the Grant from the Crown. But Mr. Samuel Brewster, the present Impropriator, hath very commendably and christianly given back the Benefits of the Easter Book to the Minister of the Parish, to which he was legally entitled; and hath applied it for the promoting the Honour of God, and the Interest of the Church. And beside this generous Act of his to the Church, hath writ a Letter to the Parishioners of the said Parish, exciting them to pay the same justly and honestly to Dr. Kennet, their then worthy and learned Incumbent; and withal shewing therein the Nature of Offerings, and the Use and Necessity of paying them. And this Letter he caused to be printed, that it might be the more universally spread abroad in this Parish. Therein he shews them, what these Offerings were, viz. 2d. a Head of all above the Age of 16, according to the number of their Families: But exhorted them, that seeing he had for the Honour of Religion restored them to their first religious Use, that they would in making their Offerings do it according to their Abilities, and not barely to pay them according to the Rule of the Land, but according as God had blessed them; and made a Note of it, that at the Time Offerings were settled, 2d. was equivalent to a Shilling now.

The Minister's Benefits.

S. Brewster Impropriator.

Easter Book.

Further, it must be noted, that the said Impropriator, instead of the abovesaid 8l. per Ann. payable to the Minister of the said Parish, (who now is the Reverend Dr. Bray) hath settled upon him and his Successors, Incumbents there, all the Benefits arising from the Chancel, as Pews, Burials, &c. which is confirmed by a Deed of the said Impropriator and the Parishioners: And whereby the said Parish is obliged to keep the said Chancel, and all things belonging thereunto, in continual good Repair.]

Benefits of the Chancel settled on the Minister.

Sir Samuel Starling Knt. Alderman of the City of London, by his last Will and Testamant, bearing Date the 7th Day of August, Anno Dom. 1673. gave certain Copyhold Lands and Tenements lying in East Smithfield, in the Parish of St. Mary White Chapel, belonging to the Manour of Stepney in the County of Middlesex, the Rents amounting to the Value of twenty two Pounds yearly, as a Foundation of a Charity School for the better Education of the poor Youth of the Parish of St. Botolphs without Aldgate. Which said Lands and Tenements he surrendered to the Use of his Will to Mr. Charles Corsellis Brewer, Mr. John Parsons Brewer, and Thomas Heath Scrivener, Trustees of the said Charity, - The Schoolmaster to be a Batchelor of Arts of the University of Cambridge, and to teach School in a brick House which he (the said Sir Sam. Starling) built at his own Charges at the East End of the Town House, or Quest House, upon Little Tower Hill in the Manour of East Smithfield. The Schoolmaster to be chosen by the Inquest of the Ward of Portsoken, and the Lect Jury of the Manour of East Smithfield; and to be subject to such Rules and Orders as they shall from time to time establish for the due Government of the said School; on pain of being removed, and forfeiting

Sir Samuel Starling Kt. his Gift.

Dr. Bray.

J. Carpenter.

Charity School.
