Portsoken Ward. Bounds and Limits. 26

Portsoken Ward. Bounds and Limits.

his Right to receive the said Rents: The Rules and Orders so concluded on by the Wardmote Inquest and Lect Jury, to be engrossed and hung up in two Tables; the one in the Vestry House of the Parish Church of Aldgate, the other in the Quest House upon Little Tower Hill.

Extract from Sir Samuel Starling's last Will and Testament.


The ORDERS follow.


Orders made by the Wardmote Inquest of Portsoken Ward, London, and the Jury of Court Lect of the Manour of East Smithfield, to be observ'd and kept by the Schoolmaster for the time being, for the teaching of certain poor Boys of the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate, in manner following; being the Gift of Sir Samuel Starling Knt. by his last Will and Testament.

Imprimis, The said Schoolmaster shall teach sixteen poor Boys of the Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate, that is, eight of the upper Ward, and eight of the lower end, or more or less as the Estate will bear; such as shall be nominated and appointed by the said Trustees, whom the Wardmote Inquest and Lect Jury have chosen: And the said Master shall have for teaching the poor Boys twenty Shillings each Boy per An.

Order for the School.

2dly. The said Master shall teach the said Boys to read. And after they can read competently well, shall teach them to write, and the Grounds of Arithmetick, to fit them for Servants or Apprentices.

3dly. The said Master shall together herewith instruct the said poor Children in the Knowlege and Practice of the Christian Religion, and teach them the Principles thereof, as they are laid down in the Church Catechism: And this shall be done twice a Week; and the said Master shall be obliged to bring the said Children once in five Weeks to Church to be catechized.

4thly. The said Master shall take particular Care of the Manners and Bahaviour of the poor Children, and study all proper Means to discourage and correct the Beginnings of Vice; and particularly, Lying, Swearing, and Cursing, taking God's Name in vain, and the Prophanation of the Lord's Day, &c.

5thly. The said Master shall bring the said Children to Church twice every Lord's Day, and once on Holidays; and teach them to behave themselves with all Reverence in the House of God.

6thly. The Master shall constantly attend his proper Business in the School, during the Hours appointed for teaching, viz. from Seven to Eleven in the Morning, and from One to Five in the Afternoon, the Summer half Year; and from Eight in the Morning to Eleven, and from One to Four in the Afternoon, in Winter.

7thly. The Names of the Children shall be called over every Morning and Afternoon, and if any missing, they are to be taken notice of.- And the said Master shall go to Prayer with the said Children Morning and Evening, and shall order the said Children so to do at Home.

8thly. The said Master shall not teach above thirty Scholars, besides the said sixteen, without taking to his Assistance an able Person to be his Usher.

9thly. It is ordered, that no Boy shall be admitted in the said School under eight Years old; and also, that the said Schoolmaster shall not make any Demand, nor take any Money of any Person, for any Boy's Entrance in the said School.

10thly. As often as any of the sixteen Children shall be removed from the said School, that then the said master shall give notice to the Trustees of the said School, that another may be sent in his Place.

11thly. That the Parents of the said Children be put in mind to take care to send their Children clean, wash'd and comb'd to School.

12thly. It is ordered by the aforesaid Inquest and Lect Jury, that the abovesaid Rules and Orders be set up in the said School, that the said Master may take notice thereof, and govern himself accordingly.

13thly. And lastly, It is ordered, that there shall be a Copy of these Orders put up in the Vestry House of the said Parish, and another put up in the Quest House upon Little Tower Hill, in the said Parish; and that the Names of the present Trustees of the said Estate be underwitten.

Mr. John Dodson,
Mr. Nath. Gaile,
Mr. Edward Croofoot,

The Right of Presentation to this Church had been divers Years in Contest between the Impropriator and the Crown, Dr. White Kennet, late Dean (now Lord Bishop) of Peterborough, was presented by the Impropriator: Dr. Rich. Hollingworth the then Incumbent, held it from the Crown; but after a long Suit at Law between the Queen and Mr. Brewster, the said Impropriator, he was found the true Patron; and so decreed.

The Right of Presentation. J. S.

The present worthy Minister is Dr. Thomas Bray.]

Now concerning the Bounds and Limits both of the Parish and Ward, and how far they extend themselves every way; there can be no better Direction therein than following the Order of their own yearly Perambulation, which for avoiding of Prolixity, thus I observe.

The Limits of Portsoken Ward, and of the whole Parish, which extendeth a great way farther than the Ward doth.

A. M.

Walking down Houndsditch Northward, so far as the dwellling House of one Edward Ansel, Carpenter, they there cross the Way Eastward into Still and Hand Alley, passing on along by a Garden brick Wall, belonging to a fair goodly Place, termed some time Fishers Folly: Thence they proceed into Hog Lane, in the Middle of which Lane is the Partition between the two Parishes of Whitechapel and St. Botolphs: There they go on to the Bars in the common Street, and crossing the Way Southward, go through a now Tavern House, known by the Name of the Castle. Where turning back again the Breadth of two small Gardens, they then pass on right forward (west) to the Minories Wall, until they come to the Minories Bars.

There (at the farther end) they turn down into an Alley, called Browns Alley, to a Wall being by Goodman's Fields; and so along by that Wall, so far as to Goodman's Gate: Where, by reason of a Controversy happening between the Parish of Whitechapel and St. Botolphs, and a Barn and other Buildings erected in the Way, they are constrained to turn up into the Street again. Then they go down Red Lion Alley, to the House of one Darby Morgan, passing on thence directly into Rosemary Lane. Then down on the South Side till they come to the East Side of a new Churchyard, there builded at the Parish's Cost, and for their Help in times of Sickness: There they go through an House, then through the Churchyard, and afterward through the House of one John Batcheler. Thence they go down Nightingale Lane, on the West Side, until they come to the Middle of a Foord, which some time turned Wapping Mill; and there the foresaid two Parishes are divided again by that Foord: Then
