Portsoken Ward. St. Olaves. 40

Portsoken Ward. St. Olaves.

juvenis, Nobile Familiæ Columen, Juventutis exemplar, Artium & Linguarum, Cognitionem insignem, pro divinis ingenii sui dotibus in Ratisponensium Gymnasio Poetico, Altorfiana, Argentinensi, Basiliensi, Leidensi Academiis acquisitam peregrinationibus adaucturus, hic in Anglia, ad Angelorum Sanctorim Cœlum avocatus, animam suam Christo Redemptori reddidit, corpus verò huic solo commisit, Desiderium sui tristissimum omnibus bonis relinquens, Inprimis parentibus Christophoro Jacobo Elssenhaimero ab Elssenham in Preprunn Seniori, & Dorotheæ ex Nobili Hændeliorum Familia prosatæ, Qui Filio unicè unisoli senectutis portui extremum hoc quod sibi ab illo desideravere animitus Amoris Monumentum inter Candidissimas Lacrymas statuerunt.
Obiit Anno ætatis 21. Men. ix. die 28. Anno Christi MDCXVIII. die vi. August.

Nemo nostrum sibi vivit, & nemo sibi moritur. Sive enim vivimus, Domino vivimus, sive morimur Domino morimur; sive ergo vivimus, sive morimur, Domini sumus. Paul. ad Rom. Cap. 14. Vers. 17.

Filius ad Parent.
Vivo, fruor tandem veris, (ne flete parentes)
Deliciis, Cœlo, posteritate, Deo.

A fair Stone in the Middle Ile, with these Words about it.

Here lyeth the Body of Alice Hull, the Wife of Walter Hull of London, Gentleman, who was buried the 16. Day of November, Anno Dom. 1627.

In the Middle of the Stone, with their Armes over it, these Words.

Though we are dead, yet our Lives are hid in Christ with God.
Christ is to me, both in Life and Death, Advantage.
Though my Flesh faileth, and my Heart also, yet God is the
Strength of my Heart, and my Portion for ever.]

Sir Andrew Riccard Kt. an eminent Turky and East-India Merchant, hath a stately Statue of white Marble against the North Wall of this Church, set up in honour of him by the Turky Company. He died Sept. 6. 1672. Aged 68. He lyes buried under the Communuin Table.

Monuments more modern.

J. S.

His Epitaph is in these Words.

En! ANDREAM RICCARDUM Eq. Bar. Civem Londinensem, & Mercatorem splendidissimum, Virum, Pietatis in Deum insignis, Probitatis erga homines eximiæ, Existimationis apud omnes summæ, in negotiis, maximè publicis agendis, sedulitatis indefessæ. In muneribus quibusvis obeundis, Prudentiæ simul & integritatis maximæ. Societatis Indicæ Præsidentem sæpius invitum. Societatis verò (uti vulgo dicitur) Turcicæ per octodecim simul annos, Dictatorem perpetuum.
Ad illius itaque memoriam Societatis illi præsertim pergratam, Monumentum hoc ei extruendum, Impensis suis illa ipsa curavit Societas.

In the Chancel over the Baynings Monument, is an Inscription for Elizabeth Pepys, some time Wife of Samuel Pepys Esq; Secretary to the Navy. She deceased Nov. 10. 1669.

Jane, late Wife of Matthew Humberstone of London, Esq; July 17. 1694.

Daniel Mills, D.D. Rector of this Parish 32 Years, Oct. 26. 1689.

Henry Davy, Merchant, Feb. 6. 1672.

John Beare and Dousabell his Wife, both descended from good Families in the County of Devon. He died June 2. 1688. She died July 29. 1696

Frances Fairborn, Daughter of Sir Palmes Fairborn, Lieutentant General of his Majesty's City and Garrison of Tangier, July 26. 1677.

Middle Ile, John Newton Merchant, together with 7 Sons and 4 Daughters. He died 1697.

On the South of the Communion Table is a Monument for Sir John Mennes Kt. born at Sandwich in Kent, employed in great Offices of Trust in the Navy by King James, King Charles I. and II. Feb. 18. 1670.

High on a Pillar South is the Figure of a young Lady half way cut in Stone, being Elizabeth, Daughter of Sir William Gore, Kt. and Alderman. She died July 18.1698. Aged 18 Years and 11 Months.]

A Table of the Benefactors very fair hangeth up on the the North Wall. It was made 1685. Therefore,


Coming now to the Charities given to the Poor in this Parish, I find no nomination of any, but of one Mrs. Bainham, and Sir * James Deane, whose Gifts are Benevolence in Bread weekly to the Poor. There standeth also at the lower part of the Church, a Memory of one yet living, inscribed thus:

A. M.

*His Gift was to S. Katharine Coleman Parish, as well as to this.

John Highlord, senior, of London, Skinner, in his Life time, and in the 85. Year of his Age, gave forty Shillings yearly for ever, to be bestowed in Newcastle Coals, for the relief of the Poor in the Parish of St. Olave in Hart Street.

There are many Men of great and good account in this Parish, who at divers times are bountiful unto the Poor in Money, and as they send it, it is faithfully divided among them.

The present State of the Charities of St. Olave Hart Street, stands thus:


Margaret Bainham gave 2s. a Week every Sunday in time of Divine Service in the Morning: Paid by the Church Wardens of Alhallows Stayning.

The charitable Gifts belonging to this Parish.

J. S.

Richard Chenies 40s. per ann. payable by the Church Wardens of St. Mary Woolnoth, at Lady Day, and Michaelmas.

Andrew Windsores, 6l. 13s. 4d. payable quarterly, at Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas, and Lady Day, or within 28 Days. To issue out of the Capital Messuage of Robert Delabar in this Parish, late in the Occupation of Sir Anthony Dean.

John Highlord, senior, 40s. per ann. to buy Newcastle Coals for the Poor of the Parish.

Sir James Dean, 5l. 4s. to issue out of the Mannor of Ash in the County of Southampton, payable half yearly, viz. at Midsummer and Christmas.

Sir John Worstenholm, 100l. wherewith was Land purchased in Helmet Court near Billingsgate, to secure 6l. per ann. to the Poor of the Parish for ever.

Margaret Dean, 3s. 6d. per ann. to the Poor of the Parish, paid by the Beadle of Ironmonger's Hall.

Alderman Stiles, and Alderman Lambert, 20s. per ann. to the Poor, payable by the Grocers, once in 14 Years.

Henry Leak, 6s. per ann. payable by the Church Wardens of St. Olaves Southwark.

Walter Hulls Gift. One Tenement in the Parish of Eastham in Essex, Rent 8l.

Several Houses in Whitechapel, Rent reserved, 23l. 18s.

One House and Tenement with Orchard and
