Tower Street Ward. The Bounds. 41

Tower Street Ward. The Bounds.

six Acres of Land at Siddenham, yearly Rent, 2l. 10s.

The Shops erected on the North Side of the Church, conveyed to the Parish by Mr. William Thornbury, 3l. per ann.

Dr. John Lewin, his Legacy of 2l. 12s. per ann. payable to the Poor for ever, at Michaelmas and Lady Day, by Mr. Sykes Apothecary in Leadenhall Street.

This Parish hath a Parsonage House, situate next to the Church. No other Glebe. This Church escaped the great Fire in the Year 1666.]

Now for the Limits and Bounds of the Parish. They go on from the Church West, and turning down on the East Side of Mart-lane, cross the way over to Sir Henry Baker's House, and so go up on the West Side, till turning into Hart Street, they go on into Sydon Lane, so far as their Mark standeth, on the House of Sir Nicholas Salter, joining to theirs of Barking Parish. Then they go over on the West Side, and so pass down Crutched Friars, to Tower Hill, to the further part of the Lady Lumley's Garden Wall, and the back Gate of the aforesaid Sir Nicholas, where turning back to Porter's House, and going on Northward, they go into an Alley, which guideth them to the North End of Master Covel's Garden, and there they fix their Mark by theirs of Barking, on London Wall.

Limits and Bounds of the Parish.

A. M.

Crutched Friars.

So returning again, they go up towards Aldgate on the East Side, so far as directly against the Sign of the Cock, returning back on the West Side to the Pump in Crutched Friars, and then to the place where they began.

Here I was favoured by Master John Simpson, Parson of St. Olaves, and the friendly Officers there.]

Woodroffe Lane towards the Tower is in this Parish.


Then have ye out of Tower Street also on the North Side, one other Lane, called Mart Lane, which runneth up towards the North, and is for the most part of this Tower Street Ward; which Lane is about the third quarter thereof, divided from Aldgate Ward, by a Chain to be drawn thwart the said Lane, above the West End of Hart Street.

Mart Lane, of a Mart kept about Blanch Chappelton, or Appleton.

In this Lane or Street lived sometime Sir William Sharington, Knt. a chief Officer in the Mint in King Edward VI's Reign; who for his Frauds was attainted, but pardoned. This Messuage here was called Sharington House: Of such Capacity it seems, and Magnificence, that Henry Earl of Arundel obtained it of the King from the time of his Attaint; and creditable enough for that most noble Peer and Privy Counsellor to live in.]

Sharington House.

J. S.

Cokedon Lane, sometime at the South West End of Mart Lane, I read of.

A third Lane out of Tower Street on the North Side, is called Mincheon Lane, so called of Tenenments there, sometime pertaining to the Minchuns or Nuns of St. Helens in Bishopsgate Street. This Lane is all of the said Ward, except the corner House towards Fen Church Street.

Mincheon Lane.

In this Lane of Old Time dwelled divers Strangers born, of Genoa and those Parts; these were commonly called Galley-men, as Men that came up in Galleys, brought up Wines and other Merchandises, which they landed in Thames Street, at a place called Galley Key: They had a certain Coin of Silver amongst themselves, which were Half Pence of Genoa, and were called Galley Half Pence. These Half Pence were forbidden in the13th Year of King Henry IV. And again by Parliament in the 4th of Henry V. [by the Name of Half Pence of Genoa, forbidden to pass, as unlawful Payment, amongst the English Subjects.] And it was enacted, That if any Person bring into this Realm Galley Half Pence, Suskins, or Dodkins, he should be punished as a Thief, and he that taketh or payeth such Money shall lose an hundred Shillings, whereof the King shall have the one half, and he that will sue, the other half.

Galley men dwelled there.

First Edition.

Notwithstanding in my Youth I have seen them pass currant, but with some difficulty, for that the English Half Pence were then (though not so broad) somewhat thicker and stronger. There was at that time also forbidden certain other Coins, called Seskaris and Dodkins, with all Scottish Monies.

The Clothworkers Hall is in this Lane.

Clothworkers Hall.

Then at the End West of Tower Street, have ye a little turning towards the North, a fair House, sometime belonging to one named Griste, for he dwelled there in the Year 1449. And Jack Cade, Captain of the Rebels in Kent, being by him in this House feasted, when he had dined, like an unkind Guest, robbed him of all that was there to be found worth the Carriage.

Griste's House.

Next to this is another fair House, sometime builded by Angel Dune, Grocer, Alderman of London; since possessed by Sir John Campneies, Alderman and Maior of London. He builded in this House an high Tower of Brick, the first that ever I heard of in any private Man's House, to overlook his Neighbours in this City. But this delight of his Eye was punished with Blindness some years before his Death. Since that time, Sir Percivall Hart, a jolly Courtier, and Knight Harbenger to the Queen, was lodged there, &c.

John Campneis, Alderman blind.

From this House somewhat West, is the Parish Church and Parsonage House of St. Margaret Pattens. To the which Church and House on the North Side, and as far over against on the South, stretcheth the farthest West part of this Ward.

Margaret Patens.

And therefore, to begin again at the East End of Tower Street. On the South Side have ye Bear Lane, wherein are many fair Houses, and runneth down to Thames Street. The next is Sporiar Lane, of old time so called, but since and of later time, named Water Lane, because it runneth down to the Watergate by the Custom House in Thames Street.

Bear Lane.

Sporiar Lane or Water Lane, or Hart Lane.

In Water Lane is situate Trinity House, which belongs to an ancient Corporation of Mariners, founded in King Henry VIII's Time, for the regulation of Seamen, and security and convenience of Ships and Mariners on our Coasts. In the said King's Reign lived Sir Tho. Spert, Knight, Comptroller of the Navy to that King; who was the first Founder and Master of the said Society of Trinity House; and died Anno 1541. and was buried in the Chancel of Stepney Church. To whose Memory the said Corparation Anno 1622. set up a Monument there for him eighty Years and one after the decease of the said Spert their Founder. It is on the South Wall over the Door, but the Inscription is now almost worn out, but it may be read in its proper place in this Book. And by an Inscription ancienter than that set up by the said Corporation, lost long since in the Church, but preserved by Norden; we learn, that this Gentleman had three Wives, Dame Margery, Dame Anne, and Dame Mary, all lying in the Chancel there: And that his Coat of Arms was Two Launces in Saltier between four Hearts, on a Chief, a Ship with the Sails furled. I have been told further of this Knight, that he was Commander of the biggest Ship then that the Sea bore, namely, Henry Grace de Dieu, built by K. Henry VIII. near the beginning of his Reign.

Trinity House in Water Lane.

J. S.

Nordeus Middlesex.

This House where the Corporation usually meets belonged to them before the great Fire,
