Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East. 43

Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East.

William Islip, Parson, 1382.

John Kiryoll, Esq; Brother to Thomas Kiryoll, 1400.

Nicholas Bond.

Thomas Barry, Merchant,1445.

Robert Shelly, Esq; 1420.

Robert Pepper, Grocer, 1445.

John Norwich, Grocer, 1390.

Alice Brome, Wife to John Coventry, sometime Maior of London, 1433.

William Isaack, Draper, Alderman, 1508.

Edward Skales, Merchant, 1521.

John Ricroft, Esq; Serjeant of the Larder to Henry VII. and Henry VIII, 1532.

Edward Waters, Esq; Serjeant at Arms, 1558.

Sir Bartholomew James, Draper, Maior, 1479. buried under a fair Monument, with his Lady.

Ralph Greenway, Grocer, Alderman, put under the Stone of Robert Pepper, 1559.

Thomas Bledlow, one of the Sheriffs, 1472.

James Bacon, Fishmonger, Sheriff, 1573.

Sir Richard Champion, Draper, Maior, 1568.

Henry Herdson, Skinner, Alderman, 1555.

Sir James Granado, Knt.

William Hariot, Draper, Maior, 1481. buried in a fair Chapel, by him builded, 1517.

John Tate, Son to Sir John Tate, in the same Chapel, in the North Wall.

Sir Christopher Draper, Ironmonger, Maior, 1566. buried 1580.

And many other worshipful Personages besides, whose Monuments are altogether defaced.

But such as remain, and merit Memory, I will declare them in this order following.

A. M.

On the South Side of the Chancel, standeth an ancient Marble Tomb, cooped about with filliting of Brass Plates, bearing these Words engraven on them:

In the Chancel.

Hic jacet Bartholomeus James, Miles, Civis & Pannarius, ac Aldermannus, necnon quondam Maior hujus inclitæ Civitatis London, &c.

The Place in this Church where this Alderman lay, was called the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, under a Tomb erected in his Life time, situate before the Image of the Holy Trinity. He willed that immediately after his decease there should be made and set up in the High Choir a convenient and an honest Presbytery, after the Advice and Discretion of Dame Alice his Wife. Item, He bequeathed to the High Altar of the said Church of St. Dunstan's for his Offering [for Duties] forgotten or neglected, or witholden, in discharge of his Soul against our Lord God; and also to have his Soul among other Souls on Sundays, recommended to the devout Prayers of the Parishioners there, 26s. 8d. Item, He bequeathed to the Sustentation of the Brotherhood of Jesu in the same Church to pray for his Soul, - Item, He willed to have at his Burying and Months Mind, 20 Torches of Wax, every Torch weighing six Pounds, and four convenient Tapers of Wax, to be holden by such Men as had ready their black Gowns and Hoods. Of the Torches, he bequeathed to the Church of Saint Dunstan four, to burn on Sundays and other Festival Days before the Blessed Sacrament at the sacring of the high Mass there to be sung as long as they will endure. Item, Two of the said Torches to the Abby of Leyson in Kent: One to the Priory of St. Mary Magdalene of Combwel in Kent: Two to the Parish Church of St. Margaret Pattens in the City of London: Two to the Chapel of our Lady of Barnet: One to the Parish Church of Alhallow in Stayning, London: One to the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene of the Guild Hall of the City of London: One other to the Parish of St. Margaret in Lothbury, London. And Dame Alice, his Wife, to dispose of the remanent of the said Torches at her pleasure. Item, He bequeathed to the Brotherhood of the Parish Clerks of the City of London, 20s. So that they were at conducing of his Body to the said Church of St. Dunstan's, and at his Dirige and Mass of Requiem, and at his Months Mind. Item, He bequeathed to the Brethren of the House of Friers of the Order of St. Austin of London 20s. for that they the Day of his burying come to the said Church of St. Dunstan, and there sing Dirige by Note, and pray for hs Soul. Item, To every other of the three Orders of Friers of the City to pray for his Soul, 6s. 8d. if it may be, at the Discretion of Dame Alice, his Wife. Item, He willed that there should be sung in the said Church of St. Dunstan, Dirige and Mass of Requiem, by the Priests and Clerks of the same Church devoutly from the time of his Burial till and unto time his Months Mind were finished: And every of them to have for their Labour 6s. 8d. to pray for his Soul. After his said Months Mind was done he willed, that the said four Tapers should be broken and made into small Tapers, every piece weighing one Pound; which he willed should be set before the Image of the Holy Trinity and of our Lady in the Church of Saint Dunstan's, to burn at due and convenient times and seasons. Item, He willed that anon after his Months Mind done, Dame Alice, his Wife, should ordain a Priest of good Name and of honest Conversation, to sing and say Divine Service and Mass in the said Church, without he were otherwise letted or occupied by the said Dame Alice, his Wife. For he willed in any wise, that the same Priest should be at the Commandment of the said Dame Alice, to attend upon her, and to say Mass and Service afore her in such times as should please her. The same Priest to pray for his Soul, and for the Soul of Johane late his Wife, their Fathers and Mothers, Children and Benefactors Souls, and all Christian Souls, during the term of five Years or more, after the Discretion and Will of the said Dame Alice, next ensuing after his decease; she giving him yearly his Wages, like as she by her Discretion could agree with him: The same Priest daily to say his Masses, as was in the same Church appointed by the same Dame Alice, at the Awter of the Holy Trinity in the said Church. Item, He bequeathed to every House of the Lazars in the City of London, 3s. 4d. to pray for his Soul. Item, To be distributed among poor People in the House of St. Bartholomew Spittal, in Money, Bread, or otherwise, 3s. 4d.

The Tomb of Sir Barth. James.

J. S.

And his Legacies.

And after many other charitable Legacies given to the Prisons, the Compters, the Charter Houses at Shene, and behind London, and other Gifts, the said Sir Bartholomew James willed and ordained, that the great Messuage or Tenement in which he dwelt seated in the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the East, so and so bounded, after the decease of Dame Alice, his Wife, should wholly remain to the Parson and Church Wardens of the same Parish for the time being, to the Use of the Reparation and Works of the same Church for evermore: Under the Conditions ensuing, that is to say, That the said Wardens of the said Church and their Successors, yearly on the Day of the Month on which it should fortune him to decease or be buried, should hold and keep in the said Church an Obit, or Anniverary for him, Dame Alice and Johane, his Wives, honestly as it ought to be done, solemnly by Note, by the Priests and Clerks of the said Church, with Wax to be had and spent about the same, ringing of Bells, and all other things belonging to the same; and

Gives his House to the Parish.
