Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East. 48

Tower Street Ward. St. Dunstan's in the East.

to the Poor. The Rent of which Premisses amount unto the yearly Sum of 20 00 0

Sir Bartholomew James Kt. gave a Messuage or Dwelling House, with another small Tenement adjoyning to the same, at the West end of the Church Yard, Southside; out of which an Obit of 1l. 13s. 4d. is issuing. The Rent of which Premisses amount now to the yearly Sum of 06 00 0

Sir William Herriot Kt. gave three Houses in Thames Street, which amount to the yearly Sum of 19 00 0
[Now improved to 30l.]

Henry Herdson of London, Alderman, gave one Messuage or Tenement in St. Margaret Pattens Church Yard; also one House and Stable in Old Fish Street, and at Broken Warf; and also one Messuage or Tenement in Tower Street, and a small Tenement adjoining: Out of which is paid to thirteen Poor every Sunday, 2d a piece; Also a Load of Coals, to be divided yearly. The Rent of which Premisses amount, per Annum, to 22 06 0

William Barret gave one Messuage or Tenement, called The Horsemill in Grassechurch Street, for the City to enlarge a Granary, called Leadenhall. And in Consideration whereof, the Maior, Aldermen, and Chamberlain of London, did grant an Annuity of 4l. per Annum to be issuing out of the Chamber of London, to the Use of this Parish, 04 00 0

William Heins gave the Moyety of his House in the Crosse Lane near this Church, which amounts to the yearly Sum of 05 00 0
[Formerly 6l.]

Sir Richard Champion Kt. and Alderman, gave 117l. 10s. with which Money, and 52l. 10s. Parish Money, was purchased and bought one Messuage or Tenement in Bosse Alley at Billingsgate; out of which is paid to 13 poor People, every Sunday, 2d. a piece, which is now of the yearly Value of 08 00 0

Also there is a certain Room over a Ground Room; which Ground Room is the Inheritance of Mr. Edward Nun and Partner: Which Over-Rooms are let unto the said Mr. Nun and Partner for 99 Years, to commence in the Year 1669, at per Annum, 01 00 0
[This is lost.]

Richard Goulston gave 100l. to purchase Lands and Tenements, with which Money and an addition of the Parish Stock, two Houses were purchased in Thames Street. Out of which is paid to 13 poor People every Sunday 2d. a piece, which amounteth to the yearly Sum of 14 00 0

George Hanger gave an Annuity of 4l. per ann. going of certain Lands in Ruston in Berks, for the Poor of this Parish. Which is to be distributed every year at Christmas: But instead thereof, the Vestry took 70l. with which Mony they purchased a Cellar on St. Dunstan's Hill, at per annum 04 00 0

There are certain Lands and Houses situate and being on the same side of the Church, called by the name of Cuttle's Lands, of the yearly Rent of 18 00 0
[Formerly 23l.]

Mrs. Bennet gave 220l. with which Monies, and 50l. given by Mr. Southerton, to assure him of 50s. per annum. for ever, was bought the Lands at Lewisham, which be of the yearly Rent of 15l. 10s. Out of which is to be distributed among the Poor every Year 5l. at Christmas, and 5l. at Easter, 15 10 0

Mrs. Anne Hyde gave 3l. per ann. payable by Bernard Hyde Esq; Which is to be distributed to five poor Women, every Year, 10s. a piece, 03 00 0

Also, she gave 4l. 10s. more, payable by the Company of Salters, every tenth Year; and accordingly hath been received by the Church Wardens, to be distributed the same Year, when received, among the Poor at Christmas, 04 10 0

Bernard Hyde Esq; alias Sir Bernard Hyde, gave 5l. per ann. payable by the worshipful Company of Salters, London. Which is to be distributed to ten poor Men at Christmas every Year, 10s. a piece, 05 00 0

Edward Turvile Esq; gave 11l. per ann. for ever, payable by the Company of Grocers. Out of which is paid every Sunday to thirteen poor People, 2d. a piece in Money, and 2d. a piece in bread, 11 00 0

Dame Katherine Viscountess Conwey, Widow gave 10l. per ann. payable from the Company of Grocers. Five Pounds whereof is to be distributed among the Poor at Christmas, and five Pounds at Whitsontide, yearly, 10 00 0

Sir Thomas Hunt gave one Annuity of 2l. 13s 4d. now issuing out of Land and Houses in Kent Street, to be distributed among the Poor at Christmas, yearly, 02 13 4

William Bateman senior, deceased, gave 200l. to purchase Lands for the Poor and Church. And appointed 4l. to be given yearly to the Poor at Christmas, and 4l. at Easter. With which 200l. and an Addition of the Parish Stock, was purchased a Close lying in Poplar Marsh. Afterward Gilbert Keate Esq; deceased, gave 120l. and appointed 4l. to be distributed at Christmas to 4 poor Men and 4 poor Women. Which 120l. was added to the Parish Stock: And therefore the said Lands are charged with the 4l. per ann. and was let at per ann. 19 00 0
[But now for 18l.]

The said Gilbert Keate Esq; gave more, to be lent to three young Men, 20l. a piece gratis for four Years; and so from four to four Years, whereof one to be of the Dolphin Precinct.

Margaret Dean gave 28s. per ann. for Faggots to be distributed at Christmas. Which is paid by the Ironmongers Company unto the Tower Ward; whereof 6s. is and hath been paid yearly by the Beadle of the Ward to this parish, 00 06 0

Mrs. Hoyle gave 200 of Faggots yearly, to be deliverd by the Grocers Company, to be distributed at Christmas.

John Fletcher Deputy, and Anne his Wife, gave 30l. for a Stock to buy Coals, and to sell to the Poor, for to keep a Stock. And in the Year 1608. there was a Stock of 45l. 5s. to buy Coals for the Poor.

William Hunt gave the 9. of April 1653. to be distributed every Year at Easter to the Poor, 01 06 8

Mrs. Anne Richeson Widow gave 20l. for a Stock to buy Coals for the Poor, to be sold at 6d. a Bushel.

Sir John Moor Kt. late Alderman of the City, gave 10l. per ann. to the Schollmaster of the School kept in this Church; and the Parish allows him an House.]

In the Perambulation of this Parish, they go first so far North from the Church, as to the House next William Offington; and thence returning, walk down on the North side of Tower Street, so far as Mincheon Lane, and to the House of Master Dumbelowe, next to Clothworkers Hall, where they return again, and so go on to the sign of the Dolphin in Tower Street, being a Tavern: There they cross the Way, and go down to the West side only of Water Lane. And then walk along Thames Street, leaving the Custom House, passing on to Smarts Key, whence

Bounds of this Parish.

A. M.
