Ealdgate Ward. St. Katharine Creechurch. 63

Ealdgate Ward. St. Katharine Creechurch.

pairs of St. Katharine Christs Church, Lond. and to the Repairs of St. Edward's Chapel in Rumford: Gives to his Wife a House, called the King's Head, within Aldgate.]

Roger Marshal Esq;

Jane * Horne, Wife to Roger Marshal.


Wil. Multon, alias Burdeaux, Herald of Armes.

John Goad *, Esq; and Joane his Wife.


Beatrix, Daughter to William Browne.

Thomas Multon Esq; Son to Burdeaux, Herald.

John Chitcroft * , Esq;


John Wakefield, Esq;

William Criswicke *.


Anne and Sewchi *, Daughters to Ralfe Shirley Esq;


Sir John Rainsforth, Knt. of Essex. Whose Funerals were celebrated Sept. 20. 1559. with two Heralds at Armes, and a Standard Penon of Armes, &c. honourably performed. The Sermon preached by Veron, the new Preacher. Afterwards the Heralds took the Mourners, and they went and offered at the Altar the Helmet; and after that, the Coat: Other Mourners offered the Target, and after that the Sword; then the Standard: All the while the Clerks singing the Te Deum in English. And incontinent six of his Men put him into the Grave. And when all was done, all the Mourners went to the Place to Dinner; where was Store both of Flesh and Fish. But my Lady was shut up all the Dinner while, till all was done, and the People gone. And then came forth, and had four Eggs and a Dish of Butter only to her Dinner, [in token of her profound Sorrow by this Fasting, when others Feasted.]

J. S.

George Hathersal of London, ob. 1610. He bore Azure, a Lion Rampant Or, pelletee.

William Gilborn, Draper.]

Sir Nicholas Throkmorton, chief Butler of England, one of the Chamberlains of the Exchequer, Ambassador, &c. 1570, and other, hath a fair Alabaster Tomb in the South side of the Chancel. His Figure lyeth therein in Armour with this Description engraven by it.


A. M.

Here lyeth the Body of Sir Nicholas Throkmorton, Knt. the fourth
Son of Sir George Throkmorton, Knt. The which Sir Nicholas was chief Butler of England, one of the Chamberlains of the Exchequer, and Ambassador Lieger to the Queens Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, in France. And after his return into England, he was sent Ambassador again into France, and twice into Scotland. He married Anne Carew, Daughter to Sir Nicholas Carew, Knt. and begat of her ten Sons and three Daughters. He died the 12th Day of February, Anno Dom. 1570. Aged 57 Years.

In the South side of the Chancel.

Here lyeth the Body of Frances Croke, the loved and beloved Wife
of Paulus Ambrosius Croke, of the Inner Temple, Esq; She was one of the Daughters and Heirs of Francis Wellesborne, Esq; of Hanny in the County of Berk. Who deceased the 10. Day of July, Anno Dom. 1605. Aged 22 years.

A fair Tomb in the midst of the Chancel.

Well borne she was,
but better borne again.
Her first birth
to the Flesh did make her debtor,
The latter, in the Spirit,
by Christ hath set her.
Freed from Flesh's Debts,
Deaths first and latter Gain.
Wives pay no Debts,
Whose Husbands live and reign.

Here lyeth the Body of Master John Smith, Esq; Citizen and Mercer of London, who had two Wives, the first named Anne * , the Daughter of Fulke Mullert, in the County of Surrey, Esq; which brought him one Daughter, named Mary. His other Wife was Mary, Daughter to Sir James Hawes, Knt. and Lord Maior of London, by whom he had no Issue. He deceased the 24. Day of December, Anno Domini, 1594. ætatis suæ 63.

*Elizabeth, Daughter of Fulk Mullertz of Cressage in Shropshire.

MSS. Hutton.

A fair Stone plated in the North Ile of the Quire.

Against the South Wall, a Monument for Bartholomew Elmore, and Alice his Wife, of Richard Cheney their Son in Law, and Richard and Bartholomew his Sons. Which Bartholomew Elmore died 1636. Aged 77. There is a fair Glass Window on the North side of the Church, with his Coat of Armes painted. So that he seems to have been a Benefactor towards the building of the new Church.

More Monuments.

J. S.

Richard Spencer, Esq; Turky Merchant, deceased Dec. 3. 1667.

Margaret Yate, Wife of Richard Yate, died in Childbed. She is represented in a Brass Plate by a Woman sitting up in her Bed, with her Hands together; and underneath the Year specified, viz. Anno Dom. 1598.

Elizabeth, Wife of John Bland, 1666.

Cæcilia Cornock, Wife of Samuel Cornock, 1695. Aged 79.

In the middle Ile, Elizabeth, Wife of Nowel Bassano, 1684.

William the eldest, and last remaining Son of William and Anne Beeston, born in Jamaica, died May 30. 1681.

William Foster, Diamond-Cutter, 1687.

Hanbury Walter, 1690.

Anne, Mary, Katharine, Sarah, Daughters of Michael Godfrey, Merchant. Whereof the three former were Twins.

Against the North Wall,

John Tovey, of the Clergy, and a learned Man.

Flat Sones inscribed. and lying upon,

John Brooking, Student of the Middle Temple, An. 1691.

James Wellington, Citizen and Draper, March 27. 1684. John Lambert, 1686.

Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Samuel Marshal, who was a bright Scholar to the excellent Dr. Blow; an admired, useful, and sedulous Ornament to the Choir of St. Paul's; above 11 Years the exquisite Organist of this Church, and Master to other good Organists.

His very artful, solemn, and moving Compositions and Perfomances, for and in the Service of God, &c. tho' through his Humility disregarded by himself, have deservedly raised him a great Name and Esteem among the best and most impartial Judges of them.

He was very unaffectedly charitable, generous, faithful, sincere, neat and amiable, but suffered much by over Credulity, Excess of Modesty, and Good Nature, and by false Reports.

But before his last languishing Illness, occasioned by Grief, he regained that Spirit of Piety, for which he had been early distinguished, and so ended his Life, as has caused Joy in Heaven.

As he was fervently praying for Blessings on us all, and just had said Amen, [the last Word he ever spoke] he sweetly and gladly died in the Lord, March 11. 1713/14. æ. S. 27.

His Body lies interr'd under this Organ, facing the middle Ile, expecting a glorious Resurrection to endless Bliss. B. Prat A.M. amicus mœrens. H.M.P.C.

In this Church likewise is interr'd Joanna, Wife of John Sayer, Merchant.

Samuel Strype, Apprentice to James Stanier, Merchant.
