Billingsgate Ward. Benefactors. 167

Billingsgate Ward. Benefactors.

annum. This House was built a great many years since, and is or was in the Possession of Mr. Minshall or Tenant. The rest walled in for a burying Place. The Parish in the Year 1692. let out most of the remaining Ground, to the said Minshall to build Shops upon for a Fine of 150l. and a Ground Rent of 40s. per annum.

A Counterpart of a Lease Ann. 1677. made by Richard Warner, and Everard Wild, Churchwardens, to Francis Minshall for a Shop in Thames Street for twenty one Years at 4l. per ann.



It hath had many fair Monuments therein, now defaced and clean gone: Notwithstanding, I find by Testimonies abroad, that these which follow, were buried there, to wit:

Thomas Snodland, sometime Parson of this Church. Who gave certain Lands and Tenements by his last Will for the maintenance of a Chaplain here, to celebrate for ever Divine Service, for the Soul of the said Thomas, and for all other Souls, & pro salubri statu frūm fraternitatis Capelle in Ecclesia predict. i.e. And for the healthful Estate of the Brethren of the Guild of the Chapel in the Church aforesaid. This was confirmed by King Edward III. in the forty fourth of his Reign: about 1370.]

A Fraternity in St. Botolph Billingsgate.

Rec. Turr.

J. S.

Roger Cogger, 1384.

Andrew Pikeman, and Joan his Wife, 1391.

Nicholas James, Ironmonger, one of the Sheriffs, 1423.

John Rainwell, Fishmonger, and William Rainwell his Father. The said John Rainwell was Maior, 1426. and deceasing, 1445. was buried there, with this Epitaph:

Citizens of London,     
call to your remembrance
The famous John Rainwell,     
sometime your Maior,
Of the Staple of Callis,     
so was his Chance.
Here lyeth now his Corps,     
his Soule bright and faire,
Is taken to Heavens Blisse,     
thereof is no despaire.
His Acts beare witnesse,     
by matters of Record,
How charitable he was,     
and of what accord:
No Man hath beene     
so beneficial as he,
Unto the Citie     
in giving Liberally, &c.

John Rainwell his Epitaph.

He gave a Stone House to be a Revestry to that Church for ever: More, he gave Lands and Tenements to the use of the Communalty, that the Maior and Chamberlain should satisfie, unto the discharge of all Persons, inhabiting within the Wards of Billingsgate, Downgate, and Aldgate, as oft as it shall happen any Fifteen, by Parliament of the King to be granted. Also to the Exchequer, in discharge of the Sheriffs, ten Pounds yearly, which the Sheriffs used to pay for the Farm of Southwark, so that all Men of the Realm, coming or passing with Carriage, should be free quitted and discharged of all Toll and other Payments, aforetime claimed by the Sheriffs.

Billingsgate Ward, Downegate Ward, and Aldgate Ward discharged of all Fifteens, by Rainwel's Gift.

Further, that the Maior and Chamberlain shall pay yearly to the Sheriffs eight Pounds, so that the said Sheriffs take no manner Toll or Money of any Person of this Realm, for their Goods, Merchandises, Victuals and Carriages, for their Passages at the great Gate of the Bridge of the City, nor at the Gate called the Draw-Bridge, &c.

The over-plus of Money coming of the said Lands and Tenements, divided into even Portions, the one part to be employed to instore the Grainaries of the City with Wheat, for the relief of the poor Communalty; and the other Moiety to clear and cleanse the Shelves and other stoppages of the River of Thames, &c.

Stephen Forster, Fishmonger, Maior in the year 1454. and Dame Agnes his Wife, lye buried there.

William Bacon, Haberdasher, one of the Sheriffs, 1480. was buried there; besides many other Persons of good worship, whose Monuments are all destroyed by bad and greedy Men of Spoil.

Add these:

John Steward Tallowchandler and Sheriff of London, 1456. His Coat was, Or, a Chevron between three Demy Lions erazed, Azure, crowned Gules.

Dr. Hutton's MSS.

J. S.

Cardina Uxor Johannis Stroder Mil. & Johannæ ejus filiæ. Ob. 1471.

Christopher Langton, Dr. of Physick, Ob. 1578. His Coat was Gules, a Chevron between three Lions rampant.]

A very fair Monument in the Wall of the South Ile, with this Inscription.


ANNA SARIS, nuper Uxor Johannis Saris Armigeri, Filiæ Gulielmi Meggs Armigeri, quam suscepit ex conjuge secunda Dorothea, filia venerabilis Dominæ Annæ Cambel, adhuc superstitis. Ex hac vita Migravit, Febr. 21 Anno Dom. 1622.
Ætatis 29.
Conjugii 8.

Hæc pietate Deo,     
casta virtute Marito,
Decessu sanctis, Matri     
conjuncta sepulchro est.

Mœstissimus conjux, Meritissimæ conjugi, hoc Monumentum, Amoris & Reminiscentiæ ergó posuit.



Eliza Beata,

Spaines Rod, Romes ruine,
Netherlands reliefe,
Heavens Iem, Earths joy,
Worlds wonder, Natures chiefe.

Under the figure of the three Crownes.

Vltimum manet in Cœlo.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, &c.

This Table was the gift of William Wigmore, being Churchwarden, 1625.]

We proceed from the Monuments of the Deceased, to the Donations of well-disposed, whereby the Parish or the Poor have been helped.

Gifts and Charities to this Parish.

J. S.

Year of Gift.Donor. Gift.
1557.Thomas Trumbel, per Ann.
for Coals between the
Feast of All-Saints and
Christmas: To be paid by
the Fishmongers.
