Billingsgate Ward. S. Mary Hill. 168

Billingsgate Ward. S. Mary Hill.

1604.Richard Close, per Ann.
for a Dish of Meat for
the Churchwardens.
1621.Richard Smith, for a Dish
of Meat for the Church-
1624.Mrs. Deedham, Relict of
the above Rich. Smith, for
a Dish of Meat for the
1625.Jasper Hussey, per Ann.
for Maintenance of the
Poor, and Sermonon
every Newyear's Day
  Alderman Lamberd and
Stiles, to be paid to the
Churchwardens once in
16 Years for the use of
the Poor,
1633.Sir John Leman, per Ann.
for 12 pennyworth of
Bread, Weekly,
1650.Maudlin Stokes, for a
Sermon to be preached in
the Church every New-
year's Day,
01 0000
1656.John Wordal, per Ann.
to keep a Lanthorn and
Candle; the Lanthorn
to be fixed to the North
East Corner of St. Bo-
tulph Church: To con-
tinue burning from 6 at
Night to 6 in the Morn-
ing, from S. Bartholo-
mew's to Lady Day,
And to the Sexton for
looking after the same,
1624.Tho. Barbar,06 1806
To 12 Poor Men and
To poor Maidens and
Widows that shall be
married in the same Pa-
rish, each
04 0608
To the Churchwardens,0006 04
To the Clark,000100
To the Sexton,000006
1658.Robert Fellows, Merchant,
to be kept as a Stock:
The Interest thereof to
be disposed, viz.
To a Minister for a Ser-
mon on the 25th of De-
cember yearly,
To the Clark000200
To the Sexton,000106
To the Poor 4 Dozen of Bread.
To the Churchwardens
for a Dish of Meat for
their Pains,
1659.Will. Fellows, Citizen and
Cooper of London, to the
Parish for a Stock,
The Interest to be thus
For a Sermon on the 5th of November,0100 00
Somewhat to the Clark and Sexton, and
the rest to be disposed by the Parishioners.

The Parsonage House was burnt Anno 1666. Rebuilt and let out by Lease for the Term of 40 Years, for the Sum of 6l. per Ann.

Parsonage House.

This Parish of St. Butolph is no great thing; notwithstanding divers Strangers are there harboured, as may appear by a Presentment, not many years * since made, of Strangers Inhabitants in the Ward of Billingsgate, in these Words:

The number of Strangers lately increased in this City.

*That is before the Year 1598.

In Billingsgate Ward were one and fiftie Housholds of Strangers; whereof thirty of these Housholds inhabited in the Parish of Saint Butolph, in the chiefe and principal Houses, where they give 20 Pound a Yere for an House lately letten for foure Markes. The neerer they dwell to the Water side, the more they give for Houses, and within thirty Yeeres before, there was not in the whole Ward above three Netherlanders, at which time, there was within the said Parish levied for the helpe of the Poore, seven and twenty Pounds by the Yeere; but since they came so plentifully thither, there cannot be gathered above eleven Pounds: For the Strangers will not contribute to such Charges as other Citizens doe.

Thus much for that South side of this Ward.

On the North side is Bosse Alley, so called of a Bosse of Spring Water continually running, which standeth by Billingsgate, against this Alley, and was sometimes made by the Executors of Richard Whittington.

Bosse Alley, and the Bosse of Billingsgate.

In this Ward there was a House called the Boars Head, inhabited by William Sanderson, which came to King Edward VI. by the Statute about Chantries. Which with the Shops, Cellars, Solers, and other Commodities and Easements, he sold in the second of his Reign, (together with other Lands and Tenements) to John Sicklemore and Walter Williams for 2668l. and upwards.]

The Boars Head for Maintenance of a Chantry.

J. S.

Then is S. Mary Hill Lane, which runneth up North from Billingsgate, to the end of S. Margaret Pattens, commonly called Rood Lane, and the greatest half of that Lane is also of Billingsgate Ward.

St. Mary Hill Lane.

The Paish Church of St. MARY HILL.


In this St. Mary Hill Lane, is the fair Parish Church of St. Mary, called on the Hill, because of the Ascent from Billingsgate.

This Church in the many decayed Parts and Places of it, was repaired richly, and very worthily beautified at the Cost and Charge of the Parishioners, in the Year of our Lord 1616.



To the continuing of which, the careful Overseers of it, every third or fourth Year ever since, have bestowed a new Trimming upon it. No sooner (as I am informed) finding any Defect, Failing, or Declining of it, than applying their Care to revive, refresh and restore it; which appears in its present Beauty.

In this Parish of St. Mary at Hill, there was a Place called Septem Cameræ; which was either one House, or else so many Rooms or Chambers, which formerly belonged to some Chantry. The Rent whereof went towards the maintaining of a Priest to pray superstitiously for the Soul of the deceased, who left those Septem Cameræ for that Use. These with other Lands and Tenements in the City and elsewhere, were sold by King Edward VI. to Tho. Heyburn and Tho. Brand for the Sum of 988l. 8. 12.]

Septem Cameræ a Chantry.

J. S.

This Church hath been lately builded, as may appear by this that followeth.

Richard Hackney, one of the Sheriffes in the year 1322, and Alice his Wife, were there buried, as Robert Fabian writeth, saying thus:

In the Year 1497, in the Month of April, as Labourers digged for the Foundation of a Wall, within the Church of St. Mary Hill, near unto Billingsgate, they found a Coffin of rotten Timber, and therein the Corps of a Woman, whole of Skin, and of Bones, undissevered, and the Joynts of her Arms pliable, without breaking of the Skin; upon whose Sepulcher this was engraven:

Alice Hackney found uncorrupted, more than 170 years after she was buried.
