Billingsgate Ward. Monuments. 169

Billingsgate Ward. Monuments.

In this Place lyen the Bodies of Richard Hackney, Fishmonger, and Alice his Wife. The which Richard was Sheriffe in the 15. of Edward the second.

Her Body was kept above above Ground three or four Days without Noisance; but then it waxed unsavory, and so was again buried.

In Dei nondie. Amen. 18. die Mensis Januar. A.D. 1472. Ego Joannes Bedham, Civis & Piscenarius Lond. Condo &c. presens Testamentum meum. Inprimis lego, &c. animam Deo omnipotenti, &c. Corpus meum sepeliend. in Capella S. Katharine in Ecclesia B. Marie atte Hill juxta Billingsgate Lond. ubi Parochianus existebat. Item, lego Fraternitati S. Anne in Ecclesia B. Marie atte Hill predict. 20sh. ad orand. pro anima mea supra nominati Johis. Bedham ac anima Beatricis nuper uxoris meæ Item, lego ad usum Cantarie per me in Ecclesia B. Marie predict fundata & ordinata, duo Vestimenta mea cum toto apparatu eorundem, ac unum Missale optimum, & calicem meum majorem.

John Bedham his Will.

J. Worthingt.

John Phylyp Priest, by his Will made July the 9. 1491. bequeathed to the Church Works of the Parish of S. Mary at Hill, London, 40sh.

S. Mary Hill.

Rich. Gosselyn Regist. Ep. Lond.

Richard Gosselyn, Citizen and Ironmonger of London, buried in the Church of S. Mary Hill, by his Will dated 26. 1428. gave to Beatrix his Wife, his House called Stuehouse in Love Lane, during her Life. So that she find one Chaplain in the Chapel of S. Catharine in the said Church of S. Mary, daily to celebrate Divine Offices for his Soul, and his Fathers, Mothers, Rose his former Wife, John and William Weston their Souls. He gave a Tenement in S. Vedast Lane, in the Parish of S. Leonard, London, to the Rector and Parish of S. Mary Hill, to find a Chaplain ad divina celebrand. This Man was Sheriff of London An. 1422.]

John Mordant, Stockfishmonger, was buried there, 1387.

Nicholas Exton, Fishmonger, Maior, 1387.

William Cambridge, Maior, 1420.

William, Philip, Serjeant at Arms, 1473.

Robert Revell, one of the Sheriffs, 1490, gave liberally toward the new building of this Church and Steeple, anmd was there buried.

William Remington, Maior, 1500.

Anne Wife of Thomas Wilson, LL.D. sometime Master of S. Katharine's, and one of the ordinary Masters of Requests. She dyed June 30. 1574. She had Issue by the said Thomas, Mary, Lucrese, and Frances.

J. S.

Sir Thomas Blanke, Maior, 1582.

William Holstocke, Esq; Comptroler of the King's Ships.

Sir Chuthbert Buckle, Maior, 1594.

Here lyeth a Knight in London borne,     
Sir Thomas Blanke by name,
Of honest birth of Merchants trade,     
A man of worthy fame.
Religious was his Life to God,     
To Men his dealing just:
The poor and Hospitals can tell     
That wealth was not his trust.
With gentle heart, and spirit milde,     
And nature full of pitie,
Both Sheriffe, Lord Maior and Alderman,     
He ruled in this Citie.
The Good Knight was his common name,     
So cal'd of many men:
He lived long, and dyed of yeeres,     
Twice seven, and six times ten.
Obiit 28. Octob. An. Dom. 1588.

A fair Tomb in the East end of the Chancel.

An Epitaph upon the death of Dame Margaret Blancke, who departed this life the second of February, An. Dom. 1596.


DEath was deceiv'd,     
which thought these two to part:
For though this Knight     
first left this mortall life,
Yet till she dyed,     
he still liv'd in her heart.
What happier husband,     
or more kinder wife?
Whom foure and forty     
changes of the Spring,
In sacred wedlocke,     
mutual live had linkt:
The deare remembrance     
of so deare a thing,
Was not by death     
in her chaste breast extinct.
Building this Tombe     
not long before she dy'd,
Her latest duty     
to his Funerall Rite,
Crown'd with her vertues,     
like an honest Bride,
Here lyes at rest     
by her beloved Knight.
Though worthy Blancke     
her name it still endures,
Yet, Traves, boast,     
her birth was onely yours.
Beati qui moriuntur in Domino.

On the other side of the Tomb Southward.

Here lye intombed the bodies of Sir Robert Hampson, Knight, and Alderman of London. Who deceased the 2. day of May, 1607. in the 70. yeere of his age: And of Dame Katharine his wife, at whose charge this Monument is erected. They had issue, nine children, whereof foure are living. The said Dame Katharine deceased, &c.

A very fair Monument in the South Wall of the Quire.

[His Coat was, Or, three Flax Brakes, Sable. His Wife's, Gules, a Chevron Or, between three Lions rampant.]

J. S.

There appear Monuments in the new built Church, the old ones being all defaced and gone.

Late Monuments.

J. S.

In the South Wall of the Chancel, for John Harvey, Esq; Son of Stephen Harvey, Esq; by Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Martin Freeman, Esq; All antient Inhabitants and Benefactors to the Parish. He dyed Oct. 12. 1700. Aged 82.

North Chancel. A fair Monument for John Wood Citizen and Distiller of London, Nov. 2. 1658. And John Wood his eldest Son. An. 1670. Also in the middle Ile his first Wife is buried, dying An. 1645. His second Wife dyed 1695.

Two Hatchments: One for Mr. Henry Loads, the other for Madam Da Vall.

A Monument in the South Wall for Henrietta Vicars, Wife of Charles Vicars, Surgeon. Departed Jan. 27. 1712/3. Aged 29.

Another Monument in the same Wall for Tho. Davall Merchant, and Anna his Wife, Daughter of Tho. Potts, Gent. by whom he had 6 Sons and 6 Daughters. He dyed in the 44th Year of his Age. She remained a Widow to the 80th Year of her Age, and resigned up her Life to God, An. 1700. Survived by her eldest Son, Sir Tho. Davall, and five Daughters.
