Billingsgate Ward. St. Margaret Pattens. 170

Billingsgate Ward. St. Margaret Pattens.

Under a Gravestone in the middle Ile, is buried John Knap, Citizen and Vintner of London. Dyed Jul. the 5. 1708. Aged 57. He was Son of Robert Knap of Needham in the County of Suffolk, Gent. And also Mary his Wife, Daughter of Robert Browrig of Willisham Hall in the same County, Gent. She dyed Decem. 19. 1711.

Under a Gravestone at the West Entrance into the North Ile, Sam. Leadbetter, late of London Merchant. Departed the 5. Jan. 1716. aged 67.

BENEFACTORS and BENEFITS of this Parish, are as follow.


To the Poor of the Parish have been given by several Benefactors about 10 or 11l. per Ann. for Bread: to be raised out of certain Houses in the Ward, and committed to the Trust of several Inhabitants of the Parish.


Chantry Lands, given to this Parish (they know not by whom) at the Dissolution of Abbies and Chantries: Which they employed towards buying the perpetual Advowson of the Church, and in Pewing and Repairing of the Church, both before and since the Fire of London.

Chantry Lands.

Benefactors.Gifts per Ann.
Sir William Leman gave per Ann.
40l. for the Maintenance of a
Divinty Lecture.
4000 00
Jane Revel to the Poor,050000
Margaret Gibbons,0006 08
Mr. Moungham,0003 00
Tho. Malby, Esq;
Dr. Stallard,
Mr. Madox,
for Bread.
Capt. Joseph, to the Poor, per
Sir John Leman,0212 00
Bernard Hyde, Esq;0410 00
Every tenth Year to be paid.

There was a Parsonage House before the Fire: But burnt down, and rebuilt at the Charge of the Parishioners, who pay 6l. per Ann. Ground Rent to the Rector, for the Term of 40 Years.

Parsonage House.

Glebe Houses.

There be two other Houses, and a part of a third, belonging to this Benefice. Which together pay 10l. per Ann. Ground Rent to the Rector for the Term of 40 Years.]



This Lane [of S. Mary Hill] on both sides is furnished with many fair Houses for Merchants, and hath at the North end thereof one other Lane, called S. Margaret Pattens, because of old time Pattens were usually there made and sold: but of latter time this is called Rood Lane, of a Rood there placed, in the Churchyard of St. Margaret, whilst the old Church was taken down, and again new builded; during which time, the Oblations made to this Rood were employed towards building of the Church. But in the year 1538. about the 23d of May in the Morning, the said Rood was found to have been in the Night preceeding (by People unknown) broken all to pieces, together with the Tabernacle, wherein it had been placed.

S. Margaret Pattens Lane.

Parish Church of St. Margaret Pattens.

The Rood there.

Also on the 27th of the same Month, in the same Parish, amongst the Basket- makers, a great and sudden Fire happened in the Night Season, which within the space of three Hours consumed more than a dozen Houses, and nine Persons were brent to death there. And thus ceased that Work of this Church, being at that time nigh finsihed to the Steeple.

Fire in Rood Lane.

This Church was repaired and beautified at the Cost and Charge of the Parishioners in the Year of our Lord God 1614.

The Church repaired.


Mr. Godwin,
Mr. Peate,

The Charge of it then amounting to the Sum of 71l. 15s. 6d.

But since that time, as Necessity hath called upon these honest and careful Parishioners for a Supply either of Strength or Beauty, it hath had many Repairs and Charges: The whole Sum of them all from 1614 to the Year 1632 arising to 275l. 5s. 6d.

Mr. Shalcrosse,
Mr. Milksoppe,

This Church was burnt down, rebuilt and finished in the Year 1687.]

The Monuments that I find in this Parish Church, are these following.

A. M.

Here lyeth buried Mr. Reginald West, Batchelor in Divinity, and late Parson of this Parish, who deceased the second day of October, Anno Domini, 1563. For whose sincere, pure and godly Doctrine, as also his vertuous end, the Lord be praised for evermore.

In the midst of the Chancel, under the Communion Table a fair plated Stone.

Here under lyeth Thomas Gelson, Citizen and Grocer of London, who deceased the 16, day of September, Anno Dom. 1563. And in the same Church also lyeth buried Jane his wife: For whose vertuous lives and godly departing, God be praised for ever.

The like Stone, and near to the other.

Here lyeth buried the body of Richard Glover, Citizen and Pewterer of London. Who was twice Master of his Company, and one of the Common Councell of this Citie: Having two wives, Elizabeth and Mary; and had issue by his first wife, three sonnes; and by his second, hee had eight sonnes and foure daughters. He deceased the 16. day of August, An. Dom. 1615. being aged 59. yeeres.

A very fair Stone well plated by the other twaine.

In the middle part of this Chancel lyeth interred the Body of Mistress ELIZABETH FREEMAN, Wife to Master THOMAS FREEMAN of this Parish, Merchant; to whom she was espoused 16 Years, 2 Months and 8 Days. By whom she had Issue 6 Sons and 3 Daughters living; and dyed in Childbed of the last Son: She descended of worshipful Parents: And as she was vertuously bred, so lived and dyed, full of Faith, Hope, and Charity, as was known to many that had made use thereof to their great Comfort in time of Necessity. For her only Study was to serve God, and do good to others. She was of the Age of 35 Years, and departed this Life to a better the 21st of February 1631.

A pretty fine Monument on a Pillar in the Chancel on the North, with this Inscription.


Here lyeth buried Mistress ANNE ELKINGTON, the beloved Wife of Master THOMAS ELKINGTON Merchant. She was the Daughter of Master JOHN GOODMAN Merchant likewise of this City. She lived and dyed in the Fear of God, and in the Faith of our Lord Jesus. She exchanged this Life for a better the 27th Day of September 1632 in the 23d Year of her Age, and in the third Year of her Marriage, leaving behind her ANNE her only Daughter, her only Son is not. She shall rise again.]

On a fair Marble in the Chancel is this Inscription.
