Bridge Ward within. S. Benet Grasschurch. 177

Bridge Ward within. S. Benet Grasschurch.

Hic jacet Rob. Burgener, quondam Civis & piscenarius London. Qui ob. 6. mens. Jul. A.D. 1361.

Ipoliti festo migravit, tu memore esto. [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms   ]
M.C. quatuor & I. domum ter fine beato

This was a Doget: His Death seemed by this Verse to be in the Year 1401. His Shield stood thus in the middle: Which was Ermin, a Bend charged with three Talbots Heads erazed. On each side of these Verses stood a Talbot's Head erazed.

Hic jacet Johannes Plays nuper Civis & Pinner London. Et Isabel & Emma uxores ejus. Johannes ob 21mo MaŸ 1403.

On the South Window of the Quire.

Orate pro anima Willielmi Kyng, & pro anima Agnetis uxoris ejus. ob 1420. Quorum animabus propitietur Deus. Amen.

Thomas Sampson, Citizen and Butcher, and Florence his Wife. He dyed 3. of June, 1422.

John Buckston, Citizen and Butcher, and Cecilia his Wife. She dyed 20. July 1425.

Hic jacet magister Thomas Riggeley, quondam Rector istius Ecclesiæ. Qui obijt 6 die mens. Aprilis Ann. Dom. 1432.

John Dogget's Epitaph, who was buried about 1456, a Citizen of Eminence in his Days; was this.

Londinis natus hic John Doget vocitatus Bis desponsatus jacet hic Christo renovatus, Hic bona pauperibus tribuens Sic erat Amen.

On the dexter side, a cross Patee, and a Talbot's Head erazed. And against it, on the sinister side, a Talbot's Head erazed. And again on the dexter side, a Coat Baron and Femme. Baron , Ermin, a Bend charged with 3 Talbots Heads erazed. Femme, a Fesse engrailed, a Mullet in the sinister Canton. On the sinsister side of the Epitaph, a Coat Baron and Femme. Baron, the same Coat of the Dogets, as above. Femme, 3 Lucies hauriant.

Hic jacet Walterus Doget Civis & Vinetarius London. Et Alicia uxor ejus. Quorum predictus Walterus ob. 19 di. mens. Jul. An. Dom. M.CCCCLXXX. & predict. Alicia ob.

Thomas Hawkins Grocerus & Civis London. Cum Joanna & Margareta uxorib. ejus. Qui quidem Thomas ob.

Two Coats, on either side the Inscription. One on the dexter, parted perpale and Chevron. In the first Quarter a Chough. In the second, a Escalop. The third as the second. The fourth as the first. On the sinister side, a Chevron charges with 3 Escalops. A Bendlet.

Thomas Doget & Letitia sa feme. Dieu de lour Almes eit mercy.

Hic jacet Wilhelmus Athawe, Civis & Vinetarius London. Qui obŸt MartŸ An. D. 1484.

The Coat on the dexter side, a Chevron between three Tuns: Which is the Arms of the Vintners Company.

John Harvey Citizen and Butcher, and Matilde his Wife. John dyed the 14. March, An. D. 1485.

Coats on each side. On the dexter side, a Boar's Head. On the sinister two Battel Axes.

William Herst, Margaret, Joanna and Agnes his Wives. William dyed 4. of Nov. 1487.

Orate pro animabus Johannis Fisshe, nuper Civis & Groceri London, ac Alicie & Christiane Uxorum suarum. Qui quidem Johannes ob. 13. di. Jan. 1496.

With a Coat of Arms of each side. On the dexter, a Fesse indented between 3 Lions rampant. On the sinister quarterly, 1. A Lion rampant. 2. A Fesse charged with three Escalops between 6 Crosses Croslets. The third as the second. The fourth as the first.

John Woolston Citizen and Boucher of London, and Rose and Katheren his Wives. John dyed the 10. Febrier, An. D. 1510.

Thomas Stevyns Citizen and Grocer of London, and Elizabeth, and Elizabeth his Wives. The first Elizabeth dyed 1510. The second Elizabeth dyed 1523.

Orate pro anima Petri Petkin LL.D. Curie de Arcubus unius Advocatorum, & hujus Ecclesiæ Rectoris. Ob. 1 MaŸ 1520.

John Cooper Citizen and Boucher of London, and Alice his Wife. John deceased the 19. Sept. 1533.

Another Monument, the Epitaph beginneth thus,

Ye that behold and see.

All the rest defaced. Two coats on each side.

Pray for the Souls of John Gyve, Ironmonger, and Elizabeth his Wife. John dyed 4. of Octob. 1511. And Elizabeth 1536.

John Gurrey, dyed 6. May. 1536.

Humphry Bar Ironmonger of London.

Geffrey Elmiston, sometime dwelling in the Parish of Rainham in Kent. He dyed the 4. of Feb. 1546.

John Strelley Citizen and Vintner of London, Alice and Anne his Wives. John dyed 29. Aug. 1559. Alice dyed 17. May 1543. And Anne 11. of Oct. 1558.

Here under this Stone doth lye buried Joan, the Wife of Thomas Allyn, Citizen and Alderman of London. She dyed in Childbed of her ninth Child, 22. May. 1560.

Here underfoot lye buried the Bodies of John Athey, Citizen and Grocer of London, and Elizabeth, Eleoner & Sibel his Wives. Which John deceased 24. Day of Octob. in the Year of our Lord God 1565. The Grocer's Coat of Arms on the sinister.]

This Church, and from thence into Little Eastcheap, to the East end of the said Church, is of Bridge Ward.

The Parish Church of S. BENET Grasschurch.


Then higher in Grassstreet, is the Parish Church of S. Benet, called Grasschurch of the Herb Market there kept: This Church is also of the Bridge Ward, and the farthest North end thereof.

St. Bennet Grasschurch

There have been bestowed on this Parish Church, within the Passage of twenty Years, several Charges, amounting to the Sum of 700l. but the greatest part of this in the last Repair, which was in the Year of our Lord 1630. In which as it was bery carefully repaired, so also richly and very worthily beautified.

Charges about this Church.


Sonme useful and necessary Things in (and since added to) this Repair, were these: A new Clock, a new Dial, new Chimes, and now 1633, a very fair Turret for the Steeple.

The Churchwardens in the Time of this Repair, viz, Ann. 1630. were

John Cudney.
John Offely.]

This Church was beautified Ann. 1693. And since the Fire, S. Leonard Eastcheap is laid to it.

Some Monuments remain there undefaced.

As of John Harding, Salter, 1576,
