Bridge Ward within. Modern State. 181

Bridge Ward within. Modern State.
[ Click here to view 
The Monument
  The Monument ]

Citzens looking on, and some lifting up their Hands.

Opposite against these Figures is a Pavement of Stone raised with three or four Steps. On which appears King CHARRES II. in Roman Habit, with a Truncheon in his right Hand, and a Laurel about his Head, coming towards the Woman in the foresaid despairing Posture: And giving Order to three others to descend the Steps towards her: The first hath Wings on her Head, and a Crown of naked Boys dancing, and in her Hand something resembling an Harp. Then another Figure of one going down the Steps following her, resembling Architecture, shewing a Scheme or Model for building of the City, held in the right Hand, and the left holding a Square and Compasses. Behind these two stands another Figure more obscure holding up an Hat, denoting Liberty. Next, behind the King is the Duke of York, holding a Garland ready to crown the rising City, and a Sword lifted up in the other Hand, to defend her. Behind this, a third Figure with an Earls Coronet on his Head. A fourth Figure behind all, holding a Lion with a Bridle in his Mouth. Over these Figures is represented an House in building, and a Labourer going up a Ladder with an Hodd upon his Back. Lastly, underneath the Stone Pavement whereon the King stands, is a good Figure of ENVY peeeping forth, gnawing an Heart.

But behold the Figures in this Plate.

The Inscription is in Latin, engraven in Capital Letters, setting forth at large an account of the said firing of London, and of the rebuilding and restauration of it. Which, since it is already printed in the Present State of England, shall be here omitted. I shall only insert a few English Lines engraven round the bottom of the Pedestal, which in the aforesaid Book is left out: And the rather because it hath something of Remark. These Lines had charged the Papists with the burning of the City; as in the time of the Fire and for some space afterward, was generally believed; and many were taken up upon Suspicion of being employed therein, and one tryed, condemned and executed for it. The said Lines remained for some time, but upon the beginning of the Access of King James II. to the Crown, they were thought fit to be beaten out and uttlerly defaced; and so by order they were. But when King William came to reign, then the same Words were deeply engraven anew. And are as follows:

The Inscription.

" This Pillar was set up in perpetual Remembrance of the most dreadful Burning of this Protestant City, begun and carried on by the Treachery and Malice of the Popish Faction, in the beginning of September in the Year of our Lord MDCLXVI. in order to the effecting their horrid Plot for the extirpating the Protestant Religion and English Liberties, and to introduce Popery and Slavery.] "

Upon the Pedestal is the Column erected; the Body or Shaft whereof is fluited and contains in length from the Pedestal to the Balcony 133 Foot, and from the Balcony to the top of the Flame is 38 Foot; and the whole height of this Monument from the Ground (besides the Vault and Foundation) to the top of the Flame 202 Foot; the Circumference of the Shaft is 47½ Foot: Its Diameter is 15 Foot; the hollow Cylinder is nine Foot Diameter; the thickness of the Stone Wall of the Cylinder, or Shaft, is three Foot; it hath 345 Steps, or Stairs from the Ground up to the Balcony; and Nices in the Wall with Seats to rest in as People go up; and from the Balcony upwards is a Ladder of Iron Steps to go into the Urn, out of which the Flame all gilt with Gold issueth; and to the Stairs having an open Newel there is a Rail of Iron to rest the Hand upon all way up. This Monument is not unlike those two ancient white Marble Pillars at Rome, erected in Honour of the Emperors Trajan and Antoninus, which were built above 1500 Years since, and are still standing entire.

All this Monument taken together is a curious Piece of Workmanship, and the Charges in erecting the same amounted to 13700l. and upwards. This Building loftily shews it self above the Houses, and gives a gallant Prospect for many Miles round to those that are in the Balcony; And it being such a Curiosity, and that so many People have a desire to go up and look about them from thence; there is one that hath the keeping it, with a Salary allowed for his attendance, besides the Money that People give him.

But to proceed to the Description of the Places. Star Inn Northwards from this Monument, very large, and much resorted unto by Stage Coaches, hath a Passage into Pudding Lane.

Star Inn.

Bell Yard, seated almost against the Monument, a good and open Court, containing three or four good large Houses, well inhabited.

Bell Yard.

St. Leonard Eastcheap Church. It is in the Diocess of Canterbury, the Prior of Christchirche in Canterbury was Patron. Which said Church begin destroyed in the Fire of London is not rebuilt, but the Parish united to St. Bennet Grass Church, and the place where the Church stood being enlcosed is reserved for the burial of the Dead of the Parish.

St. Leonard Eastcheap Church.

Grassechurch Street is a very handsome spacious Street, graced with good Buildings, which are well inhabited by able Tradesmen, being a Street of a great resort. In that part of the Street lying in this Ward, are these Places; Talbot Court, with a wide Entrance for a Coach or Cart, being large and well inhabited. Out of this Court is a narrow Passage into another of the same Name which leadeth into Little Eastcheap, there also taken notice of. Crown Court, neat, with a Free Stone Pavement well inhabited, but small.

Grasschurch Street.

Talbot Court.

Crown Court.

Jerusalem Court, indifferent long, with an open Passage, a Free Stone Pavement, and reasonable good Houses.

Jerusalem Court.

On the West side of the Street White Hart Court; a pretty good open Place, well inhabited by Wholesale Dealers, hath a Passage into another Court so called, which leadeth into Lombardstreet, mentioned in Langborne Ward. Near unto this is a small Court with about two or three Houses, but without a Name.

White Hart Court.

Nags head Court, very long, well built and inhabited, hath a Passage into St. Clements Lane, where it is mentioned; the greatest part being in Langborne Ward.

Nags Head Court.

Grassechurch. It is in the Diocess of London, the Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls is Patron. It was destroyed by the great Fire. And since its Rebuilding, is a very handsome Free Stone Structure, with a Leaden Spire, and from the Steeple hangs a very curious Dial into the Street, on the top of which is the Figure of Time standing with the usual Emblems, viz. a Scithe and an Hour-glass, and on each side the figure of Fame standing with Trumpet all gilt with Gold.

St. Bennets Gracechurch.

Now back to Thamesstreet, a Place of good Trade, the Part thereof in this Ward begins on the East side of the Old Swan Lane, and goeth Eastward to Fishstreet Hill.

