Downgate Ward. Styleyard. 203

Downgate Ward. Styleyard.

and Sheriffs, to destrain the said Merchants to make the Reparations, namely, Gerard Marbod, Alderman of the Haunce, Ralph de Cussarde, a Citizen of Colen, Ludero de Denevar, a Burgess of Trivar, John of Aràs, a Burgess of Trivon, Bartram of Hamburgh, Godestalke of Hundondale, a Burgess of Trivon, John de Dele, a Burgess of Munstar, then remaining in the said City of London, for themselves, and all other Merchants of the Haunce: And so they granted 210 Marks sterling to the Maior and Citizens, and undertook that they and their Successors should (from Time to Time) repair the said Gate, and bear the third Part of the Charges in Money, and Men to defend it when need were.

The Steeleyard Merchants.

And for this Agreement, the said Maior and Citizens granted to the said Merchants their Liberties, which, till of late, they have enjoyed; as namely, amongst other, that they might lay up their Grain, which they brought into this Realm, in Inns, and sell it in their Garners, by the Space of forty Days after they had lain it up; except by the Maior and Citizens they were expressly forbidden, because of Dearth, or other reasonable Occasions. Also they might have their Alderman, as they had been accustomed, foreseen always, that he were of the City, and presented to the Maior and Aldermen of the City, so oft as any should be chosen, and should take an Oath before them to maintain Justice in their Courts, and to behave themselves in their Office according to Law, and as it stood with the Customs of the City.

Their Privileges.

Merchants of the Haunce, of Almaine, licensed to lay up their Corn in Garners, but to sell it within 40 days after.

This whole Matter between the City and the Merchants of the Haunce is thus related in an authentick Book in the Chamber of London, which I only translate into English out of Latin.

A Contest of the Hance adjudged by the Barons.

Lib. Horn.

J. S.

An Agreement betweem the Citizens of London and the Teutonics. Ann. 10. Edw. Son of King Henry. Henry le Galeis Maior of London. Ann. 1282.


"THEN by reason of the decay of certain Gate of the said City, which was called Bishopsgate, a Contention arose between the said Maior and the Citizens of London on the one part, and the Merchants of the Haunce of the Almains then abiding in the said City, on the other, upon the Reparation of the said Gate, which threatned ruin. To the building and repair of which, the said Merchants and others of the beforesaid Haunce of the Parts of Almain resorting to the same City, were obliged, for certain Liberties which the said Merchants have in the said City, and which they have long used, upon account of such building and repairing; as the same Maior and Citizens asserted, &c. The said Merchants denied it. "

" In the mean time, the Contention depending, the King at the Suggestion of the said Maior and Citizens, wrote to the Treasurer and Barons of his Exchequer, that if they should find the said Merchants were bound to the repair of the said Gate, they should distrain upon them. At length the Parties, coming before the said Treasurer and Barons, when nothing was propounded in their Parts which might excuse them from this Reparation; especially when it apppeared concerning the Liberty which they had in the said City; and for this Cause, it was commanded by the same Treasurer and Barons, that the Maior and Sheriffs should distrain them to this Repair: The aforesaid Merchants, viz. Gerard Marbodi, Alderman of the said Haunce, Ludulphus de Cussa of the City of Colon, Luderus de Linnenare, a Burges of Trevir, Bertram of Hamburgh, Godeschale de Hudendale, Burger of Trevir, John de Dole, Burges of Munster, then being in the same City; for themselves and all other Merchants and their Fellows of the Haunce aforesaid, whosoever and whensoever resorting thither for the future, for the good of Peace, yielded and promised to the said Maior and Citizens of London, to the repair of the said Gate for the present, 240 Mark Sterling to be paid: And that then their Successors Merchants of the Haunce, for all time hereafter, will repair it, as often as there shall be need: And in defence of the said Gate, as often as there shall be need to keep it, shall bear the third part of the Custody thereof, at their Cost, and Men above; and the Maior and Citizens two parts of the said Custody below. And in Consideration of this Peace, Fine and Concord, the Maior and Citizens have granted their Liberties which they have hitherto reasonably used; to have to them and their Successors, the Merchants of the Haunce for ever. "

" And moreover for the aforesaid Reparation and Custody, that they be quit for ever of Murage, [i.e. the Charge of repairing the City Walls] as much as in them is. And that they may house and sell their Corn, which shall be brought in by them to be sold, in their Houses and Granaries for forty Days, for the time of their foresaid housing: Unless the said housing be expresly forbidden by the Lord the King, or the Maior and Citizens, by reason of the Dearth of Corn, or some other necessary Matter. "

" They granted also to them, that they might have their Alderman, as they had in former times: Yet so, that that Alderman be of the Freedom of the said City: And as often as he shall be chosen of the said Merchants, he be presented to the Maior and Aldermen of the City, and take an Oath before them to do Right and Justice in all his Courts, and to behave himself in his Office, as he ought, and hath been accustomed, saving to the City its Right and Custom. "

" And the said Merchants promised, that they and their Successors, as often as there should be need, would be distrained for Reparation and Custody of the said Gate, to be performed in the form aforesaid by the same Merchants and Citizens. All these things the Parties aforesaid yielded and promised faithfully to keep: And for the greater Security to be made upon these things by the Parties, together with the Seals appendent to this Writing between themselves, have procured the Seal of the Illustrious Lord King of England to be hung to it, for perpetual Memory of the Matter aforesaid. Dated at London in the Month of June the year abovesaid.]"

Thus much for their Priviledges: Whereby it appeareth, that they were great Merchants of Corn, brought out of the East parts hither, insomuch, that the Occupiers of Husbandry in this Land were enforced to complain of them, for bringing in such abundance, when the Corn of this Realm was at an easie price. Whereupon it was ordained by Parliament, That no Person should bring into any part of this Realm, by way of Merchandise, Wheat, Rye, or Barley, growing out of the said Realm at any time, when the

Act of Parliament forbidding Corn to be brought from beyond Seas.
