Downgate Ward. Cold Harborough. 206

Downgate Ward. Cold Harborough.

Chamberlain of London. John Butler, Draper, one of the Sheriffs in the year 1420. dwelled there: He appointed his House to be sold, and the Price thereof to be given to the Poor: it was of Alhallows Parish the Less.

The Parish Church of ALHALLOWS the Less.


Then is there the said Parish Church of Alhallows, called the Less; and by some, Alhallows on the Cellers, for it standeth on Vaults. It is said to be builded by Sir John Poultney, sometimes Maior. The Steeple and Quire of this Church stand on an arched Gate, being the Entry to a great House called Cold Harbrough: the Quire of late being fallen down, is now again at length, in the year 1594. by the Parishioners new builded.

Alhallows the Less.

Cold Harbrough.

This Church was repaired and beautified within and without, at the Cost and Charge of the Parishioners, in the year of our Lord 1616. In the year 1613. two fair Dormers were made on the South side of this Church to enlighten it, being before very dark: the one at the Cost of Sir Thomas Glover Knt. the other at the Cost of Mr. Thomas Jones, Gent.



In the Year 1633, a fair large Gallery was built on the North side of the Church: and within nine or ten years past, two other Galleries: Which both in their Cost and Ends, (but especially the last) much commend their religious Founders.

In this Church is also the Monument of Queen Elizabeth.]



The Charities that have been given to this Parish of Alhallows the Less, and the Donors, were these.


J. S.

Elizabeth Banister, An. 1562.
gave a Legacy per Ann. of
Whereof 15s. for a Sermon to be preached on Christmas Day every Year; and to the Clerk 3s. and to the Sexton 2s. The other 4l. for Relief of the Poor.
Anne Hope, Anno 1649 gave for
the Relief of the Poor yearly
Roger Daniel, An. 1625. gave
by his last Will yearly
Five Pounds whereof was allotted for twelve Sermons yearly, one Sermon to be preached every first Saturday in the Month. And the other 3l. to the Poor of the Parish.
Samuel Goldsmith, for Bread for
the Poor for ever, to be paid
by the Company of Dyers.
06 0000

No House for the Minister, or Glebe.]

Touching Cold Harbrough, I find, that in the 13th of Edward II. Sir John Abel, Knt, demised or let unto Henry Stow, Draper, all that his capital Messauge, called the Cold Harbrough, in the Parish of All Saints ad fœnum, and all the Purtenances within the Gate, with the Key which Robert Hartford, Citizen, Son to William Hartford, had, and ought, and the foresaid Robert paid for it the Rent of 33s. the year. This Robert Hartford being owner thereof, as also of other Lands in Surrey; deceasing without Issue Male, left two Daughters his Coheirs, to wit, Idonea, married to Sir Ralph Bigot, and Maud, married to Sir Stephen Cosenton, Knts. between whom the said House and Lands were parted. After the which John Bigot, Son to the said Sir Ralph and Sir John Cosenton, did sell their Moieties of Cold Harbrough unto John Poultney, Son of Adam Poultney, the eighth of Edward III. This Sir John Poultney dwelling in this House, and being four times Maior, the said House took the name of Poultney's Inn. Notwithstanding, this Sir John Poultney, the 21st of Edward III. by his Charter gave and confirmed to Humfrey de Bohune, Earl of Hereford and Essex, his whole Tenement, called Cold Harbrough, with all the Tenements and Key adjoining, and Appurtenances sometime pertaining to Robert de Hertford, on the way called Hay Wharf Lane, &c. for one Rose at Midsummer, to him and his Heirs, for all Services, if the same were demanded. This Sir John Poultney deceased 1349. and left Issue, by Margaret his Wife, William Poultney, who dyed without Issue: And Margaret his Mother was married to Sir Nicholas Lovel, Knight, &c. Phlip S. Clear gave two Messauges, pertaining to this Cold Harbrough, in the Ropery, towards the inlarging of the Church and Churchyard of All Saints, called the Less, in the 20th of Richard II.

Cold Harbour.

In the year 1397. the 21st of Richard II. John Holland, Earl of Huntington, was lodged there, and Richard II. his Brother dined with him: It was then counted a right fair and stately House. But in the next year following, I find, that Edmond, Earl of Cambridge had this House; and was there lodged in the year 1398. notwithstanding, the said House still retained the name of Poultney's Inn, in the Reign of Henry VI. the 26th of his Reign, and not otherwise. It belonged since to H. Holland Duke of Excester, and he was lodged there in the year 1472. In the year 1485. Richard III. by his Letters Patents granted and gave to John Writh, alias Garter, principal King of Arms of Englishmen, and to the rest of the King's Heralds and Pursevants of Arms, all that Messuage with the Apputenances, called Cold Erber, in the Parish of All Saints the Less, in London, and their Successors for ever. Dated at Westminster the second of March, Anno regni sui primo, without Fine or Fee. How the said Heralds departed therewith, I have not read, but in the Reign of Henry VIII. the Bishop of Durham's House, near Charing Cross, being taken into the King's Hand, Cuthbert Tunstal, Bishop of Durham, was lodged there: Since the which time it hath belonged to the Earls of Shrewsbury, by Composition (as is supposed) from the said Cuthbert Tunstall. The last deceased Earl took it down, and in place thereof builded a great number of small Tenements now letten out for great Rents, to People of all sorts.

Cold Harbour granted to the Heralds.

The Bishop of Durham lived here.

This great House Bishop Tonstal enjoyed even to the last year of King Edward VI. that is, to the year 1553. When the Bishop being under some Cloud, and deposed from his Bishoprick, they took from him this House also; which the King granted to the Earl of Shrewsbury, with the Appurtenances to the said Messuage belonging, together with six Houses or Tenements in the Parish of St. Dunstan's in the East. and divers other Lands in the County of York, to him and his Heirs, to the yearly value of 66l. 16s. 1 ob. The Test of the Patent was the 30th of June, the King dying but six or seven Days after. For the Duke of Northumberland, who now did all at Court, practised to gain as many of the Nobility as he could to his Purpose. And so this Gratification was made to the Earl of Shrewsbury, as were divers others of the Nobility in other Respects, gratified.]

Cold Harbour comes to the Earl of Shrewsbury.

J. S.

What Title the Earls of Shrewsbury had in former times to Cold Harbour, I know not, but it
