Downgate Ward. Modern State. 207

Downgate Ward. Modern State.

appears by Letters I have seen (dated from thence) that that House was inhabited by them, and their Servants, long before, namely not far from the beginning of King Henry VIII. his Reign.]

Then is the Dyers Hall. Which Company was made a Brotherhood or Guild, in the fourth of Henry VI. and appointed to consist of a Guardian or Warden, and a Communalty the 12th of Edward IV.

The Dyers Hall.

At a Common Council holden December 11. Anno 3. H. 8. a Bill was exhibited at this Court by the Warden of the Dyers Company: Whereby they claimed a Lane in the Ward of Downgate, called Bretaske Lane, to be their several Ground; For this a Search was made in the Books and Records of the City: By which it appeared, that the said Lane was the common Lane of the City, and not several to them. And so they were answered by the Court.]

Bretaske Lane claimed by the Dyers.


Then be there divers large Brewhouses, and others, till you come to Ebgate Lane, where that Ward endeth in the East. On the North side of Thames Street be divers Lanes also. The first is at the South end of Elbow Lane before spoken of, West from Downgate, over against Greenwich Lane: Then be divers fair Houses for Merchants, and others all along that side.

Ebgate Lane.

Retheres Lane juxta Thamestreet. Regist. Ep. Lond. Quære.]

The next Lane East from Downgate, is called Bush Lane, which turneth up to Candlewick Street, and is of Downgate Ward. Next is Suffolk Lane, likwise turning up to Candlewick Street. In this Lane is one notable Grammar School, founded in the Year 1561. by the Master, Wardens and Assistants of the Merchant Taylors, in the Parish of St. Laurence Poultney; Richard Hills sometime Master of that Company, having before given 500l. toward the Purchase of an House, called The Manor of Rose, sometime belonging to the Duke of Buckingham wherein the said School is kept.

Bush Lane.

Suffolk Lane.

Merchant Taylors School.

The Manor of the Rose.

Then is there one other Lane, which turneth up to S. Laurence Hill, and to the South West Corner of St. Laurence Churchyard. Then another Lane, called Poultney Lane, that goeth up (of this Ward) to the South East Corner of St. Laurence Churchyard: And so down again, and to the West Corner of St. Martin Orgar Lane.

S. Laurence Lane.

Poultney Lane.

Concerning some one of these Lanes stopt up, there was an Order made; "That whereas certain private Persons had wrongfully set up a Door at the end of Lane in Downgate Ward, and had converted it to their private Use; it was ordered May 28. Anno Elizabeth. 4to, that the City Chamberlain should take down the Door, and leave the Lane common, like other Streets in the City.]"

A Lane stopt up, to be opened.


And this is all of Downgate Ward, the thirteenth in Number lying East from the Water Course of Walbrook, and hath not any one House on the West side of the said Brook.

Thirteen Wards on the East side of Walbrook.

This for the Antiquities and ancient State of this Ward. Now for the Ward as it stands at present, since the great Fire.

The present State of this Ward.

The chief Streets and Lanes in this Ward in whole or in part, are Thames street, from S. Martins Lane in the East, to Cloak Lane on the North side of the Way, and to 160 Foot on the South side of the Way beyond Dowgate Hill.

Streets and Lanes in this Ward.

R. B.

On the South side of Thames street, between it and the Thames, are these Lanes in this Ward, viz. Old Swan Lane, Cold Harbour, Alhallowes Lane, Campion Lane, Fryers Lane, Couzens Lane, Dowgate Dock, and the Styllyard; S. Laurence Poultney Hill, almost as far as S. Laurence Poult- ney Churchyard; Duxford Lane, as far as S. Laurence Churchyard; Suffolk Lane, as far as the Passage into Bush Lane; Bush Lane, almost the whole; Dowgate Hill, as far as Tallowchandlers Hall northwards; Checker Yard, Elbow Lane, so far as the Churchyard, only the South East side of the Way Cloak Lane, the South side.

Thames street is a great Thoroughfare for Carrs to the several Wharfs, which render it a Place of a considerable Trade, and to be well inhabited. The Part of Thames street in this Ward, begins Westwards, at Little Elbow Lane, and reaches Eastward to the Old Swan Lane, taking in the West side thereof. The Places on the South side is next the Thames; beginning Westward, are as followeth:

Thames Street.

Fryers Lane, or Alley, very mean, narrow and long, having a Passage into Dowgate Dock, where there is a Lay Stall for the City Soil. In this part is Joyners Hall, a pretty good Building, mentioned before.

Fryers Lane.

Joyners Hall.

Brewers Lane also very ordinary, and runs down to Dowgate Dock, which is likewise as ordinary, chiefly serving for a Passage for Carts to the Lay Stall.

Brewers Lane.

Dowgate Dock.

Couzens Lane near the Stylliard, hath an open Passage for Carts to the Thames side. In this Place the Stylliard Merchants had a large Hall.

Couzens Lane.

Wildgoose and Windgooose Alley, or Court, said to be built by the Stylliard Merchants.

Wildgoose Court or Alley.

The Stylliard, or Steelyard, a large open Place with a wide Passage for Carts to the River side, where there is a Crane for the landing of Iron and other Merchandizes thither brought; for which there is a great Conveniency, by Warehouses, &c. And in this Yard there are some good Houses for Merchants that trade therein, for which this Place is of Note, but formerly of greater from the Merchants of Almain.


Great Alhallows Church seated in Thames street, a good handsome freestone Building, having on the South side the Churchyard, and a large Cloister. This Church is in the Diocess of London, the King the Patron. It was burnt in the great Fire of London, and since its rebuilding, S. Alhallows the Less, also burnt and not rebuilt, is united to it.

Great Alhallows Church.

On the West side of this Church of Alhallows the Great, is Alhallows Lane, pretty well built and inhabited, hath a Passage to the Thames, where there is a Pair of Stairs for the taking Water at. And on the East side of the Church, was a Lane called Hay Wharf Lane, which fell down to the Thames: And near this Lane was another formerly called Woolseys Gate, but now there are no such Places.

Alhallows Lane.

Alhallows the Less: This Church is in the Diocess of London, the Master of S. Laurence Poultney was Patron. This Parish is united to that of S. Alhallows the Great.

Alhallows the Less.

Cold Harbour, at the upper end whereof is seated Watermans Hall, which fronts the River of Thames. More Eastwards, is Red Bull Alley, but indifferent, hath a Passage to the Thames, where there is a Coal Wharf.

Watermans Hall.

Red Bull Alley.

Angel Alley, also but ordinary, the lower end next the Thames being taken up by a Dyer.

Angel Alley.

Whitecock Alley, but narrow, the lower end falling into Dyers Hall Ground, and here stood Dyers Hall, which since the burning down in the Great Fire of London, is not rebuilt, the Company having disposed of the Ground, which is converted to other Uses.

Whitecock Alley.

Dyers Hall.

George Alley, but narrow and ordinary, having at the lower end a Dyers.

George Alley.

Ebgate Lane, or the Old Swan Alley, indifferent large, and good leading down to the Old Swan Stairs, a Place much used by Watermen,

Ebgate Lane, or the Old Swan.
