Vintrie Ward. [Whittington College.] 4

Vintrie Ward. [Whittington College.]

"holesome Desire in this part, as we be bound. "

" First, Founded by us, with sufficient Authorite, in the Church of Seint Mighells, in the Royolle of London: where the foresaid Richard and Dame Alice his Wife be biried, a commendable College of certain Prestes and Clerkis; to do there every day divine Service for the aforesaid Richard and Alice. "

" We have founded also after the Wille aboveseid, a House of Almes for xiii pouere Folk successively for evermore; to dwell and to be susteined in the same House. Which House is situated and edified upon a certain Soyl that we bought therfore, late in the Parish of Seinte Mighel abovesaid: that is to say, Bytweene the foresaid Church and the Wall that closeth in the voyd place, behind the heigh Auter of the same Church in the Southside, and our great Tenement, that was late the House of the aforesaid Richard Whyttington in the Northside. And it stretcheth ito the dwelling place of the Master and the Prestis of the College aboveseid. The which also we did late to be now added in the Eastside unto a great voyd place of our Land. The which by the help of God we purpose to do be hallowed Lawfully for a Churchyard to the same Church within short time in the West side. "

" And in the more ful and clere foundation and Ordinaunce, and also stablying of the foreseid Almeshouse for pouer men, the Myght of the Fadre, the Wysdom of the Sonne, and the Goodness of the Holy Ghost, fyrst of al ycalled unto out Help, we procede in this wyse. "

" Fyrst, both by Lycence Graunt and Authorite of the right mighty Prince and Lord K. Henry VI. King of England, and of Fraunce, that now is; and also by the Will and Consent of the ryght worthy Lord and Fadre in Cryst, Henry by the Sufferaunce of God Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Primate of al England and Legate of the See of Rome; of whose Jurisdiction immediate be the Church and Parrishe abovesaid; and the Graunt and Consent of al and every Man, that had any Title or Interest in this partie, before required and had. "

Then the Ordinances follow: Which in short were these.

"To be twelve pouer Folks alonely of Men or Women togiddre; after the sad Discretion and good Conscience of thOverseers underwrit, and Conservators of the same House, to be provided and admitted. "

The Ordinances of the College.

" The which every day, when due and convenient time is, shal pray for evermore, for al the now being alive, and also for the by-past, to God; Whose Names of great Speciality been expressed in these Statutes underwrit. "

" To be one Principal, which shal pass al other in power and Reverence, and be called TUTOR. The Office and Charge of him shal be the Goods of the Almes-house, which shal come to his hands, well and truly to minister. The Goods dissevered to gather again togidre; to the Use of the Almes-house: And at the Husbandry of the same house, in as much as he may goodly oversee, dispose and ordain; inforcing himself to edifie and nourish Charity and Peace among his Felawes. "

" The Poor folks unto the said Tutor evermore shal obey. "

" The thirteen poor folke to be hable in Conversation, and honest in Living. "

" The same House to be called for ever Gods House, or Almes house, or the Hospital of Richard Whyttington. "

" The L. Maior to be Overseer of the said Almes-house: and the Keepers of the Commonalty of the Craft of Mercers to be called for evermore Conservators of the foresaid House."

" The Tutor to have a Place by himself, that is to say, a Cell or little House, with a Chimney and a Prevy, and other Necessaries. In the which he shall Lyegge and rest. And that he may aloon and by himself, without Let of any other Persoon intend to the Contemplation of God, if he woll. "

" That the seid Tutour and pouer Folke, whan they be in the aforesaid Houses and Cells, and also in the Cloisters and other places of the foresaid Almes houses have hemselfe quietlie and pesably without noise or disturbance of his Felaws: and that they occupy himself in Prayer or reading, or in Labour of her hondes, or in some other occupacion &c. "

It endeth thus.

" In witness, we have put to our Seals. yeven at London, the xxi day of Decemb. in the yere of our Lord, a Thousand CCCC xxiiii. and yere of King Henry VI. after the Conquest the Thrydde. "

Go litel Boke, go litel tregedie, ....
Thee lowly submytting to al correction.
Of theym being Maisters now of the Mercery.
Herteley theym beseyking with humble Salutacion,
Thee to accept. and thus to take in gre,
For ever to be a Servant withyn yeare Comminaltie.

But further, for the Direction of their daily Devotion, of their Eating and their Habit, these were the Appointments and Ordinances.

The Devotion of Whittington College

" Every Tutour and poor folk every day first whan they rise fro their Bedds, kneeling upon their knees, say a Pater noster and an Ave Maria, with special and herty recommendacion-making of the foresaid Richard Whyttingtonand Alice, to God, and our Blessed Lady Maidyn MARY. And other times of the day, whan he may best and most commody have leisure thereto, for the Staat of al the Souls abovesaid, Say three or Two Sauters of our Lady at the least: that is to say, threies seaven Ave Marias, with xv pater nosters, and three Credes. But if he be letted with Febleness, or any other reasonable Cawse, One in the day at the least, in case it may be: that is to say, after the Messe or whan Complyn is don, they come togidder within the College about the Tomb of the aforesaid Rich. Whyttington and Alice, and they that can sey, shal sey for the Soules of the seid Richard and Alice, and for the Soules of al Christen people, this Psalm de Profundis with the Versicles and Oriosons that longeth thereto. And they that can shal sey three Pater nosters, three Ave Maries, and oon Crede. And after this doon, the Tutour, or oon of the eldest men of theym shal sey openly in "
