[St. Michael Pater noster] Vintrie Ward. 5

[St. Michael Pater noster] Vintrie Ward.

"English, God have mercy on our Founders Souls and al Chrysten. And they that stond about shal aunswer and sey, Amen. "

" That they be bound to dwell and abide continewally in the seid Almes house, and bounds thereof: And that every day, booth at meet and sopier, they eet and be fed within the said Almes house. And while they be at meet, or soupier, they absteyn thanne from veyn and yvel Words. And if they wol any thyng talk, that it be honest and profitable. "

" That the Overclothyng of the Tutour and pouer folk be derk and brown of colour; and not staring ne blaising; and of esy prised, according to their Degre. "

These Executors of the Will of Richard Whittington constituted five Chaplains in his College founded in this Chirch. Which were confirmed by the King, 3. H.6.]

Five Chaplains.

This Richard Whittington was (in this Church) three times buried: first, by his Executors, under a fair Monument: then, in the Reign of Edward the VI. the Parson of that Church, thinking some great Riches (as he said) to be buried with him, caused his Monument to be broken, his Body to be spoiled of his Leaden sheet; and again the second time to be buried. And in the Reign of Queen Mary, the Parishioners were forced to take him up, to lap him in Lead, as afore, to bury him the third time, and to place his Monument, or the like, over him again, which remaineth, and so he rested, till the great Fire of London violated his resting place again.

Richard Whittington thrice buried.

This Church of St. Michael Pater noster in the Vintry, the Capital House, and Scite thereof, called Whittington Colledge alias, Whittington, and one Garden belonging to the same, of yearly Value of 4l. 6s. 8d. was sold to Armagill Waad, Clark of the Council, in the 2d of Edward VI. for 92l. 2s. 0.

Wade obtains this College.

J. S.

[Either in this College or in the Parish, the Earl of Rutland had a Place in Edw. VI. his Time: Whither I find resorted to Dinner the Mourners at his Uncle Sir Richard Mannors Funeralls after he had been buried at Cree-Church.]

St. Michael Church was repaired and beautified at the proper Cost of the Parish in the year of our Lord, 1630.



Richard Mills
William Haws

The Charge of it amounting to 120l. 9. 0.

There was a Chauntry founded in this Church of S. Michael de Pater noster in Riola; for maintaining which Richard II. in the 2d of his Reign granted Licence pro uno Cellario cum duobus Cellariis superedificatis: So that the Rent of one Vault, and two other Vaults or Ware-houses built over it for Merchants Use, was for the Chantry Priest. The Right of presenting a Priest to this Chantry was granted to the Dean of S. Mary de Arcubus, 1 R. 2.]

A Chantry here.

J. S.



Thomas Windford, * Alderman, was buried in this Church, 1448.

Monuments of the Dead.


Arnold Macknam, Vintner, A Merchant of Burdeaux, 1457.

Sir Heer Tanke, or Hartancleux *, Knight of the Garter, born in Almaine, a noble Warrior in Henry V. and Henry VI. days. Sir Edmond * Mulshew, Knight, near to Thomas Cockham, * Recorder of London.




The Lady Kyme. * [without a Stone.]


Sir William Oldhall, Knight, 1460.


William Barnocke.

[Thomas Whyteyne.]

Sir John Yong, Grocer, Maior, 1466.

Agnes, Daughter to Sir John Yong, first married to Robert Sherington, * after to Robert * Mulleneux, then to William Cheney, Esq;



Here also lay buried the Lady Ferrers, and the Lady Isabel Bourghchier, as may be gathered from her last Wil, dated Octob. 10. 1500. Who bequeathed her Body to be buried in the Church of S. Michael, called Whittington College, where her Sister the Lady Ferrers lay. This Isabel was Sister to Henry Earl of Essex, and to the Lord Richard Grey.]

Lady Isabel Bourgchier.

J. S.

John Having, Gent.

William Roswell, Esq;

William Postar, Clerk of the Crown. 1520.

Sir William Baly, Draper Maior, 1533. with Dame Catharine his Wife, leaving sixteen Children.

John Haydon, Mercer, Sheriff, 1582. who gave Legacies to the 13 Almes-men, and otherwise for a Lecture.


Ut fragrans Nardus,     
fama fuit iste Richardus,
Albificans villam, *     
qui juste rexerat illam.
Flos Mercatorum,     
Fundator Presbyterorum,
Sic & egenorum     
testis sit certus eorum.
Omnibus exemplum     
barathrum vincendo morosum,
Condidit hoc Templum,     
Michaelis, quam speciosum?
Regia spes & pres:     
divinis res rata turbis.
Pauperibus Pater,     
& Major qui fuit urbis,
Martius hunc vicit,     
En! Annos gens tibi dicit:
Finiit ipse dies,     
sis sibi Christe quies. Amen.
Ejus sponsa pia, Generosa, probata, sophia,     
Jungitur, &c.



A goodly plain Marble Tomb in the Chancel, with new Banners to adorn it, very lately hung up.

A. M.

Hic jacet Edvardus     
Lupton cognomine dictus,
Occidit heu! juvenis     
cum spes foret omnibus unâ
Pauperibus fuerât     
studiosis ille patronus,
Mille & quingentos     
ter senos vidit ademptos,
Moribus & studiis     
qui vivens claruit olim;
Spiritus iste (Jesus)     
meus à te suscipiatur.

Edward Lupton.

Quisquie ades, plora fata dolendi viri,
Hujus Collegii quique Magister erat;
Doctor, & in sacro Dogmate clarus erat;
Qui obiit Octobri, & quoque nona fuit.
Credere nunc fas est, spiritus astra tenet:
Spes mea tu, Jesu, es gratia, non opera.

A fair plated stone before the Communion Table.

In the Church of S. Michael Pater noster in the Royal, since the new building thereof, are no Monuments appearing, excepting this lately erected against the Wall of the North side of the Chancel, for Thomas Coulson, Esq; Merchant of London, Son of Will. Coulson, Esq; and Anne his Wife, of the Family of the Coulsons of Ayton in Yorkshire, ob. 2 Jun. 1713.

No new Monuments.

J. S.
