Cheape Ward. [St. Laurence Jury.] 46

Cheape Ward. [St. Laurence Jury.]

And the third yeere of King Edward the sixth his reigne. And Audrey deceased the 28 day of December, An. Dom. 1522.

Here lyeth the body of Geffrey Felding, sometime Maior of this Citie, and Angell his wife, and Thomas, Richard, and John, sonnes of the said Geffrey, Ann. Dom. 1517.

A Gravestone plated before the Tomb.

Hic jacet Johannes Marshall, Civis & Mercerus Civitatis London. Qui quidem Johannes obiit 4. die Januarii, An. Dom. 1498. Et Joanna Uxor ejus: quæ quidem Joanna obiit 18 die Decembris, 1484. Quorum, &c.

An ancient Marble Tomb in the North side of the Quire.

Here under lyeth buried the body of the Lady Alice Avenon, being one of the daughters and heires of Thomas Huchen, Citizen and Mercer of London. Whose last husband was Sir Alexander Avenon, Alderman, and late Lord Maior of this Citie of London. Her second husband, was John Blundell, of London, Mercer, by whom she had issue, one sonne, named Philip, deceased, and eight daughters, whereof five lived untill they were married. And they were coheires to their Father; namely, Elizabeth, married unto Edmond Hogan, of London, Mercer; Mary, unto Sir Gerard Crockar, of Oxfordshire Knight; Theodora, married first unto John Denton, of Oxfordshire, Gent. and after unto Justinian Champneis, of Kent, Esquire; Anne, married to Thomas Cordel, of London, Mercer; and Susanna, unto Richard Freston of London, Gent. The which Alice Blundel, in the time of her widdowhood, left a foundation within the Mercers Hall in London, for thirteen penny loaves of good sweet bread, to be given (in her name) among thirteen poore folkes of this Parish of Saint Laurence in the Old Jewrie, every Sunday at Morning Prayer for ever, in the presence of the worshipfull of the same Parish. And her first husband was Hugh Methwold of London, Mercer, by whom shee had issue, William, her sonne and heyre, and a daughter named Anne, deceased. The which Dame Alice departed this world, the 21 day of November, Ann. Domm, 1574. Unto whom God send (through Jesus Christ) a joyfull resurrection. Amen. ætatis suæ 61.
Qualis vita, finis ita.

A fair Monument in the North Wall of the Quire.

Hereunder resteth, in assured hope of the resurrection, the bodies of John Fox, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, and Johanna his Wife: Whose lives, as they were blamelesse and holy, so their end was full of peace. The said John was the Founder of the free Schoole of Deane, in the County of Cumberl. Besides 18d. weekly to an Almes-man, belonging to the Goldsmiths Hall. And other charitable deeds, to the poore prisoners, and Hospitals in the Citie of London: The memory of whose good deeds, God grant others to doe the like. The said John, being of the age of 78. fell on sleepe the 8. day of June, 1597. And Johanna his wife, of the age of 87. departed this life the 9. of Februarie, 1600.
Fiducia Christianorum, Resurretio Mortuorum.

A small Monument on a Pillar in the North Isle.

A fair Monument in the Chancel, on the North side, with this Inscription,

Deo O. M.
Memoriæ & posteris sacrum.
Hic in Choro intra Cancellas, sub medio sacræ Mensæ, Franciscæ Filiæ Tho. Walker, de Be- confield, Armig. Dilectissimi Conjugis Gulielmi Bosweli, hujus Ecclesiæ Vicarii, sub spe gloriosæ Resurrectionis, Cineres & exuviæ Reponuntur.
Lectissima FÅ“mina, Vultu, Moribus, Gestu, incessu, vestitu, venusta, modestissima; Lingua pauciloqua, Maledica nunquam; sacræ lectioni, lachrymis & precibus assidua; Deo devotissima; Marito fidelissima, Amicis gratissima; In re familiari, & libera & provida; Pauperibus (quoad Facultatulas) indulgentissima; Bonis chara, Malis invisa, omnibus æqua; Post pie & sine strepitu pacifice transactam vitam, circa medium ætatis, Anno salutis 1630. ult. Oct. Dominico Requievit in Domino.

Bene dixit, & bene tacuit,
Bene vixit, & bene latuit.
MÅ“stissimus Maritus (cujus per latera transfixa jacet) L.M.Q. sero tandem, sed & serio posuit.
Quicunque hanc Tabulam temeraris malæ Conscientiæ Reus esto.


Ipse post illam vixit, sed vitam vix vitalem, Annum nec integrum, demumque moriens, Octob. 3. Anno 1631. Hic juxta cum illa sepultus jacet.
Natus fuit Bristoliæ, ubi primis literus institutus, postea Oxonii in Artibus Magistratum, & in Theologia Baccalaureatum, Adeptus est, Baliolensis Collegii Socius, unde cum Domino Johanne Digbeio. Comite Bristol. in Hispaniam, legato Regio, profectus, Per An. 5. plus minus illi a sacris ibidem inservivit. Tandemque Reversus a Collegio Baliol., hujus Ecclesiæ Vicaria, & a Domino Digbeio, Rectoria Ecclesiæ de Horton juxta Colbrooke, in Com. Buck. donatus, postquam diu cum infirmo Corpore, mens vegeta colluctata fuisset, postremum hic in Domo Vicariatus hujus, placide & pie in Christo obdormivit. Anno ætat. 50. sobole Relicta nalla.
Ingenium floridum, Mores ingenui, Manus larga, Pectus apertum.

Gulielmus Bosvelus, hujus Ecclesiæ Vicarius per
An. 15.
Qui obiit Octob. ult. 1631.
Et Uxor ejus, Octob. ult. 1630.

This is written upon his Grave-stone in the Chancel, under the Communion Table.

A very fair Monument over against it, on the South side of the Chancel.

Christi quibus obierunt Anni Isthinc Numerantur.
> Apocalyps. cap. 14. vers. 13.
BeatI qVi In DoMIno qVIesCVnt.
Prima ad Corinth. cap. 15. vers. 57.
Deo sIt gratIa qVI trIbVIt
NobIs (fatI) VICtorIaM

At the lower end of this rich Tomb this.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
Richardi Pyot, nuper Civis, & Celeberrima hu-
