[Monuments.] Cheape Ward. [St. Lawrence Jury.] 48

[Monuments.] Cheape Ward. [St. Lawrence Jury.]

de, quali cum fructa præstiterit. Fama magni Nominis longe lateque divulgata, vocalius & diutius durantissimo Marmore, proclamabit. Venerabilis iste Theologus, pro spectatissima Probitate, Prudentia singulari, & Eruditione optima, Doctrina perquam Divina, Vitaque pari, Doctrinæ, Laude omni Major, (Qualis qualis, quantus quantus fuit) Post Valetudinem prosperam diu habitam, Morbo, potius, quam Senecta, fractus (Annorum tamen ac Famæ ac Opum Satur) vitam minus vitalem, cum meliori commutavit; Anno post salutiferum Partum MDCLXXXIII. ætatis suæ LXXIV.
Patruo suo summe Honorando hoc Monumentum Posuerunt Executores ultimi Testamenti B. & C.W.

Upon the same East Wall a fair figure of a young Maiden in white Marble: Erected to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Browning, Daughter of John Browning Merchant. Dyed 1692. Aged 13 years.

William.Bird, a Child, 1698.

John Davis Son of Richard Davis, 1681. And Richard Son of the same Richard, 1691. And Christian his Daughter, 1696.

James Ware, 1672. And Elizabeth his Wife, 1699.

John Browning, 1687. By him lye his Daughters Elizabeth and Mary.

Augustin Munford, 1666. Also Richard his Son, 1695. and Anne his Wife, 1698. and Augustin his eldest Son, 1701.

Against the West Wall of this North Isle a fair Monument with three Effigies half way in Stone, of a Man and two Women; viz. William Haliday Alderman of the City, dyed 1623. And Susanna his Wife, after married to Robert Earl of Warwick; dyed 1645. and Anne his eldest Daughter, married to Sir Henry Mildmay, Kt. Dyed 1656.

Under the Man, is this Inscription: In or near this Place lyeth interred the Body of William Haliday Alderman of the City of London; with his Wife, Sister of Sir Henry Row of Shakelwel in the County of Middlesex. By whom he had two Daughters, Anne, married to Sir Henry Mildmay, and Margaret, married to Sir Edward Hungerford, below mentioned: He dyed about the 14. of March, 1623. Being a worthy Magistrate of this City. Who for his Piety, Charity and Prudence deserveth immortal Fame.

Under the Womnan on the right hand, SUSANNA Relict of William Haliday: After married to Robert Earl of Warwick, Admiral of the Seas. She departed this Life, and was buried in this Church the 21 of Jan. 1645.

Under the Woman on the left, ANNE, eldest Daughter of William Haliday, by Susanna his Wife; married to Sir Henry Mildmay, Kt. By whom she had five Children, two Sons, and three Daughters. The second Daughter, named Diana Maria, about seven years of Age, was buried in this Place Sept. 26. 1643. This ANNE departed this Life about the 12 of March. 1656.

An Inscription underneath instructeth, who erected this comely Monument: viz. Dame Magaret Hungerford. Who by her last Will, appointed a Monument to be set up for her Family, in this Church, when it was rebuilded. She was Relict and Executrix of Sir Giles Hungerford, Kt. who was Executor to Dame Margaret Hungerford, Relict of Sir Edward, Kt. of the Bath, his Eldest Brother.

Flat Stones in the middle Isle, lying over Robert Monteth, Merchant, third Son of James Monteth of Greenwich, Gent. 1684.

Anne Adams, Widow, 1684.

Margaret first married to John Robins, Citizen and Pewterer of London, afterward to Robert Petty of Otteford in Kent, Gent. dyed at Otteford, 1684.

Francis Lane, Schoolmaster, 1685.

South Isle. Flat Stones over

Elizabeth Gilbert, Widow, 1687.

Three and all the Children of Will. Hopkins, B.D. and Avarill his Wife, taken away within ten months, viz. William five years old, 1685. George three years old, 1684. and Avarill eight months old 1684.

Will. Smith Son of Thomas Smith, Gent. 1674. And Elizabeth Smith his Mother, 1694. Against the Wall in this Isle Monuments for

Christopher Goodfellowe, Sergeant at Law, Judge of one of the Sheriffs Courts: deceased 1690. Aged 74. and John Goodfellowe his Son, one of the City Counsel, and after Town Clerk, 1700. Aged 45.

Elizabeth Rawstorne, Daughter of Edwin Browne, and Wife of Sir William Rawstorne, Kt. and Sheriff of London.1678. She dyed 1675. Aged 29.

In this Vault rest the Ashes of the Rawstornes and the Baxters, Families whom Love and Affinity have joyned together.

Peter Patten, M.A. 1673.

North Isle. West End, these Flat Stones thus inscribed:

Hic inhumatur Corpus Janæ, uxoris Tho. Dugdale, Civis Londini, Filiæ Ambrosii Audry de Melkham in Com. Wilts, Generosi, &c. She dyed Sept. 17. 1692. ætat. 31.

Also the Body of Tho. Dugdale, Dyed Dec. 2. 1711. ætat. 52. And his only Daughter: Who dyed 7. April 1713.

Next to this. Underneath lyeth interred the Body of Mary Goddart, Relict of Tho. Goddart, of Rudloe House in the Parish of Bocks, on the County of Wilts, First Daughter of Ambrose Audry of Melkham in the said County, Gent. Who departed this Life the 17. Dec. 1707. ætat. 50.

In this Church I find two Fraternities or Guilds founded in the Reign of King Edward III. The one, of the Holy Trinity. They were bound to set up a Wax-Light to brenn before a certain Image of the Crucifix: and that all the Brethren and Sisters should come to the said Church on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, and there be present at the Mass, and offer a Penny, &c.

Guilds of the H. Trinity and S. Anne in this Church.

Regist. Lond.

The other Fraternity was founded in the Honour and Worshipp of our Lord Jesus Christ, of his Blessed Moder, our Lady Seint Mary, and of S. Anne, of whom the Image Stant in the Chappel of S. John in the Church of St. Lawrence in the Jeweze, &c. beginning on the day of S. Anne in the yere of the Reygne of King Edward III. after the Conquest the 46. Alexander Seyvyle, William Reymond, Thomas Adam, and William atte Brigge were the Keepers of this Fraternity of S. Anne.

One of the Articles of this Guild was, "If any of the Company be of wicked Fame of his Body, and take other Wives than his own. Or if he be single man, and be hold a common Lechour, or Contehour, or rebel of his Tongue; He shall be warned of the Warden three times: and if he will not himself amend, he shall pay to the Wardens all his Arrearages that he oweth to the Company, and he shall put off for evermore. So that the good men of the Company be not slaundered, by cause of him."

Provision also was here made, for such as fel in Mischief by Sickness of Body, or by
