Cheape Ward. [Present State.] 50

Cheape Ward. [Present State.]

the great Fire, to be taken down, and built no more.

Adjoining to this Steet, on the North side, is Hony lane; being now, as it were, an Alley with a Free stone pavement, serving as a passage to Hony lane Market; the former Lane, and other Buildings, being, since the Fire of London, converted into this Market. Amongst which Buildings, was the Parish Church of St. Alhallows Hony lane; and by reason it was thought fit not to rebuild it, the Parish is united to St. Mary le Bow. This Market is well served every Week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with Provisions. The Place taken up by this Market, is spacious; being in length, from East to West, 193 Feet; and from North to South, 97 Feet. In the middle, is a large and square Market-house, standing on Pillars, with Rooms over it, and a Bell Tower in the midst. There is in the Market, 135 standing Stalls for Butchers, with Racks, Blocks, and other Necessaries; all covered over, to shelter them from the Injury of Weather; and also, several Stalls for Fuiterers. The West end of the Market lyeth open to Milkstreet, where there is Cock of Conduit Water, for the use of the Market. There are two other Passages unto it, that is, one out of St. Laurence Lane, besides that which comes out of Cheapside; which Passages are inhabited by Grocers, Fishmongers, Poulterers, Victuallers, and Cheesemongers. On the Northwest corner of this Market, is Robinhood Alley, being a passage into Milkstreet. Trump Alley, lieth against Bow Church; which, turning Eastward, falleth into St. Laurence Lane: This Alley is indifferent good in the middle part, but the entrances are but narrow.

Honey lane.

Honey lane Market.

Robin Hood Alley.

Trump Alley.

Mercers Chappel: As to the present state of this Chappel, it is a very fair Building, containing, besides the Hall where the Company meets about their Affairs, several other Rooms and Appartments, running backwards, with a large pair of Gates opening into Ironmonger lane. In the Chappel, was lately preached every Sunday Morning, a Sermon in Italian, set up by the Italian Merchants. The Front of this Chappel is in Cheapside, being an arched Pile of Free stone Building, which gives entrance into the Chappel. Over the Portico, is the Figure of a Maiden-head, crowned with a Chaplet of Roses, and her Hair dishevelled, being the Arms of the Company; with a Cupid on each side. Over this, an Iron Balcony, with two other Figures standing in Nitches: And over these, being a Story higher, is the Figure of Charity, sitting with Children; and over this another Balcony.

Mercers Chappel.

The Old Jury, East of this Chappel, hath but a little part in this Ward, as was shewed before; the rest is in Coleman street Ward.

Old Jury.

On the South end, and West side of this Street, stood the Parish Church of St. Mary Colechurch. In this part of the Old Jury, is Dove Court, being but ordinary: and is a passage into Grocers Alley.

St. Mary Colechurch.

Dove Court.

Then on the South side of Cheapside, and over against Mercers Chappel, is Bird in Hand Alley, which is but indifferent. Feathers Court, which is also but ordinary. Golden Leg Court, or Leg Court, over against St. Laurence Lane; but narrow, and none of the best. Crown Court, also opposite to St. Laurence Lane; a very handsome open Place, with good Houses; neatly kept, and well inhabited.

Bird in hand Alley.

Feathers Court.

Golden Leg Court

Crown Court.

Bucklersbury turneth out of Cheapside, and runneth on the back side of the Poultry, unto Walbrook: A Street very well built, and inha- bited by Tradesmen, especially Drugsters and Furriers.

Bucklers bury.

Barge Yard, a handsome open Place, and very well inhabited, having some large Houses at the upper end; in one of which., Sir Theodore Janson, Kt. dwelleth, or lately did.

Barge Yard.

Toward the West end of this Street, and on the South side, is Pancrase lane, which falleth into Queens street. The North side of which Lane is in this Ward; and the South in Cordwainers Ward. On this North side of the Lane, were two Parish Churches, viz. St. Pancrase Sopar lane, and St. Benet Sherehog. That of St. Pancrase, was consumed in the Fire of London, and not rebuilt; but the Parish united to St. Mary le Bow. And the Place where the Church stood, is inclosed for a burial Place for the Parishoners. And over part of it, upon Columns, stands a Cistern to receive Water, which formerly came to the great Conduit at the East end of Cheapside.

Pancrase lane.

St. Pancrase Soper lane.

St. Benet Sherehog.

The Parish Church of St. Benet Sherehog, is seated also in the North side of Pancrase lane, and formerly called St. Sithes Church. The Prior of St. Mary Overies was Patron of this Church: It was burnt down by the great Fire, and not rebuilt. But the small Parish is united unto St. Stephen Walbrook; and the Place where the Church stood, is severed with a Brick Wall, for a burying Place for the Inhabitants.

St. Benet Sherehog Church.

New Queen street, so called, as being a new Street since the Fire of London, built in the Place of Sopar lane, but much broader. Which said Street fronts New King street: Which was also made so spacious for the Grace of Guild-hall, that fronteth both; and for the Conveniency of the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and City Officers in their passage from Guild hall, to take Barge at the Three Crane stairs, at the lower end of this Street, to be rowed to Westminster, for the new Lord Maior to be sworn by the Barons of the Exchequer.

New Queenstreet.

The part of the Street in this Ward, goeth no further than Pancrase lane on the East side, and to Weld Court on the West side; which is a very good large Place, with an open passage, and well inhabited; which falls into George Yard. This Yard hath a Passage into Bow Lane and hath but a small part in this Ward: the like hath George Yard, as hath also Weld Court, the greatest being in Cordwainer Ward, where they are taken notice of.

Weld Court.

George Yard.

Bow Lane.

The Poultry, a good large and broad Street, and a very great Thoroughfare for Coaches, Carts, and Foot Passengers, being seated in the Heart of the City, and leading to and from the Royal Exchange; and from thence to Fleet street, the Strand, Westminster, and the Western Parts: And therefore so well inhabited by great Tradesmen. It begins on the West, by the Old Jury, where Cheapside ends, and reaches to the Stocks Market, by Cornhill. On the North side is Scalding Alley; a large Place, containing two or three Alleys, and a square Court with good Buildings, and well inhabited; but the greatest part is in Breadstreet Ward, where it is mentioned.

The Poultry.

Scalding Alley.

St. Mildreds Poultry; this Church is neatly built of Free stone, with a graceful Dial hanging over into the Street. The Church was destroyed in the great Fire of London, and rebuilt as now it is, and to this is united the Parish of St. Mary Colechurch.

St. Mildreds.

Somewhat West to this Church is the Poultry Counter, being the Prison belonging to one of the Sheriffs of London, for all such as are Arrested within the City and Liberties

Poultry Counter.
