[Jews.] Coleman street Ward. [St. Olaves.] 55

[Jews.] Coleman street Ward. [St. Olaves.]
[  The pagination has been corrected; it is page 57 in the original. ]

The same Year the Jews crucified a Child at Northampton; for the which Fact, many Jews at London were drawn at Horse tails, and hanged.

Jews hanged at London, for crucifying a Child at Northampton.

The 11th of Edward the Ist, John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury, commanded the Bishop of London to destroy all the Jews Synagogues in his Diocess.

Jews Synagogues destroyed.

The 16th of the said Edward, all the Jews in England, were (in one day) apprehended by Precept from the King; but they redeemed themselves for 12000 Pounds of Silver: Notwithstanding, in the 19th of his Reign, he banished them all out of England; giving them only to bear their Charge till they were out of his Realm: The Number of Jews then expulsed, were 15060 Persons. The King made a mighty mass of Money of their Houses, which he sold; and yet the Commons of England had granted, and gave him a fifteenth of all their Goods, to banish them.

All the Jews in England apprehended and redeemed for Money.

All the Jews banished this Realm.

The said King Edward I. in the 19th and 20th of his Reign, after this banishment of the Jews, seized all their Lands and Houses, and presently made several Grants of them: Whereof, in London, these were some. (Where it may be observ'd, that their Dwellings were chiefly in the parts of the City about Woodstreet, Ladd lane, Catte street, Colechurch street, Ironmonger lane, St. Laurence, and St. Olave Jewry.)

Grants of Jews Houses in London, from King Edw I. An. 1290. and 1291. Rec. Turr. 19 Ed. I. m.1. and 4.

J. S.

To Mattilda de Kellenden, those Houses, with the Appurtinences in Wodestrete and Ladde lane London; which were Gamaliel de Oxons, and Batamans, the Son of Cressei, late Jews of London.

Many Grants of Jews Houses; that were Leo de Cressey's, Son of Master * Elias, the Jews of the Parish of S. Martins de Pomer in Irmonger lane.

*As much as Rabbi perhaps.

Benedict the Son of Mayre the Jew; his House in the Parish of St. Laurence in the Jewry and Catte strete; granted to Will. Kyng.

A void place in the corner of Colchirch strete, which was Master Elias's Son of Moses, late Jew of London.

Robert de Basinges had a Grant of the Houses which were Myriels, Son of Cressy, Son of Gente; lying in the Parish of S. Mary Magdalene Melkstrete.

Alayn de Cordwayner, had a Grant of Houses which were Aaron's, Son of Slemme, in the Parish of S. Olaves in the Jewry, in Colchurch strete.

Johan de Laufare, had Houses which belonged to the Community of the Jews in Wodestrete.

More in Catte strete: Houses granted to the Friars and Convent of Chicksand; which Houses were Elias le Evest the Jews; and were situate between the Place of the Friers of the Sack, and the King's Street, called Sporier strete.

John Vesty had a Grant of Houses which were Moses's, Son of Master Elias the Jew, standing in the corner of Wodestrete.

Concerning a heavy yearly Tax, (called the King's Judaisme) laid upon the Jews in general, this may be added here. That An. 1271. 55 Hen. III. Prince Edward, his eldest Son, going into the Holy Land, the King, his Father, gave him, to assist him in his Pilgrimage 6000 Marks de Judaismo nostra; whereof 4000 were paid him; and 2000, upon the King's desire, the King of Almayn, his dear Brother, lent the said Prince. And King Henry, pro prædict. Curialitate, granted the said King of Almayn, his Executors or Assignes, to have Judaismum nostrum. And a Grant of it to our Jews of England, from the Feast of S. Michael, 1271. to Michaelmas next following, for one full Year, for the said 2000 Mark lent the King. That is to say, So that our Jews of England do pay within the said Year, to our said Brother, the said 2000 Marks, at the Terms under-written. And for default of payment, do forfeit 500 Mark, in the Name of a Pain. And upon the payment of the 2000 Mark, the said Judaism to return to Us and our Heirs.] And thus much for the Jews.

6000 Marks, a Tax upon the Jews.

FÅ“dera Convent. &c. p. 872.

The Parish of St. OLAVES in the Jewry.


In this Street, called the Old Jewry, is a proper Parish Church of St. Olave [Upwel] so called in Record. And there was a Well under the East end of this Church, lately turned to a Pump, but decayed, Anno 1320.

St. Olaves Old Jewry.

John Brian, Parson of St. Olave Upwell, in the Jewry, founded there a Chauntry; and gave two Messuages to that Parish, the 16th of Edward the 2d, and was by the said King confirmed.

This Church was repaired in the Year 1608. and again repaired and beautified in the Year of our Lord God 1628.]



It was one of the Churches consumed in the great Fire, but rebuilt since, with a Gallery at the lower end. It is built without Pillars, and a plain Cieling.

J. S.

In the Chancel, on the North Wall, is the Picture of Queen Elizabeth in her stately Monument, erected with Colums of Porphyry. And over against this, on the South Wall, the Picture of King Charles the Ist, at his Devotions; both Pictures of the largest size.

Within the Rails there is an ascent on three sides to the Communion Table: And all within the Rails, decently and artificially paved with black and white Marble.]

Communion Table.



In this Church, to the commendation of the Parson and Parishioners, the Monuments of the Dead remain less defaced, than in many other. First, of William Dikman, Ferrour, or Ironmonger, one of the Sheriffs of London, 1367. Robert Havelocke, Ironmonger, 1390. John Organ, Mercer, one of the Sheriffs, 1385. John Forrest, Vicar of St. Olaves, and of St. Stephen, which at that time was as a Chappel annexed to St. Olave, 1399. Henry Friole *, Taylor, 1400. Thomas Morsted, Esq; Chirurgion to Henry the IVth, Vth, and VIth, one of the Sheriffs, 1436.

*Eiriole, First Edit.

He builded a fair new Isle, to the inlargement of this Church, on the North side thereof, wherein he lieth buried, 1450. Adam Breakspeare, Chaplain 1411. William Kirkbie, Mercer, 1465. Robert Large, Mercer, Maior, 1440. He gave to that Church 200l. John Belwin, Founder, 1467. Gabriel Rave, Fuller, 1511. Wentworth, Esq; 1510. Thomas Michell, Ironmonger, 1527. Giles Dewes, Servant to Henry the VIIth, and to Henry VIIIth, Clerk of their Libraries, and Schoolmaster for the French Tongue to Prince Arthur, and to the Lady Mary, 1535. Richard Chamberlain, Ironmonger, one of the Sheriffs, 1562. Edmond Burlacy, Mercer, 1583. John Brian, &c.



Here lyeth under this Tombe, the body of Richard Chamberlaine, Ironmonger, Alderman and late Sheriffe of London, Merchant Adventurer, and free of Russia, who had two Wives,

A. M.
