Cripplegate Ward. [Monuments.] 72

Cripplegate Ward. [Monuments.]

Lord of Aburgaveny. By whom it is said Thomas had issue, Dudley, his Sonne and heyre; Leonard, his second Son; Margaret and Ursula now living; beside William and Mary, who died young.

[Digg's Coat was Gules, a Cross, Arg. five Eaglets.]

Deo Opt. Max. & Memoriæ.
Hic resurrectionem mortuorum expectat Thomas Digsæus, Armiger, ex Antiqua Digsæorum in Cantia Familia, oriundus. Vir fide & pietate in Deum singulari, rei militaris admodum peritus, optimarum literarum studiosus, & scientiis Mathematicis ad miraculum (ut ex libris editis constat) eruditissimus: Quem Deus in Cœlestem Patriam, Anno salutis, 1595. evocavit. Charissimo Marito Uxor mœstissima posuit.

Here lieth in an assured hope to rise in Christ, Thomas Digges, Esquire, sometime Muster- Master of the English Army in the Low-Countries: A Man zealously affected to true Rligion, wise, discreete, courteous, faithful to his Friends, and of rare knowledge in Geometry, Astrologie, and other Mathematicall Sciences: who finished this transitory Life with an happy end, in Anno 1595.
That the Dead might live, Christ dyed.

Here lieth buried, Elizabeth Norreis, Daughter of the right Honourable, Sir Henry Norreis, Knight, Lord Norreis of Ricot; Who deceased the 18. day of April, 1574.

A plated stone by the Communion Table.

Armig. hic. Jon. Constantinus positus, genetrici subjacet; æternè lætentur in arce polorum. Qui Februo cessit. Mil. I. Cent. quatuor bis & octo.

A marvellous antient plated Stone.

An. 1116.

Here lieth entombed, Ralph Woodcock, Grocer and Alderman of London. Who departed this life the first day of September, 1586. aged 67 yeeres. Hee had foure Wives, Helen Collier, by whom he had five Sonnes and three Daughters. * Good Bower, by whom he had ten Sonnes and † five Daughters. Elenor Carew, by whom he had one Daughter. And Mary * Lovyson, by whom he had no issue.

A very fair Tomb in the South side of the Quire.

*Al. Goda.


*Al. Lonyson.

The Coat of Arm here, for his second Wife, Bower, was a Cross patee. For Carew, his third Wife, was Paly of six Arg. and Sable. On a Chief Gules, three Lions rampant, Or. His fourth, Lovyson, bare Arg. a Fesse Sable, between three Wolfs, or Talbots, passant of the Second.]

J. S.

Elizabeth whose     
husband Davy hight,
Lyeth buried here till     
time the Trumpet blow:
But sure the heavens     
possesse her sacred sprite,
Her vertuous life and     
godly end did show.
And they that knew her     
pathes of perfect love,
The sundry Gifts that     
garnished her life,
Can witnesse well, and     
by her end approve,
There seldome hath been     
seene a better Wife.
Give God the praise for     
such her happy race:
And pray, that we     
like Vertues may embrace:
She died the 12. day of August, 1569.]

A fair plated Stone by the Communion Table.

Mary Briggs, the Daugher of Thomas Crofts, deceased the 8. day of August, Anno Domini 1610. being of the Age of 31 Years.

A fair Tomb at the upper end of the South side of the Chancel.


Davis Briggs, Citizen and Skinner of London: Who had two Wives, Mary, the Daughter of Thomas Crofts, Draper; by whom he had two Sons and four Daughters: And Rebecah, the Daughter of Humfrey Street, Merchant Tayler; by whom he had no issue. Who deceased the 17. day of June, Anno Dom. 1626. being of the Age of 57 years, and lyeth here entombed, in hope of a glorious Resurrection.
William, out of a dutiful Respect, to his dear Parents, consecrated this Monument.

Here lyeth the Body of Master Robert Offley, Gent. Son of High Offley, Alderman of this City. Who took to Wife Elizabeth, the Daughter of Humfrey Street; by whom he had issue seven Sons and six Daughters. He dyed at the Age of 64 years, on the 4 day of November, 1631.

A fair Monument against the other.

Deo Trino & Uni Sacrum.
THOMAS HAYES, Eques Auratus, secundum Christi Adventum, sub hoc Tumulo expectat. Qui cum ab Adolescentia per magnam Europæ partem Mercaturam exercuisset, ita industria & judicio claruit, ut unanimi omnium Consensu Maior hujus Civitatis cooptatus fuerit; & cum hoc summum summi Magistratus officium, non solum singulari Integritate, sed & excellenti veræ Religionis promulgandæ cura, & Pietate, executus fuisset, tandem septuagesimo ætatis anno Deo bonisq; charus, pie & placide in Domino obdormivit, Anno Salutis, 1617.

On the North side of the Chancel.

MARTHA Uxor mœstissima Viro suo optimo, officiosæ Pietatis & Memoriæ Ergo, hoc Monumentum P.]

He bore two Shields Quarterly. 1. Or. powdered of Ermin Sable. 3 Lions Head erazed of the first. 2. Arg. a Fesse Embattailed, Gules. On a Chief 3 Martlets, Sable. His first Wife bore Gules, two bends, Verry, Arg. and Az. His second Wife, Verry, Arg. and Az. On a Chief Or. Three Lions Rampant Sable.

J. S.

Late MONUMENTS since the Fire, for Persons interred here.

Late Monuments.

A flat Stone before the Communion Table, over Walter Pell, Esq; Alderman, and Merchant Taylor of London, 1673. He gave 100l. (as I am told) towards the rebuilding of the Church.

J. S.

Over the Communiuon Table, Penons, of a square Fashion for the Funerals of Jeffreys Lord Wem, here buried; and likewise for his Sister. Here lies also the Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, whose Corps was first buried in the Tower, where he dyed.

Over the North Door, two Figures halfway, for Rich. Chandler, Citizen and Haberdasher, Esq; 1691. Aged 85. And his Brother John Chandler, 1686. Aged 59.
