[St. Mary Magdalen Cripplegate Ward. Milkstreet.] 74

[St. Mary Magdalen Cripplegate Ward. Milkstreet.]

ried to Richard Waren, Esquire; and (after his decease) to Thomas Knevet, Esquire, one of her Majesties privie Chamber. Susanna the second Daughter, was married to Henry Townsend, Esquire. Joane the third Daughter, was married to John Thinne, Esquire.
Katharine, the second Wife of Sir Rowland Hayward, was Daughter to Thomas Smith, Esquire. By whom he had likewise three Sons and five Daughters; whereof one Sonne and one Daughter died Infants. The two Sons and four Daughters yet living, are George, John, Alice, Katharine, Mary, and Anne; all young and unmarried at their Fathers death.
Decus vitæ, est honorata mors.
This Tombe was erected by the appointment
of Edward Pilsworth, and William
Cotton, Citizens of London, and
Executors of the said Sir

Here lieth buried under this Stone, the body of Robert Hodgson, Esquire, one of the Auditors of the Queens Majesties Court of Exchquer; who died the 26 day of May, in the yeere of our Lord, 1577.]

A Gravestone at the entrance into the Quire Door.

Hic jacet Willielmus Philips, Arm. Registrarius Rev. Patris, Dom. Episc. London. suæ Curiæ Commisariatus London, & qui 80 Annorum pie transactis in Dom. placide obdormivit 4 die Mens: Septembris, An. Dom. 1625. Relinquens post se 6 ex 18. liberis.


In the South Isle, upon a fair Marble Stone.

In Christ alone I onely trust,
To rise in number of the just.
Here under lyeth buried the Body of Katharine Edwards, sometime beloved Wife of John Edwards, of this Parish of St. Alphage; She departed this transitory Life on the sixth day of January, 1628. and in the 45. yeere of her Age; having had issue by her said Husband, five Sonnes and seven Daughters.

My Body here in dust doth rest,     
Sin caus'd that Earth claimes it as due,
My Soule's in Heaven for ever blest,     
Yet both in one, Christ will renew.

On another fair Stone in the same Isle.

MONUMENTS of later times, set up for Persons buried in St. Alphage Church, are these.

Later Monuments.

J. S.

In the Chancel. Flat Stones, for Samuel Brewer of the Inner Temple, Gent. 1684. This Samuel Brewer gave a Farm at Tyler's Cawsey, lying in Hatfield and Barkhamsted in Hartfordshire; by Will, An. 1684. valued at 27l. per Ann. for the Alms house in Sion College.

James Halsey, D.D. formerly Rector of this Parish; An. 1640.

Thomas Wright, 1700.

Thomas Dawson, Doctor of Physick, 1682.

The Children of Jerom and Mary Clutterbuck.

In the Body of the Church. Thomas Evans, Citizen and Painter Stainer of London, 1687. A Benefactor to this Parish, and his Company.

John Johnson, late Glazier to King William the Third.

On the South Wall, a Monument for John Edwards, and Katharine his Wife. He was buried 1646. and She 1629. He was Servant to Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles, for Pikes, &c. in the Stores of the Tower of London.

A flat Stone upon William Edwards, Esq; and Margaret his Wife. She died 1681. and He, 1687.

James Daggar, Citizen and Turner of London, and Isabel his Wife: Deceased in the Years 1610-1611. Having been Man and Wife 43 Years.

At the lower end of the Church, Elizabeth Whilton, Wife of John Whilton, 1697.

Anthony Messenger, Carpenter, and Mary his Sister, 1625. and his Children.

There was a Parsonage House, but burnt in the great Fire.


Three Houses are now built upon the Ground; of which there was a Lease made of 50 Years, and 4l. per Ann. Rent, paid to the Minister.

The Legacies and Bequests to this Parish, are registred; and a Table thereof hangeth up in the Church, with the Names of the Benefactors.


GIFTS for Perpetuity.


1504. Joan Chamberlain, Widow, sometime of the Parish of St. Michael Bassishaw, gave to the Poor, for Coals, every Winter, 13s. 4d.

1591. Sir Rowland Hayward, Kt. twice Lord Maior of this City, gave in his Life time, for the relief of the Poor, to be given in Bread every Sabbath Day, 20d. with the Vauntage, 4l.

1613. Sir John Swinnerton, Kt. Lord Maior; of the Parish of Aldermanbury, and born in this Parish; gave in his life time, to be given in Bread every Sabbath Day, 2s. 11d. with the Vauntage, 7l.

GIFTS of Benevolence.


1624. Thomas Langhorn, of this Parish, and a Common Council of this City, gave 18s. yearly, for 16 Years.

1625. Rob. Lock, of this Parish, gave to the Poor, and for repairing of the Church, 15l.

1629. John Brown, Merchant Adventurer, of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange, gave, for repairing of the Church, 30l.

Now to return to Milkstreet, so called of Milk sold there, (as is supposed.) There be many fair Houses for wealthy Merchants, and others. Among the which I read, that Gregory Rokesley, Chief Say Master of the King's Mints, and Maior of London, in the Year 1275. the 3d of Edward I. (in which Office he continued seven Years together) dwelled in this Milkstreet, in an House belonging to the Priory of Lewes in Sussex: whereof he was Tenant at Will, paying 20s. by the Year, without being bounden to Reparations; or other Charge. Such were the Rents of those times.


Gregory Rokesley, Maior of London, his House Rent 20 Shillings the year.

The Parish Church of St. MARY MAGDALEN Milkstreet.


In this Milkstreet, is a small Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen; which hath of late Years been repaired.

It was since repaired and beautified at the Charge of the Parish, in the Year of our Lord God, 1619.

Repaired and adorned.


Gilbert Ward,
Thomas Smith,

All the Chancel Window was built, at the proper Cost of Mr. Benjamin Henshaw, Mer-
