[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward. 75

[Monuments.] Cripplegate Ward.

chant Taylor, and one of the City Captains: The Charge of it arising to 60l. and upwards.

In the Year 1633. there was added to this, a fair Communion Table, with a decent Frame about it. Which, with some other Things then done to the further beautifying of the Church, amounted to the Sum of 30l.

John Rundel,
John Clutterbuck,

This Church burnt down by the Fire, was not rebuilt.

J. S.

There never was any Vicarage or Parsonage House.


No Gifts, Legacies, or Bequests, for reparation of the Church.


There was a Lecture preached on Fridays; which Dr. Mapletoft, late Incumbent of S. Laurence Jewry, preached; since the Parish of Milkstreet is laid to that Church.]




William Browne, Maior, 1513. gave to this Church Forty Pounds, and was buried there. Thomas Exmew, Maior, 1528. gave Forty Pounds, and was buried there: So was John Mitford, one of the Sheriffs, 1375. John Olney, Maior, 1375. Richard Rawson, one of the Sheriffs, 1476. Henry Kelsey. Sir John Browne, Maior, 1497. Thomas Muschampe, one of the Sheriffs, 1463. Sir William Cantlow, Kt. Mercer, 1462. Henry Cantlow, Mercer, Merchant of the Staple; who builded a Chappel, and was buried therein, 1495, John West, Mercer, Alderman, 1517. John Machel, Alderman, 1558. Thomas Skinner, Clothworker, Maior, 1596.

Persons buried here.



Here lieth the Corps of Thomas Skinner, late Citzen and Alderman of London; borne at Saffron Walden in Essex; who in the 63 yeere of his age, and on the 5 day of December, Anno Dom. 1596. being then Lord Maior of this City, departed this life, leaving behind him three Sonnes, John, Thomas, and Richard; and three Daughters, Anne, Julian, and Elizabeth.

A comely Monument in South Isle of the Quire.

A. M.

Here lieth interred the body of Mistresse Mary Collet, Wife of Mr. John Collet, Citizen and Salter of London. Who deceased the 22 of December, An. Dom. 1613. being aged 35 yeeres.

This Marble witnesse,     
dew-dropt with the Eies
Of grieved Niobe, tels     
thee, that here lies
Her second Husbands joy,     
her first content,
Her Parents comfort,     
her Friends ornament;
Her Neighbours welcome,     
her deare Kindreds losse,
Her own Health's foe,     
deeming all pleasure drosse;
The World a Jayle, whence,     
through much paine we see,
Her Soule at length     
hath purchast liberty;
And soar'd on high. where     
her Redeemer lives;
Who (for her torment)     
Rest and Glory gives.

A fair Stone in the same Isle before the Monument forenamed.

Here lie the bodies of Gerard Gore, Citizen, Merchant Taylor, and Alderman of London, and of Helen his Wife; who lived together married 57 yeeres. The said Gerard died the 11 day of December, 1607. in the 91 yeere of his age. And shee departed this life the 13 day of February, in the foresaid yeere, being 75 yeeres old.

A comely Tomb in the Chancel, by another much more ancient Tomb of Henry Cantilowe.

Here lyeth the body of Thomas Henshawe, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London; who had to Wife Flower Henshawe, and had issue by her, 9 Sons, and four Daughters. He deceased the 11 day of January 1611. aged 76 yeeres: And she died the 6 of March, 1615. aged about 60 yeeres.

A fair Stone at the entrance into the Quire.

Here lieth the Body of Sir William Stone, Kt. free of the Clothworkers and Turkie Companies, sometime Alderman of this City. HeHHe was the Sonne of Reynold Stone, Citizen and Fishmonger of London. The said Sir William departed this Life the 14 of September, 1609. aged 63 yeeres, &c.

As the Earth, the     
Earth doth cover,
So under Stone     
lyes another;
Sir William Stone,     
who long deceased,
Ere the Worlds love     
him released;
So much it lov'd him.     
For they say,
He answered Death     
before his day;
But 'tis not so;     
for he was sought
Of one that both him     
made and bought.
He remain'd     
the great Lords Treasure,
Who called for him     
at his pleasure,
And receiv'd him.     
Yet be'it said,
Earth griev'd that Heaven     
so soone was paid.

Here likewise lyes     
inhumed in one Bed,
Dame Barbara,     
the welbeloved Wife
Of this remembred Knight:     
whose Soules are fled
From this dimme Vale     
to everlasting life.
Where no more change,     
nor no more separation
Shall make them flye     
from their blest habitation.

Grasse of levitie,
Span in brevity,
Flowers felicity,
Fire of misery,
Winds stability
Is mortality.

Their Riches were     
like Corne lent to the fielde,
What it receiv'd,     
it manifold did yeeld.
Their Bodies have a Grave,     
their Vertues none,
But shall with time grow greene,     
when they are gone.

A very fair Monument in the Chancel, on the North side.
